What's Sup Forums opinion on it?

what's Sup Forums opinion on it?

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pretty good. blue lines is bttr tho

good album, prefer portishead

very memorable and has a great vibe throughout. I think this is their best work but blue lines is close 2nd

It's a great album, and I'm not trying to be contrarian, but I find 100th Window to be superior.

Bretty gud, though Teardrop is a bit overrated (Black Milk is better) and I don't get why Exchange (Instrumental) is on the album.

it's a classic and a great album

people don't talk about it much because you can't really talk shit about it and, well this is Sup Forums, you only talk shit here

MA+Tricky > MA without

deserves all the praise it gets

>Teardrop is a bit overrated

No one prefers Protection over Mezzanine?

i lost my virginity to this album, it's a great album for setting the mood...

I do, I prefer their earlier sound system/Jamaican roots influence

Protection > No Protection > Blue Lines > the rest

>Protection the track
maybe their best song
>Protection the album
dunno, it has the name track and maybe... Karmakoma?

Sly > Karmacoma

this song brings me somewhere else it's crazy

why is Heligoland so underrated

Is it possible to hate Massive Attack?

I know dude. Atlas Air is.. whoa

I love Dissolved Girl too much.

good album

have sex/10

I love protection for late night drives


you'd have to be a massive pleb

Great album. Love it and Blue Lines

>I don't get why Exchange (Instrumental)

because it's the second best cut behind Black Milk

One of my favorites, love the sexy and druggy vibes

The production is top-notch

Good album. Sometimes the instrumentals overshadow the vocals, but other than that...it's legit

Sly (Underdog Mix) > Sly

Massive Attack agrees with me too, that's why they opened their BBC 4 Essential Mix with it.


Too front heavy, I lose interest after the first 4 tracks, which are pretty fucking good.

Try adderall?

I enjoy plenty of music that requires patience or attentive listening, I just don't care much for Mezzanine past the initial couple of tracks.

But it was a great quip friend, I'm sure people watch their words carefully around you to avoid one of your trademark biting retorts.

Actually just know that one song from the original Assassin's Creed TV ad. Teardrop was it called I think

>mfw the bass on Lately

Most of the country has heard part Teardrop at this point, between that commercial and being the theme for House.


good album, has aged like milk tho

>has aged like milk tho
fuck you

it has

the production screams "90s", in a odd way
the vocals range from passable to outright mediocre
it gets a bit repetitive after a few songs
still a great album

>it's not trap or chillstep garbage so it aged like shit

It's consistent throughout, the instrumentals create a sufficiently dark yet emotional mood, the vocals (especially Collete's) are mostly spot on. I get what Is saying, the first four tracks are full on and then it cools off a little, but for me the albums builds to a climax on Group Four, probabky one of their greatest songs. This was MA at their peak, also reminds me of an interesting time of my adolescence.

no and no
wasn't even talking about that

bet you're a millenial faggot who knows portishead, massive attack, the list goes and listens to the "mu essentials playlist"

it isn't a bad album but to deny that it doesn't sound like a very basically produced album with cheesy, almost laughable at parts vocals (again, still a good album) screams of enlightened millenial with a fetish for the 90s

It's my personal favorite of Massive Attack, even tho it's got those edgy vibes. It's nice music to relax to on a rainy day.

actually the millennial would probs have to be you for using descriptors like cheesy and laughable instead of seeing the album for what it is which is a product of it's time that's aged just about fine

Good album

I thought it was there for remixes or rappers or something?

The first 5 tracks are one of the greatest musical achievements of all time.
Because Inertia Creeps is so incredibly intense there needs to be a calm

I've said this before... but this album contains objectively the two best hip hop tracks of all time:



>inb4 this isn't hip hop