Be me

>Be me
>21 years old
>no license, no car
>Sees car at auto shop thats been sitting for a couple years
>Ask garage owner if he'd sell it
>Says yes
>Needs small amount of work
>Good engine
>Good tires
>I started to save up for it on Tuesday
>$77 out of $1000 already made
>1984 Mazda 626 LX
>Pic kinda related

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cool story, what is your point tho brosef aside from the fact your saving for a car?

"small amount of work" =

gonna cost a helluva lot more than 1000$ believe me

Does Sup Forums think this is a good car, and should I get it or get a different one

why are you buying a car if you don't have a license?

wtf don't buy anything older than 20 years for more than 300 bucks bro

that's way too much $$$ for that old of a vehicle, that needs work.. cars that have been sitting are prone to all sorts of problems.

>77 out of 1000

Boy howdy do you got a long way to go

because then I can practice with my own car instead of fucking up a family members car

I know but i figure if i put away like $50 a week i should have it in a few months