Was World War II really THAT bad? Come on.
Was World War II really THAT bad? Come on
nah... it was a fun time to be draft into a war where the chances were that you wasn't coming back. Cool right!?
Wasn't actually that bad.
I think war is much more likely to kill you than back in those days.
See, in 1944 you only had a few degenerate machine pistols, and the bullets didnt actually kill those many people.
If i recall correctly, you had to be shot like 4/5 times in the chest, to get near dying.
There even was a man who survived 20+ bullets from an MG.
So no, it wasnt that bad, chances were 90% to survive. Now its around 5-10% with all those rockets and bombs and shit
Most people just ignored it.
i hope this is a joke.
And if it's not...you're a retard.
Dude, only, like, 400,000 Americans died out of like, 16mil that went over. That's not that bad.
How would anything that i stated be considered as a fucking joke? Are you mentally ill?
Consider my numbers, crunch them and invest some time to learn about antique weaponry.
Maybe then come back to let know you are wrong and i am right in this case.
He's right man. They didn't have napalm back then.
The only people that were drafted were the cowards who were to scared to join on their own.
War is fun right
Yeah. I just finished watching Band of Brothers. They'd joke around, and camp outside. They even played a big game of baseball. And Band of Brothers is supposed to be super accurate. It's based on first hand stories from Easy Company.
and when you were done playing outside you could go raid hitlers secret booze dungeon
what's not to like
Fuck yeah! Big party at the end. That was cool.
And the whole thing was like a game where they earned points by doing stuff, and could use the points to take a trip wherever they wanted.
A lot of them decided to go home though. :(
Ikr? My grandpa caught two .50 in the chest he lost a few points but still make it to the top scoreboard ''Shit was lit he said''
You must be proud.
Nah, good times
It was great for the rapid advancement of civilization. A great purging of humans and amazing technology that came out of it. We would still be about 30yrs away from an iphone if it wasn't for WW2
Yes it was bad
Nice Dubs.
And a good point. For people back then, there was some uncomfortable stuff. But for people alive today it was all positive.
>talking about WW2
>some uncomfortable stuff
I'm applying to be a military infantry officer, I have wet dreams about full-scale war.
WW1 was worse but ww3 will be mad ass hell. Erdoguru (turkishfag) will deliver us a new holy war.
Just wait how WW3 fairs against WW2 with all the beta males alive today.
at least you don't have to worry aboot trench foot anymore lol
women will fight in this one alongside the men
It was terrible! We interrupted Hitler doing the world a huge favor.
Don't worry, WW3 will be next to impossible seeing as how most countries have nuclear capabilities. War by proxy is as close as we will get.
>look up Russian women snipers in WW2
What america? America whas kicked ass if he leaved those commies alone
The though of US feminists going to get some, oh the keks
true dat
but i meant more women from mor nations
Thank god I'm not in the Army, the sjw will be their problem
It continues to be a source of inspiration for people to this very day. Can't have a good story without suffering, I'm sure the jews agree.
US forces trounced the Nazis in every confrontation.
Even Coke agrees - WW2 were "the good old times".
No they diddnt. If they diddnt fight a 2 front war america had no change to defeat the nazi's.
That is not true, the allied forces had some major losses and numerous retreats. We just had a lot less than the enemy.
America was actually fighting on two fronts as well. The Marines and Navy in the pacific theater, and the Army and Airforce in the European Theater.
Fighting a 2 front war is an example of the nazis inferior strategic skills.
>inferior strategy
>inferior army
>US for the win #undefeated
But they diddnt want the nazi's to win the war. Like always the inverstors make the choices
Being a fucking muricafag and throw a nuclear bomb like a real sissyboy
Like if any other country had been smart enough to create the bomb first, they wouldn't have used it against the US, the greatest country in history.
Not enough Americans died.
>Next time, don't bait a country into a war for decades, and then bitch when they do something about it.
No ur dumb as fck. If an other country throw a nuke. They would be raped by bruteforce. But it whas muricafags so its ok
We could have invaded Japan and annihilated them that way, but we decided to spare their lives and end the war early.
I apply with u muricafags need to die.
Easy Muhammad, your tolerant islamic beliefs are showing
No muslim here.
Hah, bullshit.
Japan being nooked was the best thing that's ever happened to them. Instead of wasting their time with military they focused on technology that you neckbeards jack off to every day.
Preach Sup Forumsrother.
War is always bad, shit even a backwoods gunfight is bad, it's not fun at all...it loses it's charm when the tree next to your face explodes
And they were inspired to make sweet Godzilla movies.
Muhammads are still mad the British fucked then over in ww1
those turkishfags are going to start a holywar against europe.
You Ameritards and Eurofags circle jerking about who was better when the Aussies were the fiercest fighters.
My grandfather helped run a bakery in Odessa before the Germans ran over the whole town, killing his whole family (except for two siblings he found after the war). He was then conscripted at gunpoint in '42 at the age of 17 into the Wehrmacht because fortunately he was fluent in German.
Then shit really hit the fan and the only thing he's ever admitted to was being at Prokhorovka as a Panzergrenadier, which frankly tells me enough about the shit he must have seen.
No, it gave the US top tier Navy after decimating the gooks
Yea, but all the dead jews make up for it.
Only america is dumb enough to almost nuke them self. www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/revealed-the-night-america-very-nearly-nuked-itself-9535777.html%3Famp
Mother Russia won that war but at too high a cost
Uh... but they didn't.
Stay jealous 3rd worlder.
They would have lost if America the badass and beautiful hadn't rolled into the theatre of war on a giant flaming horse with ACDC playing in the background.
No, it gave us one the most beautiful scenic views in the Russian bone fields.
Lick my uncleaned balls
Why didnt they listen to Patton?
Yep,they fucked up
>american politicians actually listening to solid advice from someone who knows what he's doing
Is that a serious question or what?
>crunch the numbers
"if i recall" "4/5" "there was a man"
nigga fuck you and your anecdotal bullshit. It's blatantly obvious you have no idea what you're talking about and you just pulled some random round numbers out of your ass. 5% survival rate in current wars, are you actually retarded?
Depends where you lived. Curently I live in the south of France (not french fag, so inb4) and all around here are memorials to resistance and civilians killed by the germans, and to the men drafted into forced labour and taken to Germany, many never to return alive. If you lived in Serbia/Croatia there was basically a fullscale rape fest - german soldiers raped as a matter of course, every woman they could find. (my friend's grandmother would spit when anything german was mentioned - would never buy a german product - she was sixteen in Serbia when the nazis rolled in, and was raped multiple times.)
try being in Italy at the time - the german retreat and American/Brit advance trashed most infrastructure. Try being German - the country was devastated, and millions nearly starved. try being russian, or Ukranian or polish - millions did starve, died in the winter or were simply murdered.
yes the second world war was a bad time to be in for many millions of people. Cosy for americans who never saw the war or its effects, of course... and they only joined half way through...
Oh how terribly funny you are. You really made me laugh. How original and clever and witty.
because patton was a self aggrandizing psychopath?
this whole thread may be the most stupidest thing i have seen on Sup Forums and thats saying something
The right attitude to punk Stalin
I totally agree, folks werent any good killing each other back in the days
How about using regular words everyone can understand you faggot? We get it, you went to college, now shut the fuck up.
>jews write all the textbooks about how bad it was
Are YOU retarded? Have you ever been to war? Were you actuall battling in 1944? No? Then dont speak you filthy racist.
And i said, CRUNCH THE NUMBERS, dont quote me
this is true, the idea of nuclear weapons were literally to scare the japs in to surrender to save both allied and japanese lives but the fucking japanese still refused until they dropped a second
Trump supporter detected
seriously ? you shouldnt be proud of being dumb son just google the word
the last time amerifags actually did what was needed to survive. who goes to war with china today? no one. better start learning chinese mofus.
The soundtrack wasn't as good as the Vietnam War
I hope to God that this is bait
Is this nigger serious?
>Is this sissy faggot serious?
Actually, Japan fucked China (often literally) in WW2.
You dont understand the point system
do you?