It looks like socialism does work after all

It looks like socialism does work after all.

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Its because they dont have niggers.

Norway isn't socialist you retard.

These are CIA counter memers. Don't be fooled

Haha exactly. They are a small, relatively homogeneous white country.


He means social-democrat, the objectively most successful form of government for quality of life.

while it's far from socialism, americunts consider Canada to be socialist because of the better healthcare system, so I guess they consider Norway socialist as well

Mfw nationalistic all white society :^)




Isn't happiness some ephemeral momentary feeling? How the fuck they can be happy ALL THE TIME just existing? Maybe it's satisfaction with life, not happiness. /thread


He should say that then because they are very different things.

Why don't capitalists believe in rewarding hard work?

Really makes you think.

Came into this thread to say exactly this.

He's almost certainly an American, as they're the only people who confuse the two.

The passengers on the Titanic were happy too....until.


Heard they have tons of sand niggers

What makes you think just because you are born you are entitled to any natural resources at all? Let alone work. It's called proving your worth the resources to provide for by having a job that reflects how much you contribute.

It makes me consider the inflation rate. The real one.

No, we still rule as the country that distributes the most anti-depressants per capita. Fuck off fake-danes.

no wonder when we are shielding them from invasion

our way of saying sorry for WW2

When you hear someone calling Norway "socialist"

Literally every country in Europe save for Lichtenstein is(though technically they arent a country they're a tax haven)
Tell that to the thousands of women raped every year and the hundreds dead or irreparably physically impaired for the the rest of their life
Love the propaganda though, bet the Normie's eat that shit up

you have a point, but considering no one really has a choice to be born or not, why the fuck we must prove something? we didn't decide to born, but if we are - than something surely should be granted


Too funny
Every European nation is a socialist country that has tacked on free-market capitalism because after a decade of socialism their entire economy fell apart and they needs something to keep it glued together.
Mixed market economies are a myth and European economic performances is living proof

The only issue with the northern european countries' supposed happiness is that it's arguably largely due to the immense amount of antidepressants, mood elevators, and other pharmaceuticals that the native populaces use, and even if that were a factor, people would rightfully question to what extent socialism had anything to do with their happiness.

That said, surveys done for these types of things rely solely on the honesty of those answering them. I trust them to be accurate representations of reality no more than I do similar studies done to determine how many partners people of either sex have had throughout their lifetimes.

And read some of it

You forgot alcohol

What makes you think you can deprive other people of natural resources and steal people's labour? You don't own the earth, or anyone that isn't yourself.

>this is what retarded americunts who probably voted for trump actually believe

>even if that were a factor
even if that weren't* a factor

> Norway
> socialist

Let me know when they nationalise fucking everything

>under socialism work is a universal duty
We have far too many dindus on welfare that will never fly here




Is this true?

Let me know when you read some Marx and Engels

Why did your mother not drown you at birth, waste of precious resources. I bet you like child labour is a great idea fuck face. You were born worth nothing and you'll die being worthless.

Or perhaps small, majority white societies work.



>IMO, it's still 1735 AD.

Must be underage to offer such a simplistic explanation.

These 'systems' don't exist in isolation and aren't something that can just be imposed top down.


it works especially well if you have oil to pay for everything


So someone who happens to be born into a rich family isn't entitled to any of that wealth correct? They didn't work for any of it.


Lol wat
I'm a Marxist you punk ass bitch

First step of being a socialist is disregarding all economic facts. Have you taken the first step?

Thanks for checking the methodology of this study for me user I haven't had time yet

Let good ol' Engels say something about State ownership:
>"But, the transformation — either into joint-stock companies and trusts, or into State-ownership — does not do away with the capitalistic nature of the productive forces. In the joint-stock companies and trusts, this is obvious. And the modern State, again, is only the organization that bourgeois society takes on in order to support the external conditions of the capitalist mode of production against the encroachments as well of the workers as of individual capitalists. The modern state, no matter what its form, is essentially a capitalist machine — the state of the capitalists, the ideal personification of the total national capital. The more it proceeds to the taking over of productive forces, the more does it actually become the national capitalist, the more citizens does it exploit. The workers remain wage-workers — proletarians."


basic human rights include life liberty and the pursuit of happiness/right to own property depending on whether you prefer the John Locke or the Jefferson definition

either way right to life implies not dying in the streets from starvation because of autocrats/the rich

antidepressants don't create happiness, they dull sadness. otherwise people with treated depression would be the happiest people on earth, when in fact they're usually still pretty meh. You'd just rather make up bullshit reasons than admit that you might be wrong.

Oh, right. I did forget that nordics on average get inebriated out of their minds on a regular basis. Thanks, user. Needless to say, these sorts of things are silly at best, and sinister propaganda to project a pleasant image to foreigners at worst. I don't trust any of these studies' findings one way or another whether or not I'd like to believe or disbelieve the results.

why doesnt it surprise me in the slightest, that the "reason" according to these fucking redneck neanderthals is "they're all whites".

Obsessed with race, every fucking time.


Read above the quote of Engels, my dear "Marxist"

thats Sweden, Norway isn't part of the EU so they don't have to deal with shit from Brussels.

> communism is socialism

>State ownership does not do away with capitalistic nature
>Capitalism: The private ownership and voluntary exchange of goods and services
w r o n g


>the only defense for capitalism is "muh niggers"


it would never work in the US

too many niggers and college-aged libs that refuse to work hard


If you have read the introduction to the Manifesto, you would know that communism and socialism were interchangeable terms. Still are, though, except if you think "socialism" is a whole different MoP as that bitch of Stalin said

They'd be happy to work if they got paid fairly (

Least intelligent post of the day.

All entities are inherently private, starting from first principles. Mind and body are privately owned, as are the products of mind and body. Peolple voluntarily trade the products of their mind's and body's (labor, product) for other resources (barter, wage). All voluntary exchanges are private.
Socialism is the violent and involuntary redistribution of resources with force. So yes, it necessitates forcing socialism onto everyone. You know, to steal their property for your gain.

Did Denmark become sadder or did Norway become happier?

Well, and the entirety of economic thought.


Automation is making hard work obsolete.

Whether you love capitalism or hate it doesn't really matter. Capitalism will become and unviable economic model as automation increases.

Capitalism is, as defined in Das Kapital, the generalized production of commodities. Your "definition" is for kids

>small country where everyone is white and carries their own weight has success with socialism

wow I am stunned, surely if it worked for this type of country it will also work for one that has massive populations of permanent welfare dependents that consistently multiply themselves and demand even more living money

Because race has a huge fucking deal with how peaceful places are. Are you actually fucking retarded? ISIS formed partly because of ethnic divides, all the genocides in the last 100 years have all been fueled by ethnic / racial divides. Put 3 million people of the same race together and they'll get along considerably better than 2 ethnic groups that have been fighting for centuries. Fucking autists "muh racism". Look at all the "happiest" or "wealthiest" places on Earth, none of them have really diverse populations..

This guy gets it

Capitalism = "voluntarily" choosing between slavery and death

Not violent or anything though!

>to steal their property for your gain.
This is the definition of an employer.

>literally impossible under capitalism
What do you think he meant by this?

No they don't.

Swedes don't get drunk that much because it costs an arm and a leg to go out and get drunk. I was there about a week ago and it cost me around $13usd for 2 tequila shots

It's us daned who are known as the alcholics of Scandinavia, not norway and sweden.

>Capitalism, defined by Karl Marx
So you're choosing a definition by a man who had absolutely no sense of economics rather than the rest of the world and actual economists? Classic Marxist.

>>All entities are inherently private
Except they aren't


If you've read marx's you'd know his teleological account of history and you'd know that socialism was considered a precursor to communism.

The manifesto was birdfood for semi-illiterate peasants

They have a strong capitalist backbone, they just distribute a slightly higher level of wealth and dedicate most of it to social services

Quick reminder Communism has killed more people in history than any other ideology

Lol. So you're choosing the definition of socialism of the stalinists, probably the people who more workers and communists have killed in the whole planet?

>carrying their own weight.

You've never been to Norway have you?

Norwegians are generally lazy fucks who sit around while swedes do all the work, and i say this as a dane and danes never have anything nice to say about the swedes.

You know which country uses by far the most antidepressants per capita? The US. By your logic, they should be the happiest country in the world. In reality, they are pretty close to the bottom.


Do you really not understand the difference between voluntary and involuntary actions?

I want to buy food. I need to get money. An employer offers me a position to work in exchange for wage. I take it, because I value the wage more than the time. He values me more than the wage. Voluntary exchange.

If your """argument""" is that employers, or anyone else for that matter, is somehow financially responsible for nature - becoming hungry, then why not apply it universally? Should an employer be responsible for an earthquake? Why not a volcano? Just because existence necessitates nourishment doesn't mean you can arbitrarily pick who will feed you. Learn philosophy.

> rape
> Norway
Lol, You've probably ment Sweden

If you ignore all the death's caused by capitalism's for-profit wars, for-profit healthcare, for-profit pharmaceutical industry, for-profit education system, and so on.

Show me where does he say such a thing. Actually, it was LENIN who said that, with no basis. Marx wrote about the lower phase and higher phase communism