Is this worth a watch or it is trash?

Is this worth a watch or it is trash?
is it quality?


Yeah its pretty good just for the John Smith parts and seeing how much better everything would be if the Nazis had won.

>that Germany in the final episode

pkd stories all have the same problem

interesting premise with boring characterless characters

6/10 show

Its alright. Some things make me cringe
>Hirohito Airport
>Greater "Nazi" Reich
And some of the other overall working of the nations/societies in the universe. But overall I enjoyed it.

Final episode was pretty cool.

The main protagonist plot is gud.
The nippon plot with the whore, the cuck and the beta is superboring.

It's ok. The problem is I didn't care about the main character or her husband at all. The Obergruppenfuhrer and the Jap guys were way more interesting.

Pretty much.
I actually thought the store owner guy was the most interesting white person in the Japanese plot. And maybe the mom who likes sumo.

I didn't care or really believe anything about the white chick. She saw a film and had to find shit out about it, despite living in pretty decent life and conforming to society.
No alternate history video on Youtube is going to make me quit my job and seek answers.

first episode is trash, i couldn't make it through it to the second so i never continued it.

It's ok. Starts off well enough but kinda falls on it's face towards the end.

I enjoyed it. Can't wait for season 2.

The book is one of PK Dick's weakest.

Have only seen pilot episode of TV series

Just read the book

I wanted more weeaboo man

This. The characters are so fuckin flat and boring. Made it a chore to watch. Besides Smith I couldn't really care about anyone.

Yeah, I wanted him to fuck that married chick.

is the germans gather up the jewish people

I want to see him inadvertantly fuck up Japanese plans when he is trying to honor the kendo or whatever

Was Hitler the man in the High Castle?

too bad the show has completely new, original characters

disrespect PKD again and see what happens


science fiction isn't character study

go read your teen novels

>That bulge
Whoever made that might not be as far from degeneracy as he'd like to believe.

i like pkd, ubik and three stigmata are good books

but his characters are fucking dog shit, nothing interesting about them at all.

You're just jealous of BAC (Big American Cock)

But user, that would be a BDC (Big Deutschland Cock).

I didn't say it was character study, cocksucker. At the very least I asked for slightly interesting characters and this show didn't deliver.

Did you miss the part where the German government is a corrupt shithole full of traitors? Or the part where JS has to kill his son because the Nazis are too lazy to figure out medicine.

>we will never get an adaption of "The Grasshopper Lies Heavy"

That was a blatantly more interesting setting imo, but only hinting at it was pretty much the point

Most science fiction doesn't have much character development

No wonder this show was shit. Doesn't translate well to the tv medium at all.