Every time I see a hot girls ass I say to myself how can anyone be gay alongside an ass like this!

Every time I see a hot girls ass I say to myself how can anyone be gay alongside an ass like this!

Then I come to Sup Forums
>see one of those trap/twink threads
>get confused
>penis somehow gets hard
>end up fapping to one of the femboys
>ask myself whats wrong with me

Help me Sup Forums ?

Other urls found in this thread:


Reality is different from the internet

So you're attracted to feminine characteristics, even when other parts of the body surprise you. Don't worry about it.

Depends on your reality

truth be told, i don't fancy being "attracted" to other parts of body. However, i just can't help it :/

I guess I am just doomed as a bi

i seriously thought that was a fucking girl, fapping and trolling fapping and scrolling and all of a sudde, looking for that vagina.... GOUCHHHHHHHH fuck me.. guess im gay.. hahaha

well... i guess welcome to the club

I'm bi. It's fine.

always seen this image on Sup Forums
whats the fxcking source?
> i love traps, but im not gay xD
