How to deal with the suicide of a friend? Pic related, unfortunately.
How to deal with the suicide of a friend? Pic related, unfortunately
Dress like a girl and find the biggest cock you can find.
Also send that to the god damned police you idiot. Stop wasting time
Go out to a party and make a new friend. Hopefully the new friend isn't a suicidal cuntflap like the old one.
Commit suicide and you can be with your friend again.
if you know his address then call the police to his house otherwise try to talk him down from it
if not then get a new friend
speaking through playstation, finna hit up opticalmouse- rn. Kill yourself bitch nigga
join him.
Is the deed already done, or are you here when you should be there?
If it's done, then... sorry bro. A very close friend of mine did this a few years ago, but with less warning. Fucking destroyed everyone around him - friends, family, coworkers... He might as well have pulled the pin on a grenade and gathered them all up close to him, for the damage it did.
How to deal? I'll let you know if I ever figure it out.
> Caring about someone who you have never met
> Playstation buddies
> must be 14
> friend sees the light and tries to kill himself
> OP lives like nothing happens
> OP makes bread about it
> your friendship was never true
> How to deal? I'll let you know if I ever figure it out.
deep and edgy my nig
I don't know his address or any of his personal info.
found him and he has filthy frank as a cover photo. Jheez good job hes topped himself
I knew him for about six months. We shared lot of laughs and good times. The past few days he was making me worry about him and now this.
> One of my coworkers, also a really good friend of mine, is having a serious problem with his ex-wife and a custody battle over their teenage daughter.
> See him being crushed by it; tell my boss I'm really worried about how much pressure he's under.
> We call him in and tell him we are concerned, and willing to help in any way we can, ask if there's anything we can do, etc. Take a few days off and get your head on straight, bro.
> Next day, his wife calls me, sobbing. He just blew his brains out.
True story. Feels bad, man.
hes a little bitch, attention seeking prick leave him ruin his own life and just sit back and watch him crave the attention that you're not gonna' give. Hes pathetic and his name matches his situation...childish.
I already tried to.
MFW "I already tried to" only refers to getting a new friend... :3
cuckhold bread
Now, I'm actually meeting this girl tonight, who's boyfriend is a cuck. So I'm pretty much gonna fuck her, while he is watching.
This kind of constellation is very new to me. Can anybody with cuckolding experience tell me some ways to improve the pleasure not only for me, but also for them?
try not to look at him
just pretend he's not even there
Referred to talking him down from it
he needs a dick