Dear Sup Forums

Dear Sup Forums,

It's us, Anonymous, once again. Except this time it's the leader speaking.

We are finished with your child pornography, gore, and cruel jokes that spread like a snakes bite and ruin the internet. Where have all of the internet's problems come from? Reddit? 9gag? No, no.
Tonight at 12:00am Pacific Time Sup Forums will officially come to an end.

"kek u cant do sh*t"

Not only do I have my hacking skills and team aside me, but I also have 9gag, the founding website of Anonymous, aside us.

You're probably all thinking


There is one thing you CAN do. Surrender. I want Moot and Heaven here, with the ID and everything, saying sorry, and banning all of things disgusting things from your website.

As of now, you have 3 and a half hours.

The clock is ticking, gentlemen.

We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

- The Leader

Alright, alright. You can have Heaven, he's a douche but you leave Mootykins alone!

... Elliot stop taking drugs...

Shut up nigger

my dubs command it

He has dubs so he must be right. Though trips or higher would be more convincing.

I had forgotten about this pasta

I'm with you bro. Don't dox me!

Nice digits, racist

If it were actually Anonymous doing this they wouldn't be posting this shit on /b, they'd do something that was actually threatening and real. kek u can't do sh*t