Speed kino

Speed kino

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honesty both look awesome

khryptonians also


Real speed kino coming thru.

j/k they're both gay (Quickslav too)

kino confirmed

My guess is that the yellow lightning happens when he runs and super high speeds (BVS).
I know Sup Forums is too cool for comics, but Rebirth is a great place to start if you want.

>My guess is that the yellow lightning happens when he runs and super high speeds (BVS).

Or maybe he won't have yellow lightning at all because lighning isn't yellow

Speedforce lightning is.

Speedforce is retarded though as an idea

those pages were literal kino

I teared up


Affleck's remark, "I'm real when it's useful," at first sight adheres to the postmodern solipsistic and relativistic modes. This is confirmed by Terrio when questioned about his research for Justice League, which included "red- and blueshifts in physics". However, on further inspection, Affleck's comment simultaneously reinspects Husserl's and Wittgenstein's "form of life". This invariably leads to a more pragmatic worldview, as Pierce declares "Consider the practical effects of the objects of your conception. Then, your conception of those effects is the whole of your conception of the object."
Affleck further confirms the pragmatic totality when approaching Miller and Momoa:
>"So you're fast."
>"You can talk to fish."
Reality as it operates in Snyder films, isn't subservient to language, they work in tandem. This leads as back to Eastern philosophy, the Hinduist Guru Mantra becomes another mythopoetical jigsaw piece in the totality of Justice League. As Brody succintly observed, "Even at his most pedestrian or bombastic, Snyder makes a far more engaging film than Christopher Nolan (an executive producer of “Batman v Superman”) ever did—because Nolan presumes to know and to show, whereas Snyder wants to see. Even his slender philosophical world seems like he’s discovering it, not delivering it."

It's the only way to explain why moving so fast doesn't kill him and everyone he interacts with.
Just look at Quicksilver's scenes in X-Men. He's moving people around in the fraction of a second, they would be broken all over, blood pressure would fuck up.
I'm such a Wally fag, but I love it.

is there a reason you're spamming this all the time?

Only true speed kino

You ever read that old arc where Wally lost his speed and when it first got restored, he moved with his protective aura only partially functional?

It was awesome and terrifying.

holy fuck who is that
No, but right now I'm reading Morrison's arc where he makes a suit out of the speedforce because he broke his legs.

He's from an Auralnauts video

That was kino

>still says he entered his dreams
>strong women rant


I think it was in Mike Baron's run back in the mid-90s. Wally and some S.T.A.R. labs guys recreate the accident that originally gave him his speed. He then attempts to run, and the next page just cuts to all the devastation and a news article written by Lois Lane describing how he created a temperature inversion, pulling down cold air from the upper atmosphere in his wake, spawning tornadoes and storms.

"One survivor at ground zero described it as like being in the hands of an angry god."


So, why is Batman okay with all the members of the Justice League?
The Flash is a kid with immense power that could turn against humanity if things go sour, Aquaman is an alcoholic king of an isolationist country and Wonder Woman turned her back on humanity once already. Plus they are all about as powerful as Superman.

In the comics and animated stuff Batman has always had a way of taking out every member of the Justice League if something happens with them. It took him years to find a way to kick the shit out of Superman, who says he isn't working on the others?

Yeah but in the comics Batman is halfway sane.