Whats ur opinion about it?
Whats ur opinion about it?
It'd be the day Sup Forums died.
What the fuck is the point of the death penalty? They just kill them ''painlessly'' and whats next? Yup Nothing! They should be trortured IMO it would keep many more fuckers from raping lil kiddies u kno
Killing people just for being a paedophile would be fucking retarded.
I don't know. I mean, what have the children ever done for me?
"Well, if I get caught I'll only die. It's not like I'll be tortured or anything, so it's fine."
>child killers
When did we ever have death penalties for pedos, anyways? Hating on pedos is a 70s invention.
Child killers, yes. They are monsters,
Child fuckers? No They bring orgasms to toddlers. How is that a bad thIng?
That'd be giving the government a hell of a lot of power. Whoever they want to kill they just plant a 17 nude year old in their PC or something; and down they go. People would buy it every single time since 17 year olds do look a fucking lot like 18 year olds; and the most searched tern in porn is "teen". There you go, technically everyone is a pedophile and everyone who they want dead is dead on their tracks.
Chemical castration and put them in work camps.
Kek'd. Also dubs speak truth.
We would have to bring back the death penalty for buggery, since we're going full traditionalist. No more feminine penis for you sinners. No extra-marrital or pre-marrital sex either. And you'd better not try to do anything that's not in the missionary position.
Depends, if they're guilty and it's 100% proven then sure, but the problem is a lot of cases aren't black and white and there's a chance the accused is innocent
>nothing but missionary position
Your mother won't be happy.
Push em from a tower with there balls tied to a rope
She died in the missionary position. She's already happy bitch.
Double standards enlightening faggot
>jumping to conclusions
How do you know I wasn't conceived doggy style?
Send them all to live on an island together. Each new arrival gets a bag full of basic supplies and has to survive their with the rest of them.
Why? Do you like it ruff?
You would think this is torture but a community full of non violent pedo would actually be quite successful and would probably start space travel within a century. The oppressed will prevail.
It'll just drive them deeper. Pedophilia is one of those social issues that you can't just kill away, it pops up pretty fucking randomly across a wide cross section of civilization.
Australia is the shit. It has legit jungles/rainforest for dinosaur hybrids to thrive on.
Maybe because it's normal...
Death is a blessing for those monsters. They get beat up or tortured in prison if they arent locked away in solitude. I'd rather they get taken to the center of town and lashed from morning to night for an entire day, then released to jail for a year.
Why don't you browse to s,n,a,p.c.h.a,t.y(,)me to fap to school's hottest girl's nudes.
>only commies and Muslims (and murica) have death penalty
Historically, we're the only civilization that ever had an issue with pedophiles. It's a leftover from the puritan days, and it's only still around because of the feminist movement.
That's the deeper, more important question about the entire thing. Is it normal? Or is it just normal in a hyper sexualized civilization, where there is a lot more time for leisure and wandering thoughts?
No. The death penalty should be abolished
Meant for
You probably should go visit s,n,a.p,c,h,a,t.y(,)me to fap to local sluts nudes.
if fucking a 9 yr old wife is good enough for the prophet muhammad its good enough for me
No. They should all be thrown on an island to build houses out of each other bones. Rain water, blood, and human meat the only forms of nourishment.
The public can watch a live stream for a fee. The fee is used for prisoner shipment.
Killers, pedophiles and rapist deserve to put up against a wall and then get shot in the head.
All of them.
Yes, death penalty for negros too.
Great idea actually
To answer that question, you need to realize what life is to you. Is it happiness or knowledge. Pedos are naturally inclined to pleasure and want purity.
the death penalty should be abolished until the courts can prove zero false convictions ever for anything.
...except for cop killer's maybe but even then it needs to be hard as fuck to sentence.
kek'd hard.
Bitches will do anything for political leverage. Maybe they just really don't like chest hair and penises?
Meh. Cops are too much nowadays. If anything, cop killers should be encouraged with full autos.
>he still thinks blacks are the problem
are you 70 something?
>Assuming his age
I'm fucking triggered now. Thanks nigger
For child killers/rapists/molesters, yes. I'm not sure what "paedophile" means, exactly. If it's just thinking/feeling something, then I don't believe people should be put to death for that.
That being said, the Earth's human birth:death rate is like 2.4:1 and there are so many people who aren't pulling their weight. If you're an adult and you can't even piece together a way to live your life without raping, murdering, abusing children, then it's probably time for you to go.
GET THIS THE FUCK OUT OF Sup Forums Sup Forumsro
Why stop there? Abolish prisons unless you can guarantee, 100%, no false convictions for anything, ever. Or do you think you can live with yourself knowing an innocent person, somewhere, might, maybe be locked up without deserving it?
Only total perfection is acceptable.
congrats on making it to middle school. go be a dumbass somewhere else.
Triggered is obvious
if you're not asian don't idolize us it's fucking weird how you white people fetishize asian (and to a lesser extent black) culture
They have hurt society enough, why should we pay for them to continue living.
killers i agree but how have the others hurt society?
people can be released from prison, usually with monetary compensation to boot!
but yes, to better make your argument for you, I hear tell it's more common than you'd think that folks get put in prison awaiting trial or simply falsely conviced/suspected and before they make it back out in a few weeks they get shanked in the showers for being a fat girly piggly and resisting whatever. shit if i was less stoned i could google the one about the parents thought a night in the drunk tank would be best for their brat son and he died in a fight before they could get him out the next day.
this is a fat load of 'shit happens' mixed with a scoop of 'we desperately need prison reform' even people who've never been to jail can pretty much guess how it works in there.
is it?
Serial killers sometimes start by raping. In the long run, we can cut down on serial killers by just killing them of early.
Yes. I fell like society is not appreciating my concept.
It's doomsday/escape from New York without the ability to escape.
Nice suggestion
This x 1000. Being a pedophile is not a crime.
Kill yourself, fucking moralfag.
Children are sexual beings and enjoy orgasms and exploratory sex play.
As long as pedos keep that in mind and don't tear apart anyone's internal organs then I don't really give a fuck.
Oooh, edgy.
Perfect logic
You sir have a fuckers up mentality. I'm sure you are just being Edgy but Fuck you
Edgy but it saves a lot of money
Come on. You think pedos have self control?
i would be in favor of public lynching or firing squad
The problem is wrongful convictions, which DO happen. As long as they're alive, they have a chance to prove their innocence.
Also, there's no point. Child killers are impulsive people who don't even think about punishment. And it costs more money to kill someone than it does to imprison them for life.
It actually costs more to execute someone, with the cost of appeals and what not. That's how our legal system works.
And before you say that's fucked up just remember if not for those appeals, we could just go around accusing anyone we don't like of being a pedo and watch them get wrongfully executed.
Life in prison is the most logical way of dealing with them. Plus if they're later exonerated by new evidence we don't have to live with the guilt of killing an innocent person. It happens more than you think.
Yes, but only decided by the number of the crime. If he only kills 1 child, then just prison. But, if he kills a bus load of children, then off with his head.
serial killers are often also victims of child rape. It's part of what causes them to become emotionless psychopaths. So we could REALLY cut down on their numbers by executing the rapist as well as rape victims.
We should hope incriminating evidence isn't being fabricated or exculpatory evidence isn't being suppressed. Just saying.
Yeah, right. As if civilization is built on self-control and not fear of violence. You keep people in line with laws and, to a lesser extent, culture.
As for the traumatizing effect of dick, that's a shitty feminist meme that the jews want you to believe.
No. It's society that creates a killer. Being oppressed creates a killer. Having norms creates a killer.
>Prove me wrong
Firing squads aren’t that expansive
I think it's impossible to know if the person that killed a kid is really from the future and killing potentially the next Hitler, but just got caught before he could get back to his time machine. So no.
Extreme impulsiveness combined with no fear of retribution creates a killer.
No. That is false.
oh you must live in russia
here in the usa we have something called "do process"
It's one of the reasons we're less of a complete decaying post apocalyptic shit hole than you are.
If there were no self-control in society, law and order would not uphold.
I believe in that to an extent, but people have free will and they chose to take a life.
you watch too much dexter bro.
take an abnormal psychology class, you'll sound like less of an autistic NEET shithead.
He's got a point
Criminally insane don't really have free will. Many have uncontrollable compulsions to kill. SOme have voices urging them to do so, and many believe even worse things will happen if they don't heed those voices.
Well then that’s not society then, they were determent at berth to kill.
killing someone for their sexuality is fucked up
Assuming. You're wrong.
I've found the pedos