Post the last image you saved from Sup Forums

Post the last image you saved from Sup Forums


















how many people post this to trump's twitter?

soon to be my profile pic

Not enough



this is art



Is the peanut butter jar photoshopped because I've seen this picture over 5 times and this is the first time I've seen the jar?




i dated a girl like this. she worked for a traveling freak show. cool chick. no lie.

Anyone know the name of this girl?


This is Briana Johnster










Ugh, the right really believes this? No significant number of people on the left believe Islamic terrorism isn't committed because of religion, more often they just believe we shouldn't categorize millions of people as subscribing to a supposedly inherently violent ideology.

looks like ivanka



Is that exactly how it's spelled? Famous or amateur? She has a hog filling her mouth




Ayyyy I have dubs



What the fuck? My number just ended in "33" why did it have to change?

Timestamp or it didn't happened


I don't know what your asking? I just posted this image that I downloaded like five minutes ago from another posting. What's a time stamp

go to bed kid, it is ok to be newfag. You'll maybe grow a dick some day.


You see? It says "you" which means it's me. I had a dubs. "33" to be exact



don't know if I instruct you or continue to make fun...
>data fail



kek'd hard



Noice still


Holy!! Sauce!!





Hello fellow kids





you are dumb







Someone's gf








Holy fuck.


I feel like lurking on Sup Forums for a long ass time is not a mark of manliness or maturity, and that you are also a newfag and a sad lonely person.
