Please help me Sup Forums...

Please help me Sup Forums, I've been chasing the wrong dudes my whole life and it took many years to finally realise who I really love..

There was a guy who was pretty much my best friend. We did so much together, we were both fit and he was muscly but... He was an inch or 2 shorter than me. I know it seemed shallow but at the time I could get so many guys because I was pretty attractive (not being an ego bitch or anything) so i discarded him. He was so sweet and caring but i wanted to be wild and carefree.. i was stupid. But the problem was every dude I was with turned to be a douche... using me like I'm a piece of meat.

It was my short muscly best friend that was there for me through it all. Waiting for me and loving me. I was selfish and only wanted the bad guys, but I've realised how much I've matured now, Sup Forums... I realised I'm tired of dating those bad boys that are 6ft+ tall and have a tough attitude and don't give a shit about anything except my body.

I finally realise I want a guy like my best friend who has been there all along, and I'm older now so I want to settle down. I want to truly be loved and know what it's like to be taken care of. I want to give him my whole heart and soul and forget about every bad boy that I've been with over the years.

I think he is too heartbroken to love me back anymore. He says I'm using him as a last resort but I'm not I swear I've just finally realised what I need in my life. I hate that it took me this long to realise what he meant and would for me. I want him with me forever and I love him, And I promise on my life that will make up for all the years of leading on, breaking his heart and using him as emotional support. He didn't deserve it and I only just realised what a bitch I was.

How do I get him to be with me Sup Forums?

Realize that you fuck up and move on

Its not even 10 am and im supposed to read all that?
I need a tldr

i'm 6.4 user, you must be having a hard time saying no.

just try hang out with him more 'as friends', and let things get flirty

who knows? maybe after a couple of weeks there isn't any chemistry anyway

Also if you do love him, show him how much you care by attempting suicide. If you happen to die, leave a letter behind to fuck his life up as well.

First, you show your tits to us with a timestamp.
Then you put a sharpie in your pooper.
Seriously, how is this hard?

just grab his hand and put it on your tits, that's litterally the only thing you need to do trust me

Do not fuck other guys. He's been waiting for you all these years, show him you mean your words by not flirting or sleeping with anyone and tell him you'll wait for him to say yes. If it frustrates you, think of what he went through.
