Where were you when JP came out?

Where were you when JP came out?

I was living at 74 Victory Dr, Cheraw, South Carolina. I was seven years old.

Sucking my mommas tits dry

Watching it.

Inside christina ricci's anus.

I bet you are one of the autists who spam "kino"


3 years old

I was a tiny little cell in my dad's ballsack.

>grow up
Sure is reddit here today

I was a kid and I loved dinosaurs.

at the cinema watching it

Went to see it with my pals on my 11th birthday. It was also my last day of primary school and the start of a beautiful summer. I also got a Mega Drive with Sonic for my birthday. Great times.


I was 10 and also received an MD with Sonic 1 and 2 for my birthday. Can I come over and hang out?

Seeing in the cinema. I was 7 and it blew my fucking mind.

In the theaters watching it, and getting slightly scared by the T-Rex scenes.

Watching it for my 10th birthday. Shit was so fucking cash.

this was the first movie I saw on the big screen as a kid. caught a double feature at the drive-in.

At the theater. 4-5 years old.
I THINK the Trex scared me. I don't remember. I was (still am) a huge Dino fag.
I remember they gave out glow in the dark stickers. Shit was cash.

I was under a year old, so probably shitting myself.

I saw it as soon as I could comprehend what a film was since my parents knew I loved dinosaurs.

That first person shot where the raptor jumps up at the ceiling did it for me, I near shat myself

Saw it in theaters. Scared the shit outta me.

I was only 1 years old

high school
sat in front row, had a sore neck afterwards

Smelling my mom's labia.

In the theater watching it. I was like 10 or something.