What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

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What the fuck is wrong with OP? Why did he make this thread again?

Too many Jews!
Come visit my zoo!

You think this is a Democracy?

They're fed bullshit about how they're the best country in the world and how America can do no wrong since they're little kids. They're poorly educated, so they believe it, and most of them never leave their own country, so they have no point of reference.

They're a bunch of ham-hocked, unthinking, jingoistic, flag-waving zombies.


Sorry, but it's true, faggot.

Same thing that is wrong with most countries, comrade.


White poverty pushing blame on black poverty. White poverty pushing blame on immigrants. Black poverty pushing blame on cop. White poverty and black poverty trusting government and corporation.

You get your Jimmies all rustled with? Over this?
Get a real life.

this is now a laugh at idiots (communists) thread


>built a wall to keep the Allis out.
>Allis put sanctions on them with food causing their people to starve then blaming it on them.

If capitalism is so great how come minimum wage faggots like you get so triggered anytime someone says otherwise?

If it wasn't failing it wouldn't need the autistic screeching of libertarians to defend it.

good b8 but it was the west that was airdropping them food


They`re so afraid of Communism they completely rejected any social ideas and eventually chose Fascism... and now they are going to get the shit show they deserve


>it was "Allis" fault communism has never worked
absolutely incorrect.

i never said it was great, but it's a hell of a lot better than communism

seriously, communism has never worked, and it never will. furthermore, all modern communists are retarded.


this pretty much describes every first world country on earth you dick eating faggot

and the strongest, greatest country in the world. really makes you think. actually you can't think, because youre bumfuck retarded. sorry, wasting thousands on a liberal arts degree doesn't make you smart

They still have balls, big ones

>a billionaire praising corrupt politicians
wow, drumpf btfo


Bunch of faggots mad that America can and will fuck their shit teir country up.

>Trump is an ex Democrat

No shit
Trump is a 90's Democrat, problem is Democrats have become Communists

Not really, no. Most first world countries have much better education systems and tend to be more neutral with the nationalism. Also, most Canadians and Europeans tend to travel outside their own countries, probably because we get mandatory paid vacation every year and you don't.

But I don't blame you for not knowing that, you've never been to any of those places.

But they are the best country in the world. Literally.

>I can beat you up, therefore I'm a better person


Muh freedums!

trump has always been a conservative. although in 1991, he said he'd run as a dem


Why do 4channers hate Trump so much?
He's like a spawn of this place, ya'll mother fuckers should be bending your knees for him. Sup Forums GOT A PRESIDENT WHO SHITPOSTS ON TWITTER AND ALL THEY CAN DO IS INSULT HIM


didn't say that. but that's also true anyways. I can just tell from your response that you're a low-IQ socialist.

>Have all of the Ukrainian breadbasket
>Have millions of acres of arable Russian farmland
>Have extensive fisheries reserves
>Have a gulag slave army to extract resources

>Still starving

It was their own fault you dumb nigger

True. Aside from education, health, average wealth, satisfaction of lifestyle, overall happiness, and the respect of the global community.

Otherwise, dead on.

Nothing about him is conservative, except maybe the recent cuts, but to be fair, Obama Admin greatly over expanded the government when we couldn't pay for it, this had to be done

Sup Forums loves trump, it's just redditors and newfags that don't like him, which is why Sup Forums gets so triggered by him

Resistence is futile!

What the fuck is wrong with the rest of the world that it would compel Americans to go that far?

Other people shit on America all the time and never think it undeserved..... you honestly gonna do that and stand there satisfied to believe that when America hates you it's for no good reason?
Trump was the cartoonish exclamation point hovering atop the middle finger pointed at everything in the States and Abroad that was pissing Americans off.
I don't care what the fuck is wrong with you, I don't care anymore I just don't, I don't care at all. Whatever the fuck is wrong with you is just wrong with you, and just fuck you. Fuck you forever.

Rothschild and Bernays have won.

>smaller federal government, less tax, tightened borders/immigration, nationalist, larger military, pro gun freedom/free speech etc
he's conservative, but clearly he's the most liberal republican ever in office

Instead you could go to s.n.a,p,c.h,a,t,y(,)me to fap to school's hottest girl's nudes.

Your distictions are irrelevant.

Now you're just talking out of your ass

wow. they can lack all those things and still be the greatest country in the world. they really are amazing, arent they.

Bullshit. They've been friends for years.

>can't provide an argument

the distinction is clear. also that meme is fucking gay, go post it on facebook for your 5 friends

well you described about 50% of americans.

It's still leading the world in many industries. Although they're losing their lead.

We have been played for fools. The trumpkins still don't know.

>a picture means theyre friends

god you people are fucking retarded. read his old interviews, he sounds exactly the same politically as he does today.

of course he sucked up to corrupt politicans, he sucked up to everyone, that's how business works

seriously. wouldn't you realize your system sucks if you're citizens were fleeing?

I do not want to live any where else. I absolutely fucking love this location and country. I word burn the world to the ground if they threatened to ruin my land.


I'm American and i agree

>about 50% of americans
Please do not say that. Almost every resident of the American continent believes the gringos to be a great cancer on the world.

what's your point? now the billionaire is being the corrupt politician and benefiting a hundredfold from corruption, he just cut out the middleman

We have a Twelve-Step Program for you, sir. There is hope!

Your culture, your industry, your technologies, your second language (if you're lucky) have all been dictated by us. For decades we have conditioned you to make you think you had anything beyond your undeserved sense of superiority. We were made by the refuse of the world: the unwanted came here, embittered and shrewd. We permitted you your dignity, but now, we have unleashed the middle east on you.

The first will soon be last. Pray for your children.

American and quite accurate.

Trump was in his 60's.

Don't lie you British cunt.

you shit cunts

communists are delusional

not an interview, it's the first thing that comes up on (((google))). try doing some actual research, you dumbass.

>drumpf is like hitler!
>he's a liberal democrat
>now the billionaire is being the corrupt politician and benefiting a hundredfold from corruption

Most of the country is rural and working class, and there isn't really a place in the modern world for rural, working class people. Literally no one cares about them, and they chose Trump because they were desperate, but he doesn't care about them, either.

follow the news, dummy

slide thread, sage

>Your culture

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hsdflsdfjv

I don't have time, since you know, I work and go to school. send me some sources if it's so obvious.

please tell me how triggered are you?

too many of them are stupid enough to vote for this lying prick

>brings back 300,000 jobs in under 3 months
>lowers debt
>delivers more than any past president
>btfo out of sjw and cancerous media
how brainwashed/gay do you have to be to dislike this guy?


I would just go visit s.n.a,p,c.h.a,t.y(,)me to fap to local sluts nudes.

Fucking useless MuriKKKans, go stuff yourselves. You call that your president? Have you no shame?




it's not like the other choice was better

And Shaina thanks you for your support. Fucking useless gringos.

>giant corporations hate him
why are liberals so damn stupid?

No need to shout.

By the way: Trump is not one of me. But he is the smaller evil and there are actually some things where i can go with.

Did someone say "choice"? Where did that idea come from?

White euros are garbage


So him actually giving money to dems isn't a better indicator of his political beliefs than him giving lip service to barbara walters?



it wasn't about left or right, it was about establishment or anti-establishment. shrink government power or increase it. globalism or nationalism. the left-right dichotomy was invented to divide the people.

Good thing they're endangered.


the future is female, user

dummys follow the the news.

There are at least two sides of a story ...


And that is why the idiot MuriKKKans are the world's laughingstock. Even Jesus thinks you're pieces of shit!


a professional experienced politician with over a decade of white house experience was not a better choice? lol


ohhh, as a progressive i didn't realize trump and bannon are also homo progressives. They got my vote!


him giving money to dems is proof of money in politics, nothing more (he benifitted greatly from bill clinton). or do you actually think billionaires giving money to politicians is an indicator of political beliefs? read his fucking interviews you colossal dumbfuck, you don't know what you're talking about

it is obvious, just google it
the latest is china forgiving loans and paying Jared crazy money
before that they granted Trump things that he couldn't get for a decade
that's going on all over the world

Second language
>literally called English

ahaha you don't realise how small your world view is.

>for your 5 friends
Mine are organic. Yours are F A K E !
Lying pieces of shit!

American here, and I concur.

>trump has always been a conservative.

>talks about shame
>unironically attempts a hashtag on Sup Forums