This film is TREMENDOUSLY underrated, right?

This film is TREMENDOUSLY underrated, right?

>4 feet 6 inches
lmao fucking manlet

Best part was the aliens at the end.


Saw it once in the theater, hated it and have been pretty miffed about it ever since. No matter what he says in interviews, it felt more like an insult to Kubrick's legacy than a heartfelt tribute, seeing that Spielberg and his sensibilities are pretty much the opposite to what Kubrick was all about.

they were just robots desu

Wait what does Kubrick has to do with this film?

He was going to do it but then passed the baton

only part i remember

I remember my mom rented this when it came out and turned it off midway.
I was a little kid but I would always stay in the room when my mom rented and watched movies that were rated PG13 / R

This is the only one I remember her saying "I can't even finish this."

No it was too basic

Robot lives matter.

Common misconceptions and assumptions:

That the beings at the end are ayyylmaos (they are far future robots)

That Spielberg is responsible for some things in the story people didn't like and warped away from Kubrick (but were actually there in the first place)

Classic meme.

Hey Jane, how's the game?


did he die at the end

This was my dad's favourite movie. This and Das Boot, 2001, Terminator, and Alien were his favourite movies of all time.

Growing up I didn't realize how based he was.

Can we have a sequel for Jude Law

This movie always depresses me. Something about the inevitability of not just death but human extinction, and the blind futility of intelligence's struggle to survive.

Good setting, decent dialogue, great acting

This really, critically it has some minor shortcomings - but both emotionally and intelligently, it is legit profound. As a sci-fi Pinocchio existentialist fairy tale.

Around here, yes. But it gets fair recognition from a lot of people.

Who else was in the SupTV stream?

It was good up until the AYYs showed up

no matter what, we all gonna die. read "the last question", a short story of asimov that is on the subject.