Easiest way to an hero? Right now

Easiest way to an hero? Right now


Shot gun slug
Heroin over dose

CO2 bottle
Connect to regulator and breathing mask. Open bottle, breath, embrace death

that OP has a shotgun or can easily obtain heroin

Jump off a building with a long strong rope tied around your neck

why would you want to an hero?

Because this guy got double dubs and I can't

wtf what the rope for? if he jumps from a high building he doesnt need a rope

Bottom shelf shotguns are literally $300 or less at a goddamn Walmart. For the same cash you could easily get a shotgun or revolver at a pawn shop that would end your world in an instant. Theres no excuse OP. Withdraw the money, make the trip.

If you're too much of a pussy to pull a trigger you're going to get cold feet having to jump off a bridge or climb anything high.


he got triple dubs

That is TRIPLE DUBS!!!, not dub dubs. And you will never get those faggot


drown in bath

administer a sub-cutaneous electric shock such that fibrillation is induced

clean, quick, easy, suicide

the rope breaks your neck instantly making any pain below your neck non existent, it also makes you black out.

Does he live in Murica? He never said


that OP is a murican.

>you are implying again friend


Sometimes people survive. Its a slim chance, but it does happen. There are plenty of people who have survived jumping off of the Golden Gate Bridge or even a failed parachute skydiving. The rope would snap your neck and put you out instantly. Worst case scenario the shock of the rope paralyzes you and you strangle to death.

>implying he's an amerifat

Rope, noose it up, tie to tree/door/bedframe, noose yourself leaving small room for slack between you and your chosen substrate, sit down. Double check if this is the right path for you then lean forward until the rope is tight. Tie your hands together for better results.

Top kek

>Buy water pistol and black spray paint.
>Paint water pistol black.
> call 911 and say there is a crazy man running around in underwear threatening to kill everyone
> wait for police
> produce water pistol and point at cops
> suicide done

9/10 would bang