Watch this without crying, You cant

This thread is to discuss and remember the brave tragic hero Severus Snape.

>inb4 cuck meme

what a

Bravo Rowling

He was the hero we deserve...just not the one we need right now...

Is this why Harry Potter fans are such cucks?

Are they emulating a fictional character?

>fooled the most powerful dark wizard of all time for years
>Mcgonagall,Shacklebolt,Slughorn attacked him all at once and he stood his ground against three of the most powerful wizards in the books
>Third most powerful wizard in the story
>Killed Dumbledore
> a cuck

Bitch please, not everyone who loves a girl who doesnt love him back is a cuck. Snape is a G regardless of the fact he never got to taste Lily's ginger minge


>Watch this without crying, You cant
Except I can. Wanna know why? Because I'm not an underage child who's into Harry Potter

Anal Rickman you will be missed

>not everyone who loves a girl who doesnt love him back is a cuck

i cried when snape's patronus was the same as lily's

and im so hyyyyyyype for fantastic beasts just showed my grandma, she read all the books and saw all the movies, the trailer and i think she's kinda hype too

Post a more cuck film

No one talks like this but a marketer. They don't give you fucks the weekends off?


but i talk like this user...
if you don't like the thread just click the hide button

A cuckold is someone who derives pleasure from watching his significant other get fucked by other men. Lily was never in a relationship on Snape, and he didnt derive pleasure from seeing her with someone else. Therefore, he is not a cuck. Ill put this in perspective for you.

>Be american
>Boyhood crush marries Chad because she was put in his class. Also, you shoot ur chances of being with her by hurling a racial slur at her.
>20 years later,she is kidnapped,raped and beheaded by ISIS
>dedicate the rest of your life to fighting ISIS, ultimately being instrumental in their deletion and defeat

Is the American in the above greentext a cuck?



Lmao! What a fucking cuck. ISIS did her a favor

you cucks are hopeless

Why'd he have to die irl?

You need to first join ISIS thou.

Reddit's the other way

The lesson here is "It's not worth it, if you can't stick your dick in it."

I know. Me and Emma miss him. We crie every tiem :'( then we fuck to alleviate the pain


found the vagina!
too bad it's fat and moldy.

>Is the American in the above greentext a cuck?
so he's fighting this enemy because of the girl he liked was killed by them?

he's not a cuck, just an idiot

I haven't watched the last three harry potter movies. i lost interest when they started getting serious. the innocence and wild-eyed wonder is what makes the earlier movies so fun.

i see, ur not masculine enough to avenge ur loved ones, no wonder tyrones and ahmeds are fucking all your whore women, you people have no loyalty or strength in the face of adversity

He was a shit

But he deserved better

>The lesson here is "It's not worth it, if you can't stick your dick in it."

You're basically saying all 4channarians should kill themselves lmao

all good things

>tfw this reminded me that Alan Rickman is dead
Snape was a cuck, but based Rickman is gone ;_;

>people on Sup Forums are so paranoid they seriously believe a 100% guaranteed tremendous success that could do well with no marketing at all simply because it's Harry Potter is being shilled on Sup Forums of all places

Snape got friendzoned SO HARD he spent the remaining TWENTY YEARS of his life taking care of his friend's husband's son

Me too

>There are people who think James cucked Snape and not the other way around
>There are people who think that Snape isn't Harry's real father

>A cuckold is someone who derives pleasure from watching his significant other get fucked by other men.

No, that's what millennials think it means, because of porn.

The literal definition is any man who gets cheated on by his woman. That's it.

Actually theres one redditor named marcus
hes behind most of this trash spam you're seeing today

you'll know you've found him when garbage like 7 or 4 is praised and that slag watson is considered a waifu

i literally stated in the first half of the sentence u r quoting that Lily was never snape's "woman"

Holy shit I had forgotten that happened.

forgotten what?

that would actually make some sense given how much snape cares about him but pretty much every character describes how harry looks like james

James > Snape

Emma tweeted that shit the day he died.

James was a SWINE

How is that funny you heartless bastard? She probably had a father-daughter relationship with him and wanted to pay tribute to his views. Wow, have some humanity

>In love with a girl at school
>she falls for the guy that bullies you
>years later you have to protect and look after their kid
How is he not cucked?

Watched without crying. (You)'re cunt.

Ignoring the fact that she was taking advantage of her coworkers' death to deliberately push a feminist agenda it was of incredibly bad taste. Let's ignore the fact that it was muh feminism, any agenda would've still made it of bad taste.

Radcliffe didn't post "hey guys, too bad Alan died, remember he was a good [insert political agenda]!"

It wasnt "bullying". Lupin told Harry the rivalry between James and Snape wasnt as one-sided as that memory made it seem, and that Snape got back at James good at times

>Implying the literal definition is relevant as to why people use it.

>spent a decade and a half bullying kids for no reason

he literally never bullied anyone. he would punish insolence and cockiness, and lets be honest, in hermione and harry's case, the constant putdowns were warranted

t. cuck apologist

>A cuckold is someone who derives pleasure from watching his significant other get fucked by other men
No it isn't.


>implying you wouldnt die to avenge Lily's smile

You'd have to be a child to find this "sad" even slightly
Oh its the capeshit war child

I wish Hiroshima made /hp/, fucking Potterfags make my blood boil with irrational hatred. I can take weebs, bronies, Sup Forumstards or absolutely any other kind of fanbase except for fucking Potterfags, there's a HP themed cafe near my workplace and it's always infested with motherfuckers that sometimes even wear those gay-ass capes from Quiwitch or whatever it's called, every time I pass by that place I want to ram some surgical scalpels on my dick and fuck their pansy asses until they bleed to death.

>I wish Hiroshima made /hp/,
Moot already made it though
its called /lit/, Sup Forums or /cgl/(the tumblr boards)



Only a pleb cant understand Snape and his sacrifice. Lily was Pure, not a whore, and a decent person who saw the good in everyone. She was worthy of love

>Only a pleb
t. plebeian imdb buff

What was he doing in their house?

Who was the person Harry casted the shotgun blast on? That was the dopest scene in the whole series

>enslaved to protect the life of the son of the girl who cucked you.
He is beyond cuck, we might have to come up with a new name for this because no cuckery has ever reached this level.

He went to see what happened after the news broke...Maybe he went with Dumbledore. If he went alone, you have to admit, he is really brave