General nostalgia thread

General nostalgia thread



The OG

>PlayStation was way better



I learned literally nothing from this

check and mate. this proves n64 > ps1




>activates trap card

picked up from local thrift store
>sorta works

>get rekt faggot

Fucking hell it's been so long!


Anyone know what these were called? Are they matchbox?
Got em around 88 or 89

Oh please...

And better graphics

Plz help. Post more cats. My other nostalgia thread died.


How old are you???

2 words
>Crash bandicoot

Well shit

Oh fuck yeah! My nigger!

>when your rich 98% white school lets you play kid pix when you finish your advanced kindergarten math homework

>perfect dark better than mgs

Old enough to have gotten them from 88 or 89

This between PlayStation and 64! You can't do that

Damn, normally there's mainly edgy people from the 90s and early 2000s that's on here.

And I got to play spy fox

Dumplet incoming

The rest of them

Still have it installed and give it a playthrough every 6 months or so to remember the good days of rpgs




That game was so good. I played a lot of the Pajama Sam trilogy too. All the HE games were great

I'm old but not old enough to get rid of my shit
>aug 1985 btw
Same age as just about most people on here


Ha I got to play turok

The PlayStation was only good for Resident Evil and Final Fantasy.

Is that an unopened Dick Kickem game I see?


>Jan '96
I would assume this is closer to the average age here

I thought I had something from Sagwa but I was mistaken. Have this cool cat instead.

And tony hawk and gran turismo and toy story 2 and ape escape and MGS



Dats fine
No 64 game can top this

Yeah you guys are babies. Imma fuck off now

This was quite literally the first video game I ever played in my life. I was 3 and vaguely remembered it but my step-dad didn't know what I was talking about. He doesn't remember having this game.

Oh sorry Gramps
>here ya go

Why is that pink hegehog human fusion sonic OC fucking a big butted goomba?

fucking yes




Fuck yes!

I only played the demo, ironically I had a PlayStation growing up but never had any games. My neighbor worked at a disc distribution facility and just gave me millions and trillions of demos.
I've played games that weren't ever released for PlayStation but also never beat any game until I was already a man
>also no memory card

lel fuck off normie

Not nostalgic saw that 5 min ago on the rest of this board

them feels was so sad when little foots mum died.

now we're talkin

This was my first "console"


Dude yes soul reaver amd soul reaver 2 were my shit

Was this on toonami?

That is indeed one cool cat. Have more cats as a gift, good sir.

This was the most nigger game, first level was LITERALLY impossible

The good old days

i was watching this and playing killer instinct

Those days are gone friendo, our only hope is to have as many threads as possible that are literally anything but fap material.
>why I started this nostalgia thread

All possible memories of 64 were crushed when my older bro sold the 64 to buy weed. Only got to play super Mario upto the frozen mountain
>loved pushin that penguin off the edge

Can't we have both?

Not yet, I don't think either. Maybe if the fap threads die down some but this place might have to be destroyed before it'll change

>when Sup Forums is now more of a porn site than a message board anymore
>when Sup Forums will soon be older than some of-age users were when they still peed their diapers
>when Sup Forums is so old that it was made at a time where it was socially acceptable to think of George W Bush as a good president

what the actual fuck

Yes, user. Tenchi Muyo.

You should try google searching this game. Its nearly impossible to find a torrent.

Never seen it, all I watched was Gundam and hamtaro and Robin warriors when it was still on

Any of you faggots beta enough to admit you watched the old Hello Kitty animated series?

When I was 6 I watched Strawberry shortcake and actually enjoyed it.

It's just too late, it strayed out of control and in a direction no one wanted until everyone just stopped caring. Now there's nothing that can be done except wait in this urin soaked hellhole til it burns to the ground
>>also gameboy color

When I was 4 I watched care bears and liked it

Wtf can be torrented? If you fucking tell me lego island can be ill shit bricks

2/10 not enough build up and missing a comma

Lego island,
>pic related
I'm guessing would probably be easier to find an old computer,run windows 98, And eBay the game. Rather than find a torrent for it. Right?

Underrated as fuck.

Have only played 2 4 and 5, which one is this?


fun fact: ape escape was the 1st PS1 game that required the dual shok controller.

No wonder you can't find a torrent. Your english is more broken than my mexican friend who works at taco bell.


You know, when the first season of MLP was around, the urban dictionary definition of brony referred to them as guys who prefer shows targeted to little girls LIKE My Little Pony. I thought I was a brony because I secretly still liked the Strawberry Shortcake show and other girly shit as an adult. Nope, turns out I was just a faggot who didn't like MLP. And now I'm a trap. Talk about the good old days.

It was a Street Fighter spin off on the PSX and it was the first SF to not use sprites. It also had two sequels, the third game being on Ps2. A lot of people give the EX games shit, but I think they're fun and they have an interesting cast of characters as well as great music.


not surprising that the graphics are worse and uglier than SNES games. the playstation was just that bad.

>that goddamn triceratops
Holy fucking shit user, you're stirring memories I didn't even know I had.
