Waifu thread
Previous: The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Discuss yours and other's choices
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Insult Dio
Waifu thread
nice lol
Honestly Waifu claimers are the most sensitive and easily trolled group on Sup Forums, that's why they do this and you let them you autistic fucks
Then either reflect on, or it's rather hopeless for you.
Or you're just trying to troll me.
The shit poster made this thread he's just gonna delete it don't use this one
>Refrain from posting porn
well that went well
it's hopeless :(
Real thread:
I see I started to slow these virginity festivals down for the night
t. newfagg that has never been outside Sup Forums
>implying you aren't triggered by this site and take every reply as an insult
why are there so many retards here :thinking:
>past 10 pm
you sure did it boi
I'd advise just thinking about it instead. I know thinking is uncomfortable, and no that's not a passive aggressive insult, but maybe do it anyways.
Why do we need 3 threads?
what am i meant to think about?
look at timestamps
What i just said. Christ.
but i don't understand what you just said :(
for some obscene reason i look at that pic and see just constant yelling!
Instead you could have a look at s.n,a,p,c,h,a.t,y(,)me to fap to local sluts nudes.
It says this was made first, so why do we need two others made after it?
That's why you think about it.
>retard hasn't deleted yet
You're not very smart.
You can't delete an old thread. Stop bumping it you mental invalids.
>Stop bumping it
>bumps it
I bumped it on page one. You guys have been bumping it off 9.