Why am i so depressed Sup Forums?

Why am i so depressed Sup Forums?

>successful family
>had good jobs
>very talented musician
>bangs hot girls regularly
>goes out
>on 3 medications to cope with life

Why? Why do i feel so pitted? So empty at times, cry randomly by myself, lay in bed all day sometimes, hurts. It fucking hurts. But why? Why cant i be happy Sup Forums? Why aren't you happy? Why cant we be happy?

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Get off the meds. But u alrdy knew that u just wanna hear it :0

I been drinking alot recently, but i had this issue since i could remember.

The meds are very recent, like 3 months ago. They actually help a bit honestly, my anxiety went down a little, and i can sleep better at night.

Most obvious post all day.
Anti-depressents are made to keep you depressed.
I was on them for a while for my depression, but never felt worse in my life.


You don't need psychosis effecting drugs. Your setting urself up for addiction and dependency. Life sucks bro and every functioning adult including myself knows it sucks 90 percent of the tine... work, house work, food shopping , laundry... it's all a drag so get used to it bro lol

Is that really it? Everyone just hates life? Is it really that simple user? So is being actually happy a myth?

If half of what you claim is true you have no real reason to be depressed. Stop whining or go suck start a shotgun faggot

There is happyness but it's not in every waking actions. I work all week for example, so I am happy when I put in a hard day or I finish a job or I make a nice meal for my gf or I visit my father. Happiness is the in betweens of real life struggles.


A man can't whine once in a while? Im a pretty strong guy in person. I have a good work ethic, and i usually keep these things to myself. I guess i just wanna bitch a little and get better understanding ya know?

I see. So your happiness comes from the hard work you do, and to see the smiles on your gf and father. Im so distant from people mentally, idk what to look forward to in between.

OP this is true, you should focus more on the things that do make you feel happy rather than the general picture. Being happy all of the time most certainly is a myth

Correct. As you grow older, games and objects seems more trivial and won't trigger that happyness as if u were like 13... focus on improving yourself. I feel good after a work out, after finishing a job and collecting the money and seeing a guy happy with his lights or what ever (I'm an electrician in nyc) and of course seeing friends and fanily... I lost my twin brother when we were 21,I'm now 28 and wonder why God let him get killed that day in the car crash but I won't let it ruin my life as a whole. There are times to feel sad, there are times to feel every emotion.. thats life my man. The more u accomplish the better u will feel

Chemical depression is a real thing, faggot.

It's an illness that can be cured. I do not know, where you are living but here in Germany one can get a very good therapist and it will get better. Trust me, I am there, too.

I try focusing on things that make me happy, but its only so temporary for me. Im exhausted, im so tired, i can bearly sleep, i go to a doctor and he "just Shrugs, here free drugs!". I wish i knew my self better.

I was feeling better when i was working out, its a good stress reliever, i think you're absolutely right about that part. Im sorry that happened to you man, im glad you're doing very well for yourself, i cant even imagine how i would react if i had to deal with a death. Maybe i should focus on family more, i have been so distant, and to myself, perhaps charity work of a sort will help, seeing people smile, regain my lost hope of humanity.

Dude, it sounds like it's just a chemical thing.
Meds DO work, but only if they're actually something you need. Too many people act like you can't be chemically depressed because they've never gone through it themselves which is the equivalent of not believing arthritis can happen since you're a supple-wristed 12 year old.
Keep on keeping on and hope that you find whatever it is that you need to feel some semblance of normal. Just stay alive.

I always thought it was fake, but maybe im actually sick. I feel guilty for being depressed, which adds on to it, my family keeps makes me feel that way. "you have nothing to be depressed about, so stop being depressed". If only it were that simple.

So do you think the meds will actually help? I live in murrica, so therapy is expensive. Like stated before, im scared ill be dependent, and such.

You may have what I have user, an imbalance of serotonin, which is the chemical thats supposed to make you happy, medication will not help you, can only help yourself, it's a long long road but a positive self image helps so much, hang in there Sup Forumsro. take the road of self help

Do the meds need time to metabolize in my body or something? I been taking them for 3 months, they help a little, but not as much as i hoped. I guess that makes sense, i mean when you break an arm, you get a cast for it, its temporary and takes time to heal..

Hmm interesting. Maybe hikes and going out of town more will help. The gym sounds like a must.

Look man don't listen to people just saying 'lol drugs are stupid life is hard for everyone' have never had depression. You could have a chemical imbalance and need to find the right pill, or you need therapy, or a combination of both

relax OP
it's not all about your acomplishments or saftey in status of things...

you seem to think that the measureable things in your life can create happyness

>good jobs
>have sex regurlarly.

those are just things, and activities dude. Happyness has to come from within...look inside yourself real deep. Talk to a therapist if you have too...deep down you know why you are unhappy...you just need to let down all the walls and be able to talk to someone with ultimate pure and honesty....fuck it if you have to dude go into a confession stall...tell someone the worst things you've ever done, and let yourself be forgiven...and then forgive yourself for them.

things don't make you happy OP
You make you happy....hold onto this advice OP. It might just save your life one day.

No walls...therapy as long as you have too. FULL honesty. It's not all a competition. let go of past mistakes. find love. in all it's forms.

>I had to take 4 different psychiatric medication for bipolar disorder and anxiety
>Psychiatrist said I only give her bad news.
>All the medication made me more suicidal than I normally am
>Decide to an hero
>Get out of the hospital, decide to quit medication
>Psychiatrist : "I don't care, do you still want medication or not?"
>Therapist : "You don't need therapy anymore, call me if you want me to book you up with another psychiatrist"

After few months the depression is gone, I still have hypo-mania, anxiety is somewhat mild but no longer suicidal.

Lots of people say that medication doesn't help, but that's just not always true. I spent the better part of my life also believing that all depression medication was a cash grab that would leave you feeling soulless, but then finally at 3-fucking-5 they put me on Paxil. It worked for a while but then I plateaud. They added Wellbutrin to my meds and it worked like a charm. I stopped feeling like I was a husk.
Not every day was sunshine and miracles but I stopped feeling pointlessly depressed. I stopped feeling worthless for no reason. Sure, there are still days where life sucks dick but that's life. Life /does/ suck dick.
If you're just fucked up because shit sucks that makes sense. It's perfectly cool to be depressed over your dog dying, or over bills, or even over stupid shit but those are reasons. It's when you should be really happy and you're just not that meds should even be considered as an option.
Take inventory over your life and then decide if there's something wrong with you.

After three months if they were going to work they would have likely worked. It can take upwards of 6 months, but typically you should start to feel the mood stabilizing (not dead inside) effects within a month.
You live in the US so don't be afraid to ask to try something else.

Maybe the girls you bang are actually autistic and average to low-tier for most of us.

Maybe your job sucks and the only reason why you work is because you were too dumb to get admitted to university.

Maybe you aren't actually handsome, but just autistic and on meds, and actively trying to convince yourself that you aren't that.

That sucks, bro. Were they all 4 daily meds or were some of them fast acting like a valium or a lorazepam?
Also, great fucking "doctors".

Ill look into therapy, idk why i have been so weird about it. This has gone on long enough, ima look into this.

You're hella right, people always show these things to be the path to happiness, but it doesn't make me happy. I fell into the spell of our cultures surfaced means of happiness. I keep feeling sorry for myself and others. I have way to much empathy, perhaps its because im powerless to help others in need, so i put myself in this cycled position.

See this is what i dont want to happen to me. But maybe the pills were a crutch til you were actually good?

Because life is meaningless lol

You're probably gonna discard my opinion, but you probably need some spirituality.

I don't bang hot girls regularly, i never cared enough. But my life is pretty enjoyable still.
I was still depressed until like one and a half year ago or so.

My mother had enough of my whining and bought me a fuckload of buddhist books to read.
They were great to catch dust for a few months, but then i thought i have nothing to lose and am bored so might as well read some.
It doesn't come fast, but over the course of a year, it changed my life, and now i'm happier than i was as a child.
Basically it's just telling you to chill the fuck out in a thousand ways because you have no reason not to, until you kinda do.
Sure it's coated with a lot of mumbo jumbo, but you can always ignore those.

Go to bed david

I know this lol but im trying to think around it which is difficult haha

Your depressed because you are living in this fucked up society, a society that has lost its values that is vapid and stands for nothing. I doubt you'd be depressed if you lived in a hippy commune or out in nature or someshit. Meds are not the answer they only treat the symptoms and not the cause.

Because you are a fucking pathetic selfish asshole thats why! -- Do you honestly think everyone else don't have hard feelings? are you the only fucking person in the world who cries? -- So much that you have to go online and tell everyone about it? How fucking sad are you?.... Go motivate yourself and contribute something useful to the world and to other people.
You wanna know why you are depressed. Here is why. When you talk about why you shouldn't be depressed, you say things like

>successful family
>had good jobs
>very talented musician
>bangs hot girls regularly
>goes out

What a fucking man of the world aren't you?


Read shit, challenge yourself, discover happiness in the small things, be aware of your surroundings, spend time on people and things that really matter to you. Be your highest self. Take chances to get there, and you will look back at yourself and cry of pity instead.

What pills should i bring up to my doctor about? He mostly has me on panic disorder shit. I take trazodone, fluoxetine, clonidine, and clonazepam for when my anxiety really acts up.

Maybe im just mentally retarded and i dont know that, because im mentally retarded? Oh life and you're silly tricks.

You can go kill yourself vampire.

No you are a silly bitch

Dont scald me, im pretty hippish actually. I use to practice meditation, and i wear stones on a necklace i have. Im learning about Chakras and inner consciousness. I stop meditation because it has been giving me anxiety, which it hasn't before, thats why i decided to take pills.

Hit the nail on the head with this

Go browse /x/ for a while, it's oddly therapeutic

Love the energy. Ill take what you said into consideration, maybe i am just being a bitch, and i simply need to man up and just love life. The world is beautiful, and i do love my friends and family. Im just not happy with myself i suppose. There is so much i need to learn about myself. Maybe im not being selfish enough. But you are right, i gotta focus on the little things and stop being scared. The worlds scary man

Maybe your concept of happiness is distorted or you even don't know what's happiness is all about.

Your life:
>have a good life
>have a very high self esteem

You live in a limbo without adversity to fight and wonders why you aren't happy?

yeah that anxiety is what buddhists refer to as demons.
Logic and mindfulness should help you get past that, and if you face it and beat it, that's when shit'll get better.

Brad Warner: Hardcore Zen

a great read imo

Fluvoxamine (SSRI)
Clonazepam (Benzodiazepine)
Risperidone (Atypical Anti-Psychotic)
Depakene (Mood-stabilizer)
And Propranolol (beta blocker taken ocasionally)

>cut out any drugs (antidepressants, caffiene, alcohol and nicotine are also drugs) for a while, experiment with them separately once clean to determine how they affect you
>don't eat processed food, but remember 'organic' is a scam
>exercise, not being fat is no excuse
>get a therapist, not a pschiatrist, a therapist
>find a religion with a philosophy you like, you don't have to believe the mythology and god(s) part, get involved with it

How about you kys ?
Fucking normie attention seeking nigger

I thought this what made people happy, i thought it was like a stable to happiness, but its all wrong. I don't know what happiness is. I dont ever get a chance to talk about this with anyone, thats why im posting on Sup Forums, you guys are honest assholes. Does having anxiety means i for sure have an underlying issue im not dealing with? Ima look into this, im intrigued.

if the meds are for depression, get off of them. you're probably going to gain a lot of weight and in time you're going to turn into an emotional zombie.

Society's idea of what happyness is is very different to what actually makes people happy. Society and the media will tell you all types of shit. But the system is made to maximise productivity, not happyness or wellbeing. Thats why more people are unhappy today than they were 50 years ago.

because deep inside you understand all you have done means nothing

you can never do what you dream of

your legacy will vanish

we all try to compensate it, it works to some, but not everyone

Damn sure.
Our main font of anxiety comes from a distorted vision we've had about ourselves/our life and what it was "expected" of us.


try to get yourself in fucking hard time, I mean really hard

then you will love every second you're having now

>very talented musician
You're actually not. You just have no other talents.

God what a world. I can't believe i was so delusional, i could have been focusing on what actually made me happy this whole time.

Lyrics from my favorite lo-fi artist
"and everything you cling to will rot...And everything you do, will be forgot. By everyone, you tired to... Impress".

Isnt it funny how our body and minds tells us something is wrong, yet we ignore it. I wonder if part of being human, is being stupid and oblivious.

We ignore because everybody around us do the same thing.

The real question you must focus is on what you want for your life? Does having sucess, a good job, being handsome or fucking hot girls getting you somewhere you want to be? What you really want for yourself? If you don't know, start figuring it out. Let this image of yourself fall apart little by little and see what was important and start thinking and feeling more.


I wasn't happy until about 2 months ago when I met this girl
She gave me purpose, she made me want to better myself
Yesterday she broke up with me

Tfw gf broke up with me because she needs time for herself
Tfw she said there wasn't enough time of her being alone between relationships
Tfw I got way too attached in 2 months and now I'm broken
Tfw this girl leaving hurt more than an ex of 1 1/2 years

I just want to kill myself but I'm too pussy to do it and don't want to fuck up friends and family

Its 6am,i haven't slept so I might pass out soon anons. I appreciate the words, i really do. I have alot to work on. For your troubles, heres the hard to find sex tape of paige Knight from wwe. (apparently its hard to find)
I really hope you all have great days, and find yourselves and your happiness as well.

www celebjihad com/paige/wwe-diva-paige-nude-photos-sex-tape-video-leaked

Put the dots between the spaces.

Sorry didn't mean to try to turn this thread on myself

People are sad because we lack meaning
If you can find something that gives you propose you'll be happier
Don't be me and make it some shitty girl

I appreciate the links user. Ima look into this way more.

Feel it, my ex i was with did me hella wrong, im depressed as it is, that made it hella worse. Part of why i like staying emotionally detached, but that makes ms depressed as well lol god its like there isnf an officially answer. Its ok though bro, you'll find another chick, there are plenty out there like her, but better. If it happens, it happens. Dont push that issue to hard

user its ok, its good to complain sometimes. It really is. I think you just want love, thats understandable, in s world that lacks it, you seek it. Try older women, they actually know what they want

Being in college going after seemingly cool college girl was probably a bad idea

We were just so happy together and she just dropped it out of nowhere

And she's saying all this shit that she feels terrible about it and I know that's like something girls will usually say but I can tell it's genuine from her
We were just so good for each other and our families and friends liked us together
Just seemed like a really poor decision on her part and there's nothing I can do about it

Replace meds with weed. As someone who had a life that mirrored my fucked mental state that shit does wonders. It's a little tricky at first when it comes to determining how much you can smoke and remain functional as well as what kind of strains give you the effects that best coincide with what you're trying to get out of live. My recommendation would be a sativa or certain hybrids because you seem to have a social presence that I imagine you wanna keep up and an indica will have you too far in your own head. Inb4 it's degenerate. It's only degenerate if you live like one while smoking it.

Please do, Watts have a pretty good concept of how our ego get on the way of being happy/discovering truths.

>she gave me purpose
>she made me want to better myself
She was just the excuse you need it, she didn't do anything, all those changes in your life and the way you felt was all you. Maybe a girl is a good thing, but only after you solved your problems by yourself.

From what I learned if a chick is to care free, it'll probably hurt you at the end. Find the busy ones, the women who strive to work hard, and want to improve themselves. That was a poor decision, im sure you're a great guy! Just maybe was expecting to much perhaps. You'll find the one, let it come to you! I found a really nice girl i really like as well, things were going great! I blew up on her once over stupid shit, and she just dropped me like nothing lol so confusing and hurt. Moral of the story, women vary hahahs

I mean I did do all these things yeah but she really pushed me
I appreciate your words
I felt so good with her like I could go out and do stuff instead of sitting on my ass in front of a computer all day
But now that I don't have anyone to do that stuff with I feel like I'll slip back into old habits

Am I wishful thinking if I think maybe her period caused like a huge mood swing and after she's done bleeding she might change her mind

I can't, weed gives me really bad anxiety.. Which is weird, because i smoked before. Maye i just need the right strains from an actual shop? Maybe i just need a hit?

>>successful family
>had good jobs
>very talented musician
more bullshit
even more bullshit
>bangs hot girls regularly
total bullshit
>goes out
no you don't
no you aren't
>on 3 medications to cope with life
try cyanide

Shit bait is shit.

Im a compulsive liar what can i say lol

You can tell us how much of a faggot you are then kill yourself.

Also, for the record, all the people saying anti-depressants make you depressed are idiots who don't understand how anti-depressants work.

Yes getting out more like that helps a fuck ton

Ok, im a huge faggot and ima off myself rn. Better? Lol

Ya im back and forth on the drugs, idk what to believe in now.

Lack of certain minerals? Eat some certain foods more and pop some supplements, that's the way you get rid of mild depression.
>Vitamin D3
>Vitamin B-complex
Get those supplements. Bipolar anxiety or depression generally scratch from deficiency of those minerals and vitamins. For iodine, you can buy himalayan salt instead of investing in a lugol's and D3 simple synthesized by exposing your skin to sunlight.

>20 minutes walk everyday or 30-40 minute walks every 2 days
>see sunlight
>breathing exercises
>drink shitload of water everyday,
>eat fermented food
>brush your teeth more often
Water have essential minerals that you can't invest as a supplement. If your legs don't work, your anabolism will slow down. Daily walks are a real treatment for depression. Exercise. Seeing sunlight will benefit you with D3 synthesis.
Depression starts in slow gut motility eating fermented food is the first step of fixing it, as fermented food will feed gut bacteria.

Look into:
>fixing leptin resistance
>cutting high histamine food
>cutting high lectin food
>limiting gluten food
>increasing comsumption of polyphenol compound foods
Research on those. Fixing your sleep, drinking water and cutting off stimulants like coffee, chocolate, cola and tea (high histamine) will help. When your gut is weak, it's best to eliminate any disturbances or possibility of further allergies through a strict diet.

Start from here to relax:

Even if life sucks, thats not what determines your happiness. Your attitude towards all the shitty things in life (and also the good ones) is. If youre unhappy it just means that you cant cope with something. Dont blame the world for being shitty and making you feel that way, it doesnt give a single shit about you. Instead change the way you perceive or act in the world to make yourself actually feel better.

Kill Yourself or play Magic The Gathering

Its hard decision.

You need a purpose you negro
Some people fill the void with religion, others with family, others with a life goal or living for their passions and hobbies.
You need something to believe in.
Humans NEED something to believe in to be happy, because we're fickle creatures.

Eat more chocolate


You need to be okay with the fact you feel like that. Join the military or Ffl and kill some towel heads. Enjoy it.

Jesus Christ thank you! I have always been told "motivation to start, habit to keep it."

>how to train your monkey brain

Love it

hey boys whats crackin thought id join in all the self deprecation got severe anxiety with a help serve of depression and like thats who i am but im so fucking sick of the apathy and as of late the feelings of apathy are turning back into self hate and worthlessness whats the low down boys i just kinda want that chill feeling i used to have but now its just apathy and self hate and its kinda shit

Because you have to go online and lie to strangers

yo this is the guy that posted that another huge issue i have is thats how i talk about anything that remotely involves how i feel i just wish i could properly express and rationalize how i feel i dont even care about anything or anyone but then again im a fucking joke



Goto the local mosque and kill as many as you can during their short service. Youd have to scope it out to time it right.

yeah spot on the money my man i use online interactions to justify the fact i dont have anyone to really talk to but i guess being a comedic relief character isn't bad

ayy man in fucking on it dont you worry those cunts will fucking get it

kill urself

You have no passion, you've devoted your entire life and all it's meaning to the pursuit of pussy, this isn't the paleolithic era, you don't have to compete with other males to earn a fuck, fucking is easy especially with all the loose and easy women these days, you devoid yourself of interest in the vain belief that busting a nut in a warm vag will resolved your life, you're wrong.

sympathizers die too.

Don't go on Sup Forums dude

Having a good job does not cure a mental disability, OP.

It's like saying "I have a good job, why is my leg broken?"