This triggers the traitors to America
This triggers the traitors to America
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what about people who love america but hate Donald trump ?
Trump =/= america
your shitposting
nazi lickspittle OP ashamed of orange turd-president's massive obvious failure. Sad!
If you love america you love President Trump.
that's how fascism starts user
Nah, libfag, that's how patriotism starts.
In Obamas farewell speech he argued that the wheels had already been set in motion by him and that the current citizens of the USA would be overtaken in numbers by foreigners and that the laws and nature of the republic would change once that happened. Trump is (hopefully) going to stop that. He is the last best chance we have to save the country.
>mental illness
get help please.
When any country imports hundreds of thousands of people from a vastly different culture in an extremely short amount of time they will form enclaves instead of assimilating to the host country.
why do these inbred hicks want Trump's baby dick in their ass so bad?