Whats the gayest thing you've ever done Sup Forums? First gay experience stories.
Whats the gayest thing you've ever done Sup Forums? First gay experience stories
Have a boyfriend.
I voted for Trump.
with 13 I had a friend and we sucked each others dick
well which is it? Gayest thing ever done or first gay experience? The gayest thing I've done was get spit roasted, but it wasn't my first time doing anything gay
Opened this thread
visited this website
I got my girlfriends brother's cum up my nose.
>Be me several years ago
>at a house party
>some girl I went to school with at like 8 was there
>I'm out as homo publicly
>"NO WAY user! There's no way you're gay"
>Blush a bit and laugh
>Guy tells me to come here
>I'm confused why but I do
>Next thing I know he's French kissing me
>This goes on for like 6 minutes
>later that night we end up sleeping next to each
>he starts rubbing my dick and I start rubbing his
>there's like 5 people sleeping the room other than us
>next thing I know he's undone my jeans
>sperg out and make him stop
rip me
Fapped to a webm of a girl playing with her hair.
Halfway through I read the name of the thread 'Trap Bread'
Was horny so I kept going until finish.
Realised what I had some and had worst feeling of disapointment
Reverse searches the week turns out she was an actual girl and I was baited.
of what the first time or the spit roast? I'm gonna assume the spit roast so I'll start typing that for now then
passed out drunk and a gay guy sucked my dick. i guess i got raped.. oh well
aww :-)
A couple of times I've let a guy blow me during a dry spell. Men are so much easier to hook up with, and they often don't ask for reciprocation. *shrug*
>be me
>be 11
>used to play hide and seek a lot
>almost every time hide with a little faggot from the street a couple years younger
>he usually just sat on my lap and move around until i'm hard
>let him grab my dick and stroke it a couple times
>after a while i realized it was gay and stopped doing it
>still fap to it today
Masturbating over my flatmate. Going in his room and wanking over his used underwear and cum socks, then drinking from his used condoms when he had his girlfriend over a couple of times
Sucked a friends dick when I was 10, let him suck mine,
Did the dickbutt thing both ways, seems pretty gay looking back at it...
gayesst thing ive ever done is be in the same thread as you fags
dude.....get some help
Well I'm gay (a little bi) so maybe this doesn't count but they "gayest" thing I've ever done was a few weeks ago at a little kickback with my friend group.. It's a long story but basically I ended up having sex with three of my friends and the next day had sex with my best friend in his car after he heard what happened and became extremely upset/jealous about it. I'll tell the whole story if anyone wants I guess.
It was a while ago, have since moved on without him realising and we've remained good friends
My friend took my dick in his mouth.
I had instant regrets and asked him to stop.
Went to gay bar, made out with a few guys. Had never done it, wanted to see what all the fuss was about
Eh. 5/10
go on
Go on....
met a guy from /soc/ and blew him in the backseat of his car.
>be me
>recently 18
>always jerked off to gay videos but never done anything irl
>download whisper and see a fuck ton of people always asking for sex
>hit up this one guy and after trading dick pics we decided to meet up and give each other head in his car
>he picks me up and drives to a small abandoned area
>put my hand down his pants and jerk him off as hes driving
>offer to suck him off first
>holy fuck it felt nice to have him in my mouth
>jerked him off as I blew him, made sure to suck his balls as well and spit
>felt like I gave a 10/10
>when his turn happens i do not enjoy it at all
>his mouth is too hot and his facial hair was scratchy on my crotch
>fake cumming and we went our separate ways
I have a few more stories if anyone is interested
Nothing. I'm not a fag.
I guess you don't have experiences in general then.
Everyone has something.
>be guy
Fucked my gf in the ass
Fine, whatever. I once gave a guy head in an abandoned train car. Might have been homeless idk. It's not a big deal though and not gay.
I talked to a bronie. For more than 2 minutes.
Nearly fucking impossible to find bigger faggots than bronies.
ur mum ya fat poof! XD
>older neighbour catches me watching him fap through his window
>knows I'm gay
>have little "meets" where we use our bathrooms at the same time every night so we can show off to each other
>invites me in to join him one day
>tells me I'm cute, blossomed into a cute guy etc
>asks if I've touched, been kissed etc
>asks if I wanna try
>sit on bed and rub, grope each other
>kisses me
>proper kiss
>flips me onto belly, stuffs face in my ass
>loves the smell, keeps doing it
>get naked with him, kissing and frotting
>start 69ing
>his hands are on my butt as he deepthroats my cock
>struggling to suck his dick, hes cool with it
>end up sucking and jerking while he fucks his mouth with my cock
>cum, sooooo goood
>eventually he cums
>tastes real salty but swallow it anyway
>lie on bed with him as he gives me butt massage
>tells me he wants to see more of me
>asks me to visit again
>yeah will do
>sends me back home to bed
>keeps my PJ bottoms
>lie in bed all horny and unable to sleep
>eventually fall asleep
>wink at each other as we pass in the hall the next morning
>and not gay
Sure, whatever you wanna think.
Let my pre-hormone, slim FTM friend sit on my lap and cry.
used to sneak into an adult theater with my two brothers and give each other blowjobs and ass fucks, also we would take on any and all faggots in the theater, we moved when I was 14 and that ended the theater visits
Fucked my boyfriend.
One time I had a train run on me by the entirety of a local football team and was coated in the spunk of at least 37 different men and then I cleaned myself by licking it all off idk. It's not a big deal though and I'm not gay.
Went to ballet. Swan Lake. Enjoyed it. Probably wouldn't go again unless free.
Hot stuff.
making friends with this 8/10 and not fucking her before my ass got zoned
That shit was pretty gay bruh
With a gay mate. Went on his grindr. Speaking to a guy within 5 minutes. Met him 10 mins later.
Drove down an alleyway.
He gets his soft dick out
Doesn't get any bigger.
Feel bad for him.
Give up sucking him.
He jerks it instead
I swallow .
Hop out the car.
Didn't bother trying again if all gays have small peens
Went back to friends
Opened door
Got on floor
Did the dinosaur
Took it up the ass by a black guy with an 8 inch dick who lives in the same dorm as me. Never had a gay experience after those few months. I would fuck a guy, but not into being fucked. He ruined it for me.
Care to go further into detail?
Where'd you get the sucker from?
gave HJs and BJs to my older cousins when i was 14yo.
Alright so
>be me
>I guess openly gay but I've never told anyone specifically
>I'm one of those scene tumblr type boys and I dye my hair and paint my nails and shit idc
>I knew girls thought I was cute and I was pretty sure guys did too but I was too anti-social to know for sure
>usually just hang out with one or two friends doing bullshit
>anyways people are leaving for college in a few months and stuff so I was like fuck it I'll come to a party for once
>basically just my group of 7 friends and like 2 girls
>always had the fantasy of having my friends fantasize about me
>always dress and act cute around them just for shits because they are all straight and never show signs of being "attracted" to me anyways
>dress in little shorts and a big t-shirt for that "no-pants-all-legs-cute-baggy-shirt" look
>get there and everyone starts screaming and yelling and picking me up cause its the first time I've come to a party
>"A HISTORIC DAY A HISTORIC DAY!!" and shit like that while picking me up and throwing me around
>I already want to kill myself
Do you regret it?
Had gay sex
He's the one who enjoyed, it. I didn't even enjoy it. He's the fag, not me.
I have more if interested
can you post a pic of yourself
Why don't you just admit you weren't passed out. Quit being a faggot.
I frequantly come to Sup Forums and /b, even though its all about dicks.
"Send picture of your GF and I will print it and place mah dick on it"
"Hey guys, Im horny. Lest share porn so we can help eachother masturbate. Feels good to know that on the other side of the world another guy beats his meat to the same WEBM that I just posted"
I ate a log of shit out of Nicky Stixx ass
when i was 12 i sucked off my cousin. Thats when i first found out what cum is
You sound cute
Sure, the first thing you do is bring the water to a boil, then reduce to a simmer after you drop the pasta in
What am I doing with my life
I'm very interested.
ive done a lot, its been too long since ive done anything tho. i miss it
I consider myself bi but im only physically attracted to guys and not emotionally.. but i hate girls personalities.. Does anyone think ill eventually like guys personality or is it too subjective to tell? Ive only hooked up with one guy and it was for a few months and he "loved" me but i had no emotional connection to him in the least. I just didnt care about him at all.
I've showered with other guys lots of times, mostly family and close friends. Sometimes had to help my younger bros/nephews. Never really did anything with friends that involved touching though.
Have you ever been curious?
Don't worry. You're just autistic.
I've sucked cock, swallowed cum, been sucked, been fucked, been bred, because I'm bi.
80% of the time I'm all about pussy, but 20% of the time I need cock.
ever been blown when you're taking a shit?
Go on, ur great at green'ing, short and consistent
>im 22, always had gay fantasies
>straight tho, i have a gf
>last week i went online and found a thai ladyboy prostitute here in london
>arranged to go to hers after work
>nervous as hell
>decide, fuck it, now or never
>turn up, she lets me in
>wow she's actually so hot, huge tits and pretty face
>can see cock bulge under knickers
>pay her £50
>she undresses me and takes her knickers off
>huge uncut cock.jpg
>led on bed cock near my face as she sucks me off
>feels so good, im so horny
>i ask if its okay to suck her now hard cock while shes sucking me
>she says yes
>i suck the tip, its so smooth and tastes amazing
>start deepthroating this transexual lady boy
continue? this happened for real, last monday
I was OP once.
did you just assume because your friend had a dick they were male?
>triggered as fuck
Im trying to get my ex gf to go lesbian so shell stop bothering me. She admits shes kinda curious but wouldnt consider anything unless the girl is hotter than her. I call bullshit. She wants to i know she does because i told myself the same about guys but got fed up and tried with the first one that came out me. Ended up having an amazing body though.
Oh mate. I lol'd. Get outside and do some shit.
no, not that. but showered together, fucked in the woods, in the car. ive always been turned on by public stuff. ive been with a lot of guys
haha sure sounds like it
>few days after first time
>see neighbour in his garden
>smile, chat to him
>asks if I wanna visit him tonight
>asks if I wanna learn how to douche
>pinches my butt and whispers "prepare for sex"
>smile and gently grab his crotch
>"I'll be there for 10?
>laughs and sends me on my way
>head over
>in just his underwear
>enter his house
>kiss and cuddle
>takes me to shower
>showering together, kissing and groping
>takes out weird dropper thing, anal douche, fills it with water
>lubes douche and butt
>slides it in
>squirting water up my butt
>keeps telling me to relax
>after about 10 minutes of thorough douching
>butt still wet
>takes me to his bed
>gets towel out bathroom and throws it on bed
>lie on towel
>fingers my ass
>lil bit water spurts out
>laughs and continues
>spend the night being fingered and fondled before 69ing
>fingers my ass good then fingers my mouth
>love the taste
>gets a bit aggressive with the blowjobs, love it
>cum quickly but he holds off for a while, eventually cums
>lie in a sticky sweaty mess
>spoon as he hotdogs
>tells me he'll leave his sliding door unlocked and wants to see me more often
>tell him I want him to be my first and want to explore with him.
>loves hearing that
>up till about 4am playing and fondling
>get PJs back and head back to my place
>fall asleep in first class the next morning
I think ill be the same way in a few years..
You sucked a dick and liked it. You're not fucking straight.
Never reproduce. You are cancer in human form.
but stubble on your balls is THE best !
slept with my teacher in 7th and 8th grade
go on
shut up retard
Dude he sucked off a straight guy though.. so it wasnt gay
First of all, i consider myself a straight male. Before this night i had never done anything remotely gay (and i went to boarding school in the UK).
So one night I got very drunk in a club in Mayfair, got thrown out and went and sat on a bench in Green Park. Some eastern European lad sits down and starts chatting to me. He unzips my flies and starting giving me a blow job. Super drunk horny me just goes along with it. Before long he leads me into a darker part of the park, gets on his knees and continues to suck me off. He then pulls down his trousers and I start to suck him off. He then turns around, spreads his arse cheeks, and i start bumming him. I then cum, realise how disgusting i feel and run off and get a cab home. Never told another living soul that story. I still wouldnt say im gay, just a one time thing
Anything else happen?
Have you thought about having another experience?
Actually i regret not doing it anymore.
>her hard cock
fuck thats actually really homosexual of you..
Ate warm cum out of used condom from my sisters room
Just minutes after her bf blew his load ( i heard him moan and then they went out)
>be me, 17
>at some school function with a bunch of other schools at a university
>was a nofap fag at the time, had a short streak of 8 days going
>met this twink guy about a year younger than me at the pool table in the union
>he's cute
>he's flirting with me
>he follows me around like a little puppy for a couple days
>second day, i take him to the library
>no cameras in the library
>he tries to sit down as i go into the restroom
>i pull him in, get him in a stall and whip it out
>he's all for it
>i shoot over the stall door because the little shit didn't swallow
I guess. This isn't that recent this is back in like sophmore year when I was into Tumblr and taking cute selfies and stuff. I basically look the same now but my hairs a little shorter
so anyways
>play some drinking games
>smoke some weed
>everyones sitting around laughing and yelling and playing loud music
>I'm just sitting there laughing but a little bored
>friend next to me Dylan leans right up into me and says "would it be weird if we kissed right now?"
>I just instinctively say "yea" without even really registering what he just said
>by the time I do realize what he said he's already back to the laughing and talking with the others\
>not even sure if it really happened
>kind of sit there frozen for a few minutes realizing my friends or at least some of them might actually have the hots for me despite the fact that I'm a boy and they are "straight"
>light bulb goes off-- they are all drunk, I'm dressed cute, I can make them sexually confused and fuck with their brains if I really want to
>I really want to
>get excited
>I'm not bored anymore
That reminds me that I went to D'Oyly Carte's final Mad Night. They did three operas each season and closing night was "mad" -- the sets from one opera, the costumes from the second, and the libretto of the third. Dick Deadeye comes out dressed as one of the three little maids from school and says archly to the audience, "Aye, 'tis a queeeeer world!"
>has anal sex with a man
B..but I'm not gay anons I...I swear
I jerked off a guy in panties while my wife fucked him with a strap on and his wife rode my dick.