Serious question Sup Forumsros. Is monogamy and marriage worth staying with one partner for the rest of your life...

Serious question Sup Forumsros. Is monogamy and marriage worth staying with one partner for the rest of your life? Or is cheating inevitable? Is staying single and having sex with different women better?

No, because you will die alone and full of regrets just marry and have affairs like everybody else.

It depends on your viewpoint in life. If you want to be fulfilled with the primary values of having a girlfriend who loves you unconditionally, you begin to love her more each day until you can't wait until you get married as a means to show each year there mutual respect and vowing to her you will stay by her side. You grow old together, securing each other's lives by finding a good job for both of yourselves. A time after that and you already gathered a decent sum, you and your wife have been through ups and downs like in every marriage but this only brought you closer together. Finally, you decide to have children with the one you love the most and become a proud Father to your children.

I don't know about you OP, but fucking lots of women on the side won't provide you that longer satisfaction and love. If you're not convinced yet you'll find out the hard way
But why do you think people that never secured a healthy relationship, later in life feel extremely lonely? It's because they never found that girlfriend to commit to a lot of the time. Instead, they're old now and becoming increasingly desperate to find someone good for them but at that age they'll most likely only find the girls that were rejected or dumped a lot earlier. Even so if they find a girl, once they get to know them the girl may become disgusted by how many sexual partners they've been and dump them there or not want to engage in intimate relations while silently judging them

Well OP, you can take this with a grain of salt but that's just my opinion
TL;DR Staying single and having sex isn't so great if you look at the long run

You're saying having an affair is any better? How could you cheat on someone you truly love with some whore?

I agree wholeheartedly.

Love doesn't exist people just catch the best they can and content themselves with it, and as this whole situation is ugly and unpleasant people disguise it by pretending that they love each other and that love exists just to get a more pleasant mood in the relationship.

Ho lee fuk, good advice on Sup Forums, tho the best thing to do get you that rare unicorn who understands the difference between sex and love and who is bi.

That's what you think because you've never found anyone loyal enough who respects you
Perhaps that's good advice, I guess they have the 'best of both worlds' but again it's very subjective don't you think?

Nah, I want a straight girl who only digs me.

Depends on your partner, your personalities and both of your goals.

But if you mess up you're going to die anways so don't overthink it.

Do you want proof? Look around how many times the "lovers" venture out of their social classes and their statuses and you will see that I am right, look I am not saying that this is a bad thing, karma, justice, friendship, hope, patriotism are the convenient lies that make life in society possible if were not for that, would be impossible to live we would all kill ourselves.

be poly
be married and fuck other people
win fucking win

You're gonna have a lot of different opinions about this. I myself am married. Been with the same girl for 12 years now. Have cheated. Have had one night stands. Most recently had an affair with the hottest girl I've ever been with. My first real full blown affair. The girl actually made me question staying with my wife. Eventually she called it off because she didn't feel right being the other woman. Lasted only about three months. In the end I'll always Love my wife. Ppl might call me a scumbag but that's just how men are. At least half the ones I know. To answer your question you should look for the one you want to marry. I'd you don't stay 100% faithful it's no big deal. Just don't get caught.

Some people really do prefer monogamy. Staying single and having sex with whomever will let me doesn't even remotely fill the void that a committed relationship does for me. Although relationships are fucking hard and have a lot of drawbacks and bad times, I think I still prefer them over being a career bachelor.

Monogomy isn't for everyone, though, and I've definitely come to terms with that. Whichever you choose, just be honest and up front about it. It is [current year], there's always someone out there who shares your views about sex and relationships. Cheating fucking sucks, and only cuck faggots like getting cheated on.

Oh your wife knows. She knows you're a cheating faggot and she's planning when to file for divorce so she can leave you with nothing.

Nice said user.

>Ppl might call me a scumbag but that's just how men are.
Just remember that when you inwardly judge a fat person or a drug addict. You have the same problem they do.

Poly Guy checking in.

Im in numerous relationships and ethically. AMA

dude, fuck what everyone in this thread says. The divorce laws in this country are so fucked you'd be crazy to marry. Women will rape you for everything you're worth, mark my word. Why more men aren't sticking up for themselves is beyond me, probably because we've all been raised to be boi pussies by our mothers and teachers, but regardless, they will rape you for all you're worth. don't let thoughts of love and happiness and "fulfillment" hide this fact from you. divorce leaves a man bankrupt and destitute.

if women had to pay men a sum for the rest of their lives after the man remarried and went on with his life these laws would change overnight. Just think about it OP

i don't judge fat people or drug addicts. I feel bad cause fat people must always be hungry and that would be hell. drug addiction is real, their fault for not respecting it, but once they're hooked I pity them.

that being said I've been with 2 girls and often just want to sleep around for a bit before settling down. is that so wrong?

Go drown in some organic kale yogurt. It's funny to see people who aren't in a committed relationship say anything about a healthy love life. The others don't have enough testosterone to produce enough sperm to propagate a child.

Been with my girl 6 years now and haven't cheated yet. Doesn't mean I won't in the future. I'm pretty close to it now but it would be more oppurtunistic than anything.

Yesterday my girl wanted me to check her butthole for a hemorrhoid. If you think it's still fun to fuck after that level of comfortability; your dead ass wrong.

We should just be happy we chose eachother and share 98% of our lives together.

If a guy needs some strange to boost his ego or mix it up, you shouldn't see anything wrong with that. If you do, your letting emotions trump logic.

Eh, it is scummy, but that's just to me. Others might not think so, and that's fine. We all have the right to have our own viewpoints. To each his or her own. I just wouldn't ever cheat personally.

You've come to the wrong place for a serious discussion about marriage

Don't get me wrong. Your private life is none of my business. All I'm saying is that you don't get to bitch about other people's lack of discipline if you lack it yourself. Do whatever the fuck you want, I don't care. Just admit what it is.

Not everyone has affairs.

I meant that it is a common practice more common than people imagine.

Being with the same girl gets boring. Marriage is nothing more than an archaic ideology which has no place in today's society. Your relationship becomes repetitive and either you or your partner will meet someone, who can break that cycle. Whether you or your partner cheat is up to you.

I'm personally a free spirit who despises being held down and I cannot maintain a relationship for more than a year. Your mileage may vary

What a pussy this guy amirite

As I said marry and have affairs if you are like forty and still are single, people will start to think that there is something wrong with you this can even compromise your professional success.

You're right about it being an invented archaic idea. However, it's a pretty good one. Not everyone has to partake though. I'm just as interested in my wife, if not more than I was 10 years ago. I don't ever get tired of seeing her, especially naked. Not only that, but she's got a wonderful personality and we click really well. But maybe you and I are just different.

You know most people believe that cheating is really bad, right? Are they just exaggerating it? No, I don't think so. That's because I believe that cheating really is really really bad, and I feel so sorry for people that were cheated on and those who did it. It's not cool. Sure, you can joke about it and have fun with the idea, but if it ever happens to somebody with someone they actually cared for, it's devastating. Plus jealousy is another huge factor. I'm certainly the jealous type, and have a hard time dealing with just the thought of my girlfriend cheating on me.

Will only hurt if she finds out.

That's cruel man.

Why? She will never know, it is a ""crime"" without victims, no one will suffer.

Just get a girl who's into swinging and threesomes. Problem solved.

If you're marrying someone you don't want to exclusively be with for the rest of your life then you're marrying the wrong person for the wrong reasons.