I'm a detective/FTO in a mid sized U.S. police department. AMA

I'm a detective/FTO in a mid sized U.S. police department. AMA.

I am going to the notorious Sup Forums to try to answer any questions y'all may have, and my goal is to try to humanize the badge to some people on this site, we are also people, we want to go home to our families just as much as you do. I blurred out my patches, badge number and dept name per department policy and because I have common sense.

Keep your questions law enforcement related, anything off topic will be ignored.



I cannot answer state specific questions regarding grounds for citations, fines, etc. this all depends on your state/city laws and local ordinances.

Visit humanizingthebadge.com/ if you support law enforcement and want to learn more about the movement.


how to expose a shitty corrupt cop other than talking to the police?

what does a UFO do exactly?
and does the government know abotu your work?

I'm an FTO, a field training officer. Not a UFO. And yes I work for the city, so the government does know about my work.

What do you do when the law/special circumstances force you to do something unjust/you feel is unjust? How do you feel?

what type of handgun do you carry for duty and what holsters do you use as a detective. I'm sure you switch between hip and shoulder. Just curious

If it's a small agency, go to the police chief or sheriff. For a bigger agency, speak to someone in internal affairs. Depending on the circumstances, you could even take it to a federal agency.

Also, how long did you spend as a patrol officer before you became a detective? Do you prefer a marked or unmarked vehicle?


Did you support Trump?
In a people vs. govt situation, which side would you take?

how many blacks you shot?

Yo. Thanks dude. Society doesn't work without police, and a lot of people conveniently forget that.

That being said. As a favor to the chaos on here for picking our brains, will you let cannabis offenders slide? If they have some cartel mids, fuck em, but if you happen upon someone with some quality bud, would you let them go? Most growers are not criminals in the traditional sense and would sympathize with LE if they weren't raiding us all the time.

What happens when your near a crime scene? is everyone a suspect?

how does one be a detective AND an FTO? you must live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

Why do some of you go out of your way to get people for nonviolent crimes?

Why are so many people still going to jail for a just having weed. btw people who say nyc is weed friendly cause it's decriminalized is fucking lying.

NYC police are easily some of the worst out there.

Many of us on here support law enforcement. keep up the good work

Are the tv shows real?

Why do cops have such attitude.. your basically government paid janitors with guns?

NYC is THE easiest place to buy and smoke, wtf are you talking about?

Serious question: Why do cops arrest kids for smoking pot when they know other kids the same age in other states will not be arrested and have their lives ruined? I know you say youre enforcing the law but seriously, cant you guys just use your discretion to let a kid slide? you can tell kids from criminal types im sure and these arrests are ruining lives for some americans while others are free from that fear. Why cant you guys say, look i cant give this back to you but get going and next time i will have no choice but charge you? or why cant you guys go to state senates and insist on decriminalization?

why are state police such assholes, while small town cops are cool?

are you a fucking nigger?

this is /b you faglord no fucking rules

Can you please shoot more niggers?

what do you mean by NYC? I went to manhattan and it was P L A G U E D with cops. dunno about the rest of the city tho

Regardless of how I feel, I am required to push those feelings aside and do my job. Sometimes I don't like certain laws and policies, but I am replaceable. If I don't do my job then my department will replace me with someone who will.

I have a Smith & Wesson M&P 9 and I do have a concealed carry permit.

Can't be too specific but over 7 years, I was a patrol officer (preferred night shift) and I was bumped to the detectives division about a year ago, I had a close relationship with all of our detectives and I was vetted. I was certified as an FTO before I became a detective, though.

Cops are still huge fucking dickheads about it. people are cool but cops still go ham on that shit.

What is your perosnal opinion on how as a society, we should handle the drug problem?

State police are real. Have you seen their training? It's like mini boot camp.

could that be due to the fact that over 8 fuckin million people live there

so that means they have to be 100% down your throat searching for something to ticket you with?

How does it feel knowing you deserve to be executed in public for enforcing laws that impede personal liberties and rights?

If an action does not directly impede the rights of another it should not be illegal.

How does it feel to know you should be publicly executed for ruining people and children's lives?
"hey guy, you might ruin your life with those drugs so how about I arrest you (resulting in loss of job, missing school, lost wages, and $1000's in fines) add a permanent record basically forcing you out of the work force, and absolutely entirely ruining a persons life".

If you blindly enforce the law you are a puppet and as guilty as any nazi. Your only redemption is to immediately reject the enforcement of any law that does not directly relate to a person impeding another person's rights.

>fake boston badge
>can't be FTO and detective at same time
>whole website filled with cringey stories in hopes people will BUY things from the store




yeah every foot soldier in every single genocide was also a "person who wanted to go home to their family" too, what's your point, swine?

I've heard the police force is divided on this but, Spiderman. Friend or menace?

can you not. this is a good thread



It means they've been trained to take their jobs seriously.

I agree some offenses are bullshit and some cops are dicks but you can't unilaterally be opposed to either without simultaneously advocating anarchy.


sounds about right, M&P 9c or full size? I like both personally. I know you can be specific though as to how long you were a patrol officer. There is a State Patrol officer and a homicide detective that live on my street who I talk to all the time. Both great guys and the detective is very specific about pretty much everything he tells me. Exactly 5 years as a patrol officer in the city of Charleston, he applied to be a detective about a year before he was offered a position and he was picked because he already got along with the other detectives and had very good intuition and an eye for detail. For 8 months he was on call 24/7 after he was promoted. The only thing he couldn't tell me was how long the detective training classes were and sort of what he had to go through as far as certain forensic techniques.


You're falling the fuck behind here, ossifer.

Presuming this is real, thanks. My brother is LE in Texas and I hear about some of the stuff you deal with every day. It's not an easy job and most cops are trying to do the right thing.




What is the worst day you've ever had on the job?

What was the most rewarding thing you've ever done on the job.

Yes, but no too. I'm a victim of this, but in most cases people need a wake up call and their lives aren't ruined.

OP, how common is girls offering sexual favors to get out of tickets??

how many people did you kill?

Why do cops think their lives are worth any more than an average citizen's? If anything they're worth less because they ended up becoming fucking cops


How long have you been on Sup Forums?



Say I ordered illegal materials through the mail, what are the ways the police department could get wise to what I'm doing?

What are the majority of your coworker's political views?




If you want to humanize the badge how about you try doing your job for once instead of just being a giant revenue collecting organisation?

there are cops specifically for mail and shit.


as someone who still does this, don't use a drop house, they keep track of mail going to those addresses, use your own address and only order domestic. Customs is your enemy.






also, don't use a stupid name or anything. Larry Underpants will catch their attention.

Only good cop is a dead cop


There are often 2 sides to a story, but not every police officer is like that, I agree that there are some bad apples out there who don't deserve to wear the badge, but the other majority of LEOs work hard and enjoy serving their communities.

In a fresh crime scene with several people on scene, we will consider everyone to be a suspect until we can determine otherwise, we don't treat them like suspects, we just stay vigilant and aware that they may be armed and/or dangerous. When you pull up to a shooting scene, you never know if the shooter is hidden in the crowd.

The T.V. shows usually just show the drama, they aren't meant to be realistic, because it isn't entertaining. They don't show the hours of paperwork and the hours you spend collecting evidence and dusting for prints. Some shows, yes to a certain extent, but others are just cliche Hollywood cop shows.



mug shi\ot, fuck teh police

OP why do you taze helpless citizens who are already on the ground and have been tased, faggot? And why are you hacking my tablet right now?



Why are the majority of personnel writing tickets or arresting petty crimes. Like for instance having 1 gram of marjuanna, stealing a bag of chips from a gas station, or looking at a nude pic of a 17 year old girl. These crimes seem to be very minor and petty. I understand they are illegal but efforts should be spent stopping bigger crimes and tracking down real criminals. Do you agree or whats your take on this?


Instead you could have a look at s,n,a.p.c,h,a,t,y(,)me to fap to school's hottest girl's nudes.

do you guys have quotas on how many people you give tickets too... i've always wondered

Everyone is like... "police officers are just money makers for the city handing out tickets"




He'll say no but the answer is yes

Source: GF's Dad is a Police Sergeant and he got drunk and spilled beans to me once




Concealed weapons permit holder here. I'm always discreetly strapped.

How much assistance do the cops want from us? Like, obviously if some cop is supine and about to get his throat slit by some mutt, I'm going to draw and shoot him. But what if they are just rasslin' and the cop is not in obvious mortal danger? What if I see he's pulled over a whole carload of gang bangers on a country highway by himself, does he want some armed backup? Or do you want us to stay the fuck away?

I don't want to get mistaken for a perp and shot when I'm only trying to help.

certain cities do, underfunded cities. most don't.

1000 times this. Like if a kid is drunk driving, and has some weed in the car, by all means bust him for both, if he's got weed and is a definite bad apple, or involved in some other criminal activity.

But if it's just straight up an individual, who is away from children, not bothering anyone just minding their own business trying to smoke a plant in a supposedly free country - why the fuck do so many cops still arrest you? I guess I know the answer for my state, Virginia. Our fines for simple possession are higher than almost all other criminal fines. I remember when I was in court the guy that went before me was charged with wreckless endangerment and driving whole intoxicated and shit, and his fines were 250 dollars less than mine and I was literally in there for microscopic flakes of marijuana that was found in a bag in my car. I'm sure the cop has some incentive/encouragement to charge the crimes with the higher fines. Maybe not true everywhere in America but definitely here in the CommonWEALTH of Virginia.

Seriously only pieces of shit ruin a kids chance at a good future over a harmless plant. Even if you don't answer my question just know this... Pieces of shit enforce marijuana laws. You want a better relationship with the Public? Quit enforcing bullshit laws that are only around to make people money, and keep pharmaceutical industry profits high.


ITT: user pretends to be a cop and newfags believe him

awooooooo boys in blue


