Who is the ditto of music?

who is the ditto of music?


katy perry


kidz bop


Literally Ween.

this or Weird Al are the only real answers

Rolling Stones

Death Grips

The Rolling Stones
They made their entire career out of taking various styles of music ( whether it be blues, psychedelia, hard rock, counrty, reggae, disco, etc.) and making them their own

I don't know honestly. By ditto do you mean that they got their otherwise consistent sound by pulling from other people or do you mean that they have a varied discography that sounds like many different artists?

Travis Scott but he improves on most of his influences


Led Zeppelin


David Bowie and Garm/Ulver

only thing approaching a correct answer in this thread

David Bowie

its obviously ariel pink

new album when?


hopefully soon, i love him. i was late to the pom pom train after listening to his other albums for a few years but he really impressed me with the new one.
