Hey Sup Forums, been lurking here for some years now. Never made an actual thread. I won't bother with a sob story...

Hey Sup Forums, been lurking here for some years now. Never made an actual thread. I won't bother with a sob story, cause this shit could be made up so what's the point. Long story short, my family fucked up, I had to give them all my savings and now I'm in a really bad place financially. I have 3 weeks left until I get another paycheck. But I still have to pay rent and get some food, so If anyone is down to help a Sup Forumsrother out with any donation through paypal, I'd be happy with a dollar from 5 people . Atleast I'll get dinner tonight. I don't have any other form of income and I don't wanna take any type of loans.. It doesn't hurt to ask for help right? Even if I get nothing, I hope ya'll have a good one. Thanks for keeping me busy Sup Forums.
> TL;DR help a Sup Forumsrother out if you're in the position to do so
> PP : fvyexe@gmail.com
> AMA , i'll stick to the thread for a few hours

Fuck off faggot, go suck dicks on a corner like your mom did.

Dude, dont be so fucking rude

it's okay, I expected this from Sup Forums. Would be weird if this didn't happen.

Ill help ya out if you tell me this:
In what way did they fuck up so fucking bad that they need to take YOUR money wich YOU use to sustain yourself?


Im not op lol

Why did you give them your money? How did they fuck up so bad? Did they default on their mortgage and like, 5 different loans? Please tell us how they are in such a shit financial position, and tell them that they should give you weekly instalments back starting today.

Well, simply put. They took a huge loan a while ago, they havent been able to pay it lately and it was taken to court and they got forced out for 8000 euros or losing the only house they own, which is my grandfathers, he died 2 years ago So I had nothing left to do, but to cover for them. Cause if not, they'd be fucked and i'd be fucked with them.

I'll donate 10 bucks for nudes. Time stamp ofc