Thoughts on this image?

Thoughts on this image?

Can you make them kiss?

what is that and why is it actually painful to look at

i really

No, satan.

Who knows?

I can't see the image, I close my eyes when I masturbate

wow in a row

This made me feel very uneasy for some reason I can't explain.


The one on the left looks like my b-hole

These two will 100% absolutely steal your girl.

You know it!

is this a genders?

lol @ the screenshot.
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

That explains why there are only two.

>Bunch of faggots

me on the left


Chrisko Raddly, and Mr. Whoops Cain.



(edit: have some gold)

the uncanny valley goes deeper than previously realized.