Alright /b

Alright /b.

10/10 everywhere by top reviewers.

With the exception of a few.

Lay the truth on me. Did Nintendo pay off all these reviewers to inflate their score to sell better?

What's your thoughts on that and on the game itself?

So, you wanna work on a farm you stupid dick. well listen up

First off fucking forget about fucking not getting up at dawn mother fucker.

What you need to have are some chickens, n00b. Stats: They are made of chicken. But thats not all because eggs also come out of their ass holes

Cows are pretty big but since they ust eat grass there is no reason not to have a bunch of these badasses in your unit, shit head. If you jack them off you can get some milk

Oh, and the furry shit that sheep are covered in? Its the fucking stuff that motherfucking clothes are made out of! It grows on SHeep!! Ka ching

I doubt Nintendo paid them off, BUT
I think all the reviewers are nostalgicfags, willing to give any Zelda title a 9+ rating.
Imo it doesn't deserve a 10, it wasn't a perfect mind blowing experience that kept me enthralled the whole time.
It was a great game, I'd honestly give it a 9.

I ,as an obsessive zelda fan, respect that

basically this, the biggest zelda fan at the publication reviews it. still though, it does honestly look good

I've been debating giving it a 10/10 myself.
I am not nostalgic for Zelda, and I never played an open world game before. I have logged over 80 hours so far.

>Did Nintendo pay off all these reviewers to inflate their score to sell better?
well it's not just Nintendo, all the game companies do that. that's what gamergate was all about until every reddit faggot had to stick their dick in it and make it about their thing. the end result being gaming "journalism" is still worthless bribes for scores garbage.

If you've never played an open world I honestly recommend elder scrolls, preferably Skyrim.
You will never want to leave, a ton better at it than Breath of the wild was (still a great game)

Havent had time to okay it. Wife thinks is the best game since RE4

Haven't played the game, but I find there to be some pretty decent content in The Legend of Zelda games in general, just that it's sometimes in a not so neat package. 10/10's come from the people who was into it, likely. I myself was not, even though I see why some love the series.

Wasn't gamergate just some sjw sucking dick cause she wanted a good review on her shit tier ame? Hardly what Nintendo or bigger companies need to do

The first Zelda will always be the best
Mine was Wind Waker

No way a game that plays with less than 30 solid fps should ever be a 10/10. How the damn game plays is part of the equation.

There is so much freedom and depth, moreso than any other game. The game never repays as long as you keep moving.

go play a real game like this one


but i have a tiny penis and need to have fully control of penis sliders in character creators

The more updates it has, the more my FPS drop, fuck that game. Meanwhile the more updates DayZ has, the more is my FPS rising. Both are shit though.

great game held back by shitty nintendo hardware

comparing dayz to rust is like comparing zelda on n64 to zelda on the switch

fact: zelda on 64 was last true zelda and only good zelda.

But they made it with that hardware in mind from day one. Face it: it's the game they set out to make.

>Did Nintendo pay off all these reviewers to inflate their score to sell better?
No, but they indeed gave it an over favorable rating. It's the "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" thing all over again.

>What's your thoughts on that and on the game itself?
The game is GOOD, but it is NOT PERFECT. Some bugs here and there, bad system performance, retarded inventory/weaponry system.

I have so many friends that just dont 'get' zelda. What are they not seeing? It's a fucking masterpiece. 9-10 for sure. No questions.

Your wife knows her shit. Keeper.

I've been playing it since it came out and it's the best open world game I've ever seen. IMO there aren't enough good review of it, it's really making me speechless and the world itself is just endless. I've wasted 30 hours in the first 2 regions alone and that's about 5% of the total area you have AFAIK. It's open world perfection, I hope they'll release some good RPGs on the switch now like xenogears

it doesn't have to be bribes, the Zelda franchise is just unnaturally appealing. Take me for instance. I'm not even a Zeldafag, I'm an FFfag (6, 7, and 9). I fucked around on a friend's copy of A Link To The Past a few times way back when, mostly just loading his save file and dicking around, not remotely trying to move forward in the game. My old roomie played the hell out of Ocarina Of Time and that fucking fairy annoyed the shit out of me. I tried playing it for maybe a half hour but that retarded N64 controller made for three-handed aliens kept me from getting into it. All totaled I've maybe played two hours of Zelda in my life and 3/4 of that was on SNES.

And yet for reasons I cannot comprehend I find myself REALLY wanting a replica of the Master Sword, maybe a Hylian Shield to go with it. I'm never going to buy a Buster Sword, Masamune, or Save The Queen, but I really want this sword from a game I didn't even play.

I never noticed much, a stutter here and there but never took away from the experience, do you enjoy games or just launch a game to look at FPS?

My most conservative rating would be 8.5/10. Not too much story but what story there is, is pretty good. The fact that you cant roll is killing me because Ive played so much Dark Souls. Arrows are 10/10. The fact you get bombs basically at the beginning is the best idea theyve ever had.

That was better when Mitchell and Webb did it

>better than breath of the wild
Breath of the wild isn't perfect by any means, but it sure is better than that piece of shit