Have an english exam tomorrow

>have an english exam tomorrow
>havent studied

i need some easy to digest kino about discovery, help me Sup Forums

Dumb scoobyposter

please help me

what do you mean discovery

>needing to study for an english exam

literally any interpretation of it desu

whoa, thats a call new pepe. its not even a frog though, its more like a dog. what should we call him then? there's pepe the frog, and ____ the dog.

>500 word essay due next friday
>haven't even started

>studying for an english exam
bruh just bullshit it and say whatever you think it means, its all incredibly subjective and as long as you can justify whatever shit you spew you'll be fine

>Thesis due by next year
>3/4 done

Master and Commander. You can pad the essay out with the history of The Beagle and Darwin and shit. Easy.

Lol, you fucking retard. English paper 1 is the one you shouldn't be concerned about. Paper 2 has three essays you fucktard. You're fucked for tuesday if you haven't studied


>People go to university for this shit.

im set for paper 2 man i revised all that shit i just havent done anything for discovery

If you aren't studying STEM you are wasting your time anyway.

that's a really funny face OP

retard, do you even have a related material?

year 12 english is compulsory

thats what i came here asking for

What about How to Train your Dragon? They discover training and taming dragons is better than killing and fearing them and you could compare it to the domestication of the wolf and other animals

easy to digest pls

just steal some notes from bored of studies like a normal person

I did Wes Andersons Moonrise Kingdom. It was pretty easy but I had a sibling who had done it before so I had notes.

It's a recent, animated movie for the whole family, come on bro

Easier to digest than Httyd? Fuck are you retarded?

The Room

How the discovery of an affair can ruin a man's life