Rotten Tomatoes confirmed for Hillary shills

Rotten Tomatoes confirmed for Hillary shills

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Did you say jews?

I'm voting for the Turnip in November.

Its basically a contest of which type of corruption do you prefer.

>it's yet another "user doesn't understand how RT works" thread

And? Critics don't mean shit

>Fresh: 1


>4% fresh rating
>80% of audiences liked it

>the media is liberal shits
Gee, you don't say?

Why don't you just vote third party?

can you explain it to me?

how is Turnip corrupted

why don't I just fill out a ballot box and then set it on fire?


RT has nothing to do with the reviews, it just collects various critics reviews and calculates the tomatometer (the amount of critics who gave the film a positive review, in this case 4%) and the average score /the average rating of all calculated reviews, in this case 1,6/10)

% of audiences liked it
it's almost as if the people going to see this kinda shit are going to like anything that is against clinton.

but do they pick and choose the critics? or can any "critic" apply?

Because I REALLY don't like Hillary. Never have, even back in her first lady days.

The audience for this movie is people who already don't like Clinton. It's like those no-budget religious films or Tyler Perry's stuff. Critics don't matter when you're targeting a specific group.

>vote for third party
>crooked Hillary gets in

gee great plan, ass wipe

Do it in a heavily-liberal area, drop it in the box and set a few hundred Hillary votes ablaze.

This is the weirdest election. More than 50% on both sides reason for voting Hillary or Trump is not because they agree with them but because they really don't like the other side.

Your country is broken guys. Fix it.

You can probably do it with some chemicals and then actually get away with it.

she wouldn't have rigged the DNC race if she wasn't also confident that she could rig the federal election.
don't worry about voting, just sink into the tub.

>most critics are liberal hacks
who'd a thunk

He just said it's just a matter of choosing which type of corruption, retard. Why not pick Libertarian or Green? Because this is baby's first election?

And that is what makes this whole election fucking terrible cause if all those people really did hate both than all of them banding together to vote for a third party candidate would be an eye opener and help fix this fucked place.

I've been eligible to vote since 2004, and this is the first election I'll be voting for one of the two main parties.

Trump is probably the first candidate in 50 years to actually represent the interests of the white working class. Why wouldn't you vote for him?

they have a certain criteria for their critics

>Why not pick Libertarian or Green?
Any third party vote is a meme vote and it directly benefits Hillary more than anyone.

>Why not pick Libertarian or Green?

because then Hillary gets in office you dumbass. You have no excuses not to vote for Trump

>something is garbage and retard propaganda for sub 30 IQ rednecks
>stupid fukkin liberals i tell u what

This is not true m8 any vote 3rd party is one closer to government funding and a chance at debates! You're a lazy cunt quit trying to justify it! Hillary will win anyways regardless. Let's get new young people in charge. Lazy asses like u is why corruption happens


because he is a literal fucking moron when it comes to politics, constantly backpeddles and contradicts himself in the same sentence, oh and he has to deal with more than the american problems, namely not getting us into wars because he gets insulted on twitter, think fucking outside the box for once you dumbfuck

Unlike every other politician right?

> namely not getting us into wars because he gets insulted on twitter,

hello there DNC shill. How much are they paying you? Don't tell me you do it for free


>namely not getting us into wars because he gets insulted on twitter
Can this actually happen?
I always thought twitter and social media was for posturing. Any real first world country would have other people besides their leader and that shit wouldn't fly.
Is america truly this fucked?

Because he has no economic plan other than tariffs on China and Mexico similar to those of the Hawley Smoot act that led to ww2. He's a meme who wants fame. He will do nothing in the White House is the only reason I don't care. But a 3rd party vote is more meaningful for the future. And planet if you believe in science.

>constantly backpeddles and contradicts himself in the same sentence

You can not name a single time this ever occured

>This is not true m8 any vote 3rd party is one closer to government funding and a chance at debates!

You're a fucking faggot if you think a third party candidate can get 5% of the general election this year or any election in the near future. Polls always show people flirting with the idea of voting for some literally who a few months before November, but it's never substantial enough because people want their votes to pick a winner.

Also Stein is just Rule 63 Bernie, and Johnson is basically a pro-open borders hack.

friendly reminder that, as putin warned, if you vote for hillary, you vote for WWIII

>guy that wants a non-interventionist foreign policy and ease tensions with Russia
>provoking wars
lmao you are literally retarded

>trade barriers against countries already manipulating their currencies will lead to World War 3!

what's it like digesting and regurgitating the propaganda and bullshit of the Hillary campaign without giving it a second's thought? kys

>namely not getting us into wars
Do you have any idea how much sandnigger blood Clinton has on her hands since she's basically a warhawk? Fuck off back to facebook you stupid faggot.

>ending NAFTA, making sure TPP fails, lower taxes, removing regulations that strangle small businesses, take our jobs back from over seas, renegotiate our trade deals, make sure we're fairly compensated where ever we go from Japan to Saudi to NATO

Why are you afraid of winning?

Uh huh.

Johnson and Steins stances don't matter. It's about having more parties. More options. That's how you end corruption. You are a sheep. Polls have been like that in the past, without the fucking Internet. People are becoming informed of their options much faster than before.

>represent the interests of the white working class

This is fucking hilarious, especially with Clinton's record over the last 8 years. How can anyone be this retarded? Oh wait, you're just a shilling faggot fresh from democratic underground


wew lad

The fucking cunt says she wants to take out Assad. Because that clearly worked so well when she took out Gadaffi

>fedoras are anything but left wing


>not being #WithHer already




Opinion discarded

>The "objective" news site which in the recent Wikileaks was shown in direct contact with the Clinton foundation, using them as a source for their shitty charts, specifically ones that affect Clinton and public perception of her and the DNC

Fuck off faggot

>mfw they have belittled Sup Forums's influence on the course of humanity for over a decade


>only People of Colour and women should be represented in elections!

the way I see it, either way the vote goes (or is manipulated) it's a win win situation.
If trump wins, we get a near infinite amount of bants for 4-8 years.
If shillary wins, we get to witness the accelerated destruction of the world as we know it.

>nothing triggers trumptards more than facts

Okay noted.

>brings up race out of the blue

Into the fucking trash you go


Go ahead! Throw your vote away! AHAHAHAHAHA

Yes we do. we already lost the title internet hate machine to twitter. Reddit is for organizing online shit and black people in general are so much better at the meme game than we are.
We have nothing left.

ugh, is anyone else just sick of the reactionaries and bigoted edgelords on Sup Forums?

>Make America Great Again or watch the world burn

>literally thinks that anyone who disagrees with his retarded cuckservative ideology is a Marxist Reptilian

>Johnson and Steins stances don't matter
I said that they won't get 5% of the general votes already, meaning they won't get any funding to be real parties in the future, meaning Hillary gets the benefit of sucking voters away from Trump. Cut the "OPEN YOUR EYES, MAN" rhetoric I've heard it all before you child.

You have not posted a single fact except for posting a screenshot of a "truth-o-meter" ofroma source that unironically claims it's unbiased despite having a history of helping the Clinton Foundation

Eat shit faggot.

Daily reminder the true face of your enemy.

>durrrr i wuz nly pretanding 2 b retarded

Ok noted

So a side about facts has a "clinton bias" and your only conclusion here is that that has to be collusion. It can't possibly that one of the canditates just talks bullshit and the other uses facts?

Maybe reality has a clinton bias, right?

>Vote for the party of transsexuals, pedophilia, homosexuals, black people, the unemployed, Hispanics, metropolitan liberals, the disabled, criminals and Muslims, NOT for the party of white males!

Oh you were? That explains the Trump support.

No, our conclusion is that there is literally proof of collusion fucking retard

>mfw people vote for a reptilian shapeshifter

Yes, yes, good goys. :) Keep the one-party system alive. No need to allow the Greens or Libertarians into the debate.

Democrats and Republicans are the same party. They both support Israel and are in favor of increasing military aid money to Israel, among other things.

bro the trump campaign is literally being run on Sup Forums. If he wins you could say he was the first president endorsed by Sup Forums.

If you don't believe me then you don't lurk Sup Forums enough. His PR team has fucking ruined the quality of conversation by capturing most of the active users time with CFG threads and Trump meme making generals.

Right on target.

>gets BTFO multiple times
>no you

*sips tea*

>So a side about facts has a "clinton bias"
What "facts" dipshit? You have yet to state a single fact here other than "THIS SITE HAS "FACT" WRITTEN IN THEIR NAME SO THEY MUST BE OBJECTIVE IN EVERYTHING THEY SAAY HURRR".

Until you post an argument with a citation stop wasting my time and fuck off.

Race is a non issue. Anybody individual that politicizes it has an iq in the two digit area.

>Maybe reality has a clinton bias, right?

This is the candidate who thinks the country isn't broken

>Hurr durr everyone I don't like is a neckbeard

What a useless insult since the majority of people who fling it also fit the criteria, which also shifts from liberal white knight to some alt right boogeyman, depending on the political views of the person using the insult.

>You have not posted a single fact
Trump taught me facts are for losers. The politifact polls say Trump is the biggest liar and that's all that matter because what people say is what's really what's important and he is the absolute BIGGEST LIAR, believe me. And I'll you another thing, and this is absolutely true, we liberals do wonderfully with white men we're absolutely winning with white men. Trump doesn't know how to bring back jobs, he doesn't know how to keep his casinos open, he wants to have sex with his daughter. Look at out poorly he's doing with politifact and in the polls. Hillary is the most unpopular candidate OF ALL TIME and he can't even beat her, he's pathetic it's SAD.

I don't want America get into the war again. So I gonna vote for Hillary


>Maybe reality has a clinton bias, right?
Lmao actual third world chinks trying to convince people they are human on Sup Forums.
Clinton should fire you for being so useless.

>Race is a non issue

>someone made a new one
You're still gonna be routinely ignored with that kiddo.

>down with reactionaries! down with le alt-right bigots!

Not an argument. The war on the individual is the true issue here

1st they Ignored the TRUMP (mistake), then they insulted TRUMP ( HUGE mistake ), Now they attack him. (GIGANTIC mistake), Next he will be POTUS ( THANK YOU SO MUCH ) We true American Patriots from all parts of the WORLD, Some born here others immigrated LEGALLY. Could not have done it without all the haters: Mexico hates Trump because he wants to Protect Americans. China hates Trump because he wants jobs for Americans DEMONcrats hate trump because they are of Satan RATpublicans hate trump because they too are EVIL. CNN, MSNBC, MSM hates Trump because he calls then out every time they LIE The Pope Hates Trump because Trump's wall will be better the the Vatican's WALLED city. Wall Street hates Trump because they gonna have to PAY MORE Black Lives Matter hates Trump because. no more welfare and Free Obama Phones. NAACP hates Trump because he does not believe in racist or any kid. hates Trump because George Soros told them too Planned Parenthood hates Trump because he wont let them sell baby parts. Black Rappers hate Trump because he don't smoke weed or drink LBGT hates Trump (well. . . Not so much now, Since ISIS attack ORLANDO ) Hollywood hates Trump because they live in a bubble of luxury. Trump is going to POP it Elitist hate Trump because he's going to EXPOSE them ALL. Starting with the Clinton's. Socialist hate Trump because Socialism is for little kids, and Trump is a REAL Man. Fidel Castro hates Trump because he looks better than that old HAG Communist hate Trump because Trump has HUGE balls and they FEAR him. Liberals hate Trump because Trump will not cow down to political correctness ISIS hates Trump because soon their will be no more ISIS You hate Trump because you hate America exceptionalism and most likely are a loser. Thank You, We use your hate for Fuel, too MAKE AMERICA Great AGAIN ! !

>"Race is a non-issue"
>"But the end of white people as a significant voting block can only mean good things for America's future"

>transsexuals, pedophilia, homosexuals, black people, the unemployed, Hispanics, metropolitan liberals, the disabled, criminals and Muslims

Remove "metropolitan liberals" and "Muslims" and you could easily be talking about either party.

>thinks Shillary isn't going to start another war in the name of Israel

It's almost like you haven't paying any attention for the last 20 years.


>identity politics is trying to divide us!

go back to /r/socialism you teenage faggot

>Why not pick Libertarian or Green? Because this is baby's first election?

Maybe it's because he doesn't have legitimate autism or otherwise wants to elect a Marxist.

Fair point, though I guess it was funny seeing all the backpedaling Cruz had to do over his opposition to tranny restrooms
>"W-Well actually the problem isn't transgender women in women's restrooms, it's male criminals that might disguise themselves as women in women's restrooms!"