Yes ive had quite a bit unprotected sex this past few months with different girls but all looked and smelled safe at...

yes ive had quite a bit unprotected sex this past few months with different girls but all looked and smelled safe at least

Deleted my question

What the fuck is this on my dick Sup Forums???

ya got the herp bucko.

What the fuck

this guy gets it. good luck with herpes. on a lighter note at least its isn't HIV

>looked and smelled safe
Nigga wut?

You cant know at all by looks and smell. It might be herpes or hsv2.

buy condoms ffs

>looked and smelled safe
Pussy aint a bag of weed user

My asshole looks good and smells sweet, will you lick it for me?

lmao better than getting some thot preggo i suppose. too bad thats gonna stick with ya even longer

But a bag of weed can be a pussy if you try hard enough.

you didn't wash your dick after she had her acidic cum juice on your cock, and it's left your dick festering overnight. You'll be fine, aqueous cream

>looked and smelled safe

you deserve this for your own retardation

Those bubble blisters user Das herps

Herpes looks like fucking hairinfections
I should Know.. I got it!

Ty Ida you slut

smelled safe :^)

Most STD's are invisible, no warts, no bad smell, no bad taste.
She can look, smell and taste clean and be transmitting disease to you. Protect yourself. Protect your dick.

Bruh that shit looks like razor burn


>Might be herpes or HSV2

Hahahaha your cock looks like Robbie Williams at the end of his "Rock DJ" filmclip.

Or like the villain Hugo Weaving turns into in Captain America


Go see a doctor ffs.

Im happy you are in discomfort you degenerate fudgepacking piece of pondscum

>Guy with herpes reporting
That is herpes wether you like it or not. Very clear blistering, classic primary outbreak. If you hurry to the doc they will give pills right away and hopefully you get them in time to keep them from bursting

Bruh, the doctor said it looked like hairsack infection, I went on to fuck others.
I suddenly get thoose back, after not shaving for over months(have happend 3 times in 2 years)

We take a sample and it was confirmed herpes.
Doctor then say the first outbreak(which pic is from) was the first time outbreak and are the biggest and worst and are prone to leave scars.

GOOD NEWS DOH, scars are borderline invisible now, even from the newer outbreaks.

>Have you infected others
Yes, the last time I had gotten a outbreak, I ended up passing it on to my THEN gf.
She broke up with me..

Ida, the slut that keeps on giving.

#4chans blog

Only spread it once, seems like im not passing it on when its dormant, so.. as long as I don't dip without rubber when its blistning up, im good.

Didn't smell that herpes?

Yeah I've never passed mine on cuz i check every morning for an outbreak

>all looked and smelled safe at least