a cheeky pint edition
Other urls found in this thread:
i hate niggers and quasi-niggers
the gf
>that hand
Stop fucking posting this ugly bint you stupid fucking twat
Sick of seeing her stupid face absolutely drenched in makeup
jacking off and then taking a crap
I was at a party and, being my anti-social self, was reluctant to talk with anyone. Eventually I mustered up the courage to talk with the others. I mentioned the attrocities committed by the bourgeoisie and how they all must be lynched. I told them how property is theft and they all looked at me like I was crazy. "lmao what the fuck, user" they said. "who invited this guy" I heard from the corner. What the fuck is with these capitalist pigs these days? Where do they get off treating my like this?
Are people like this in England too?
umm she's my waifu sweetie x
watched farrah faith have a wee with her legs wide open
It's a sad state of affairs when you obsess over a girl like this
She isn't fit she's just not fat, that's literally it she just isn't a fat disgusting piggy and you go ape shit over her
Demolition Man is such a good movie
Cracking post.
hi nigger
What will you name your first born?
What did we think of the new Into the Badlands then lads?
>be me
>be 25 years old from the southeast of england
>born into a pretty well off but degenerate family
>never really made any friends during school because bit of a sperg and quite ugly
>failed my a-levels and went to some literally W H O uni because didnt know any better
>still working minimum wage sometimes, most of the time NEET
>had one girlfriend ever, although she was fat and i just didnt really realize it at the time
>apart from that just drunken mistakes
>now have stage IV non-smal cell cancer but doctors wont give me a scan because they say i'm too young
>my life has been a completely mistake, have nothign to show for any of it except an autistic knowledge of test cricket from ~2003 onwards
Highlight of the last thread:
that one old man who was getting angry about traps
mass effect is proper bo I tell thee
her body is perfect and she looks exotic because of her hair and face shape
most girls don't have that perfect body shape like she does
munching some pom bears
It was an alright post the first time
Baffles my mind how people still get trannies and traps mixed up to this day.
Makes it harder to find good trap porn because of it ngl. x
The true Queen of Brit
shocking thats all it takes to be attractive to most men
coked up, gimme some music lads
what's the difference?
Mate I will heem you AND Kazzer.
flatest arse in britain
how is it that grim even when she is curving her back
/brit/ approved tune-
arses are not sexy
dunno why this nigger culture ever bled into the west, but it's wrong
its alright
more interested in her front bum 2bh
Imagine being a fit girl
>if you don't like flat arses then you must be a nigger
ah yes, love this meme
t. nigger
im not a nigger
this is good coke music my lad
a white with nigger values is even worse
Which board do you go on lads?
It it isn't
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
And ONLY those 3 you need to leave right now
Thoughts on the Irish?
Article 50!
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
watching bariatric surgery videos
all that effort and most of them gain the weight back anyway
I swear to fucking god I answer this at least 3 times a week. Fuck off before I put you in A&E.
a cool part of being a man is that you can find any part of a woman sexy, even bums, and sometimes especially bums
/brit/ approved choon
tattoos only a 12 year old would think of getting
stream NOW
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
If you were to ask me this time at a weekend I might entertain the idea but as always.. I'm in the office so, I can't
you've been posting this for the past 3 months you weeb twat
need to see cara having a poo
dank vid
same excuse every time
I've been posting it since it's release date tbh
>weeb twat
Erm don't confuse Thailand with Glorious Nippon, arigatou.xxx
play it again....
...johnny guitar
Sup Forums is so crap now
Too fast, cheerleading squad for the yank president and full of Reddit teenage mongs
real choon
gay music for benders
followed fronk for like 3 years starting in 2011ish but stopped when he became an attentionwhore faggot
Still has the best happenings of any board on Sup Forums rn.
old skool choon
Looked outside and its snowing heavily with about two inches on the ground
Might go for a cheeky walk, thoughts?
a ringing endorsement
sounds comfy go for it
hey thailad what's the best laptop i can get that is also reasonably priced?
there's a white monkey in one of her videos
little dick thai bois must be livid
Sup Forums reached it's zenith and its only downhill from now. Their views are now mainstream and so common, they no longer have their edge. All they have now is paranoid delusions like Pizzagate.
>reasonably priced
Have you ever seen snow in real life? Anyway will make a snowball thinking of u
Sup Forums.org/banned
How new mate? be honest.
I don't check every new laptop as it comes out m8.
I don't think the bleached/cuck concept has reached here yet. That or they're too far gone to care.
ah yes "stomach cramps"
yeah I've spent a lot of my life overseas, but my mum didn't first see it until her mid-20s
ily x
would NOT
do you actually believe blacked/ cuck fetishes are mainstream in the west?