What happened to her, Sup Forums? Also, post other creepy shit.
What happened to her, Sup Forums? Also, post other creepy shit
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Sorry it's so small. Go fullscreen to be creeped out. She went missing after this in the hotel she was staying in. For 2 weeks. The other tenants complained about the water pressure. A maintenance man went to the roof and found her in the water tower, naked with all her belongings stuffed in there with her. But she was on 4 anti psychotic pills and some say she just had a manic episode. What do you think.
Got anything smaller?
Watch it fullscreen. Didn't realize it was so small. I can try to make a bigger version.
She went crazy after years of teetering on the edge of insanity. She crawled into a water tank. She drowned. Watching a crazy person finally snap is creepy as fuck, and we don't often get ti do it, so we look for complicated explanations because she went crazy is too simple and scary because it coyld happen to us.
Are you familiar with the case?
There's also apparently 1 minute missing from the tape in the middle. Notice the blurred timecode. Somebody is hiding something.
3X bigger. Still small.
Also, I'm OP and I am thoroughly creeped out now. Why did I make this thread? Fuck.
Nobody's hiding shut you dimwit
I've read about it from multiple sources, watched the video more times than can be counted, and even listened to an Art Bell broadcast where the video and case was analyzed. All of these come from perspectives other than my own and I am unconvinced that it has no rational explanation, like virtually every single "paranormal" type case I've studied. The reason we reach for paranormal explanations is exactly what I said.
I mean, the hotel is in the middle of skid row in LA, surely one of the employees might have killed her and cut the tape before giving it over.
I don't think it's paranormal. I'm an atheist. I just can't help but wonder if she's being stalked in the video. It's so weird. Somewhat playful but fearful. Did she mean to keep the elevator open? Was she trying to escape someone?
Case closed
She had a psychoactive experience. We don't see anyone else in the 3+ minute video because there is no one else there.
Believe whatever you want. But research and investigative methods determine this to be by far the most likely scenario. There's no reason to believe anything more than what we see, which is a girl flipping out over something that's not really there.
I don't believe anything. It just fascinates me. And disturbs me so badly for some reason. Do yo have any podcasts you recommend about it? I don't need Art Bell's crazy ass.
I lost
That fact that she drowned supports the psychoactive experience thing.
JFC her hand movements are so creepy.
This is a written piece, but it covers fully several theories and admits there are unanswered questions. It's from Vice, so it's pretty good. There are lots of links to other related material embedded in the story; read through all those links too to get a thorough picture. Ultimately, with her behavior in the days leading up
to the event, it's not surprising something strange happened to her.
Thanks Lori.
Thank you. I just heard about it on an old podcast a couple weeks ago and I can't get it out of my mind.
The only thing I remember that bothered me was the doors never shut
you are also forgetting the fact the only way into where she was found was thru an alarmed secruity door and there was no way she could lift the tank lid off herself it was defs an inside job
But I heard that there was a video that a Chinese tourist made of him walking from the elevator up to the roof and no alarm went off. I haven't seen it though. It's in the slum, so who knows if the alarm worked or if they had the door propped open to go smoke up there.
Next topic, what's really under all that fucking water?
Yeah apparently the bottom button that she hit is the "door open" button, and if holds the door open for 2 minutes unless you hit the "door close" button.
That theory is pretty appealing.
I see what you did.
No thanks don't feel like meeting creepy ass sea creatures
That's a lot of fucking water.
It just keeps going.
Look how black this water is.
Elisa Lamb drowned too.
Half Life 3 confirmed.
There's even stock orange water.
Oh shit, they got fire water too
Oh fuck
The guests didn't just complain about the water pressure, they complained about the taste, too. Yuck!
yeah they were drinking her for 2 weeks.
contributing, OP.
Dude, for me it's the hand movements that creep me out the most. I hate it when people don't move like they should.
yes! It's like she has an extra wrist halfway up her forearm. You know what I mean? So unnatural.
I hate how straight she keeps her hands and how she waves them around. Absolutely disgusting.
I seriously cried the first time I saw it. I don't know why it disturbs me so much but fuck, man.
Is that the grinch
Every time it's getting to that part my eyes get a little wetter and I'm filled with dread. It takes a lot to creep me out. This video also triggers the uncanny valley effect for me:
She was found dead i read that somewhere
What man?
She didn't take her meds, spazzed out, found a way on the roof and drowned herself. That's it. No conspiracy. LA is full of fucking idiots so a cover up is very unlikely
No shit sherlock
how did she lift the top of the tank though?
She was like a 5 foot 3 120 pound asian girl. NOt exactly the strongest type of person.
She was playing the elevator game. Dont do it
She's not pushing the right numbers for that.
Fuck that gave me the spooks. Wasn't ready for it.
Never doubt a mentally unstable person. Without medicine, they can literally become savage
retard strength
How is this remotely creepy?
I dunno. People always post it in creepy threads. I guess the eyes are kinda creepy but it's just a doll.
What is this supposed to be?
She's just acting autistic in an elevator.
I still think its being overanalyzed. Its not uncommon for people to act retarded, its not uncommon for people to disappear or drown.
canadian chinese girl goes to america for holiday
went missing, naked body found in hotel's water tank, after guests complained of foul tasting water
CCTV footage showed her pressing buttons in the elevator and supposedly "talking" to a unseen entity in the corridor while the elevator doors refused to close for a long period of time
also the door to the roof was linked to a alarm that didnt go off, it also would be hard for a small sized girl like her to scale and lift the lid of the water tank
the dyatlov pass incident is pretty creepy too desu
>dyatlov pass incident
I don't feel like wiki'ing this. Give me the cliff notes version pls?
Thought it was a backpack at first glance with a chair in the background
Bunch of dudes go hiking in Russia and disappear, their camp is fucked, there's torn clothing and scorch marks everywhere.
EL DIABLO?!?!?!?!
>The investigation concluded that an "unknown compelling force" had caused the deaths.
>another had brain damage but without any sign of distress to their skull
>Additionally, a female team member had her tongue missing
her blog
This was Elisa Lam's blog?
how do you know?
There's a pretty meh sci-fi movie based on the incident, I think it's called Devils Pass? One of those b rated movies that are fun to watch when you're bored.
It's listed in her article.
The four-minute video
yeah I just posted the most relevant 2 minutes.
just look at the way she's so casually walking in the elevator, She's not scared, she's crazy. There's no one outside the elevator.
The whole thing is one big condensed ball of weirdness
From tribal murderers to government testing experimental weapons to demons and aliens.
As far as I'm concerned, the Dyatlov pass incident has been solved. Infrasound offers a very plausible, and perfect explanation for the events that occurred that night. The radiation found on their person is also perfectly explained by the type of lanterns the group was using.
For me, the mystery is over.
Will be my first and last post. If you can perceive it, you will make the connection.
laser > head > military experiment > soldiers > roof > helmet > shadow being
Anyone have any spooky weird shit like the dyatlov pass incident for me to read about?
Personally i think the natives killed the hikers.
She was staying with a few people in the hotel. Those people had told authorities that she had locked herself in the bathroom earlier that day and made no attempt to become friendly with the rest of the group. They also commented on the fact that she had been acting very strangely the entire time they were with her. Point is the b**** just went crazy. The only weird part is how she got into the water container in the first place being it can't be sealed from the inside.
so, illuminatti?
Yeah, supposedly she was in a hostel type room with other people, and was acting so strangely that they had her moved to a private room before her death. It's just so sad and creepy.
>radiation found on their person is also perfectly explained by the type of lanterns the group was using.
Ah, yes I was thinking radiation too. Would make all the other stuff make sense.
The deep brown tan was what made me lean that way.
Entire incident is just a reminder to take your meds or if you have crazy children lock them up in a hospital sure as f*** don't put on with a group of other people or let them go on their own...
Is this reality or a fanta-sea
why the fuck does the elevators keeps opening and then closing?
It makes me scared because I know I'm kinda crazy but don't take anything anymore, besides pot.