Kill me

I am dropping out from school for the third time in my life. I'm a 24 years old kissless hugless handholdless virgin with no positive attention from a girl ever in my life.

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Embrace your autism Finn.

high school? as for the other crap who even cares but yourself because people can't tell and it's all in your mind. learn zen buddhism and on with it

High school was the first school I dropped out from. I said I'm 24, not 16...

uni then. so what. it keeps happenings because it's in your own mind. i told you what to do, to stop giving a fuck and stop putting yourself down. because your own mind which was corrupted by past experiences is the cause of it all happening time after time.

Read the rules.
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

I don't care

Neither do I, but publicly announcing it will get you a ban.

You are not even a fucking late bloomer yet, you are just an outright normie pretending there is anything noteworthy about being 16 and virgin. I hope you get permabanned.

How can you drop out of uni? You just have to show up there once in a while and attend some course.
You should be proud, dropping out of school is a talent itself.

Dropping out is a sign of being above of what is being teached. It's mostly BS, the entire uni education is BS that is of no practical use. When you drop out you can start a billion dollar business

шap aх дүү, гэp иp.

Pls start raiding Europe again bro.

>mfw I just dropped my college

aww fuck.

what's the problem with dropping college? you're not obligated to do it like school

join the Army, maybe it's one thing you can't fuck up.


[spoiler]dont drop out of school[/spoiler]

Can you join the US army without a citizenship as a mercenary?

Probably not.
But you can join the French Foreign Legion, where you get to shoot kebab for real.

The French legion makes you serve with the kebab, sure. 90% of it is kebab trying to get French citizenship.


I think this man might have some answers, if you haven't listened to some of his talks yet.

no matter how bad things get, just remember, you can end it whenever you want

Sure, but you still get to shoot kebab after like 6 months training instead of years.

the problem is that now I don't have any perspective for my daily life. I don't even know what can I do in this moment.

Thanks to my finnish heritage i want to kill myself everyday

OP life is woth having, even if it's not what you want

And you can have some affect on your own life


Hur mycket är du Finsk?

Mamma var finsk

Hon drack ihjäl sig

Is it true that scandinavian people are depressed most of the time because they cannot see the light of the day?


bork bork

>wake up darkness
>go to work in cold darkness and have to deal with annoying people you dont really like 8 hours a day 5 times a week
>get home still dark

Life is shit

>the sun literally doesn't set in the summer
what did he mean by this

I don't know about all nordics.

But for some Finns proven certain genetics+probably the dark causes it

I think

What's the reason behind Finn depression?

I feel for you guys. The winter in Poland has just ended and I can imagine how dreadful it can be for 6 months.

If you mix bleach and ammonia in a container and take a HUGE whiff, you can be dead instantly.

I did it back in 08, I died in like 6 seconds.

Like a third of Finlands population lives in an area that gets as much sunlight in a year as southern france etc. and the rest get about as much as you

No shit constant darkness for most of the year causes depression. As a white nigger of Europe I'm considering working in Norway, but the issue with the polar night concerns me

HA! I've only dropped out twice and have both kissed a girl and held hands(7 years ago) and I'm also 24!

I'm less of a loser than you!

In winter = no sun

In summer = too much sun

Only for a few weeks in spring and autumn do you get that sweet spot.

This meme is only true if you live in the north, most of the populations of both of our countries do not.

And I also read about these graduation parties in Norway when teenagers get as drunk as Irish folks do. Don't know about swedes tho

Norsker liker ikke vinter,fordi det er noen lett. Blame google translate

We have "studenten" which is when we graduate high school. Standard procedure is to get very drunk.

Even in southern Finland(and corresponding area in Sweden, Stockholm included) you don't get much sunlight in winter nor much darkness in summer.

Is the OP still here?

imageboards are a distraction, you could've done well if you stayed off here a bit