Is it just me or does amy schumer look like she has down syndrome in this pic

is it just me or does amy schumer look like she has down syndrome in this pic

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She always looks like a fugly cabbage patch doll

Amy Schumer looks like someone turkey basted a bloated a corpse

>in this pic

And this is the ugly girl who constantly talks about sex and her genitals. Yuck

cuz she's totally funny for real you guys

She's a slightly less ugly Lena Dunham.

That special was shit.

I say we troll her for her fat fuckery.

Tbh I'd hit that. She wouldn't be my first choice, like if I was at a bar and I've been striking out and they've called last call, yeah I'd hit that. Definitely would wear a condom and pull out

The special was shit, but posting this guy doesn't really bolster confidence in the argument.

crowder is funny though and it's like the first video that comes up if your youtuber ammy schumer special. figured it was relevant. He is a right winger, if you are a libcuck yeah you won't like his content.

heres her response

>she actually thinks she's good
fucking lmao


I thought part of her routine was how she does have down syndrome?

Aber Gratulation zu den Doppeln

The only thing that's relevant in this scenario, frankly, is it's Amy Schumer. It shouldn't even be political in the first place. She's a terrible comedian, I don't think either side wants to claim her.

It's also kind of ironic you bring up cuck, since that dude literally didn't have sex til he was married.

so jokes like hey everyone check out my vag it smells worse than a barnyard animal suck and shes crying about her garbage standup routine?

Keep in mind, people from Maher to Seinfeld spend months if not a year honing their routine for on stage, Shumer literally did none of that so with no testing just went out there and wonders why it failed... This is why her special is rated down, this is why she is untalented when she cant even cut it at comedy clubs.

what fucking arenas does this fat bitch sel out?

She looks downy because she's fat. The stupidity doesn't help, either.

The Radisson over by the airport.

Why don't you have a look at s.n,a,p.c.h,a,t,y(.)me to leak school's hottest girl's nudes.

shit nigga you lost af

Your giving her too much credit my friend.

If she had downs then at least she'd have an excuse for being so incredibly talentless.

its just funny that she blames politics for bad ratings. its not a political ploy maybe people just didn't enjoy it?

I hated her schilling for Hillary, I know her uncle is a politician. I wonder if she got a fat checkfor it. or did she wanna use her platform to influence the younger gen. if im going to a comedy show leave fucking politics out of it u fat cunt

Not funny

seems to be getting fatter

she said something on marc marons podcast that she she and her sister used to be YUGE shoplifters, like they would steal shit and then return it for $$. and that her uncle got her of grand larceny charges.

I would fuck Amy Schumer.

will the alt get together and conspire not to go and see this?

Chuck Schumer -> the great protector of our freedoms

She's cracking.

Oh this looks fucking great, not one but two ugly bitches for two hours, I bet people will be lining up around the block for this awesome movie!

It already happened, thats why you losers are raging because you cant deal with a succesful fat comedian who happens to be a female,whether shes funny or not, or a joke thief, there are plenty of unfunny male comedians that dont get half the hate this dumb bitch gets, just face it you babies, its the female factor that makes you hate her.


look at her sick netflix raiting hahahahahhaha

Just like people line up to see fucking kevin james, no one wants to see that ugly fat fuck, give me a hot comedian who shows his dick.

>gold star
Nice rating you gave it.

For realsies though, it's rated at 1 star when I checked too

No it has a 3.5 star rating overall, nice job alt right youre a great troll.

it goes from red to gold when you leave a raiting,... i rated her 1 star and didnt watch it... im a hardcore internet troll so backoff yo!!!@@

I'd still fucking rail her in that leather

she has 1 star on netflix you heathen

>It already happened, thats why you losers are raging because you cant deal with a succesful fat comedian
Alot of comedians are fat dumbass, are you new on Earth or something? Like what is the level of your brain damage?

I'm sorry to break it to you user, but then you have shit taste. It's a 1 red star for me, meaning Netflix thinks on a scale of 1 to 5, I'd have little to no interest.

You both are yes it's you

She's a fat ugly dumb bitch, not even a feminist at all

Look I've never had an STD.but she could give me one.soooooo I'm down

more amy schumer said the robots

I tried to watch that show on Netflix and I managed to get past the 5 min mark then got bored and fastforwarded to the end to see if she stripped

Can you not read a sentence longer than 3 words, i said you only hate her because shes a female, you fucks cant deal with a successful women, it triggers you more than the patriarchy triggers the tumblrinas.

Shouldn't it say "Be an Amy Schumer"?

>i said you only hate her because shes a female,
There have been and are tons of female comedians, again your retarded, check your brain damage. Seriously, go see a doctor.

Can u name a female comedian you respect and why do you also hate Sarah Silverman.


Doesn´t look like Down Syndrome.

>Can u name a female comedian you respect and why do you also hate Sarah Silverman.
Lisa Lampenelli
Mindy Kaling
Roseanne Barr

Sarah Silverman isnt and never was much of a comedian newfag... She does some stuff here and there its never been her gig. Thats like basically saying Whoopi was a huge comedian, it was more like a part time job.

Now go get your head checked and eat dinner because you cant post here if your under 18 which you clearly are or its the brain damage... either way you should like go get that checked out before you become more of a brain dead idiot.

So who's worse, Amy or Chuck?

I genuinely wonder if their plan is to destroy the Democratic Party from the inside, and I'm loving it.

Sea world


Name 1 comedian less funny than Amy Schumer. Hard mode: no females.

Rob Snyder

I'm glad she is proud ripping jokes from better comedians. Such a rule model.





i can't stand this bitch

She actually makes the joke about being in a relationship with Ben & Jerry.
The joke that is the literal reason people think female comedians aren't funny.
But no, clearly it's not that she's just a talentless hack, it's the alt-right conspiring to tank her ratings.
I guess just because you're a huge joke doesn't make you funny.

This really disappoints me. For once in my life, I just want there to be an actual hilarious female comedian out there to inspire me. But alas, I have yet again been let down after having a shred of hope.

Every popular female 'comedian' out there always ends up being a a fucking whiney, annoying, cringey feminist as usual. Sigh.

>can't see anything i like about her
>generally don't find her funny
>don't find her to be that attractive
>don't watch her or follow anything about her
>there is no problem
Real headscratcher that one.

Holy shit, Goldie is still alive?

I don't think she likes me.

Lena is just plain.

There's something infuriating about how Schumer looks.

She can diet and lose weight all she wants; she's just one of those people destined to be fat