Why do white people eat such nasty food?
ITT: Gross shit white people eat.
Why do white people eat such nasty food?
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Thats chink food you fool
If youre going to hate whites do it right.
Hate whites for literature, science, math, medicine, peace, music, art, culture.
Ubba wubba bix nood!
Rabbit meat is good. Have you even tried it? No? I thought so. Brown people eat eyeballs, intestines, brains, etc. Op is retarded
It's actually French whitie food, fuck off.
Chinese eat everything
French eat everything
Niggers starve
Only savages eat meat.
Animals eat other animals. Do you not understand the food chain?
Because it tastes nice. Unlike the literal shit you niggers eat.
>implying all animals eat other animals
>implying humans need to eat meat
>implying humans haven't overcome the need for meat
>implying animals factory farm
I hunt. Also, not eating meat doesn't help the killing of animals. Maybe the plants you eat were going to be eaten by an animal, but were farmed before they could.