Anyone else find his "making this weird face for every photo" ongoing gag hilarious?

This fucking guy cracks me up continuously for the past 20 years, I love him



>my mother is dying lol so quirky


he's ok desu

>my mother is dying

get a sense of humor brah

I bet you enjoy the films of Kevin Smith


Remember when he was the fat fuck that didn't say anything. Really funny fat fuck.

I'm never happier when he releases a new film and everyone hates it

Anyone else noticed it's usually fat and ugly people who do this? It's to cover up insecurity and an attempt to appear confident.

You must lead one sad pathetic life then, m8.

I can never get into his movies, except maybe Clerks. His podcasts are pretty fun though.

nice projection fatass
kevin is quite fit nowadays

Curious reaction. Feeling defensive maybe? you fucking whale

>gets called fatass
"N-N-NO U"

kek struck a nerve huh fatty

kek, kevin I know you're here. Fucking kill yourself already

you havent even accomplished 0,0000000000001 of what kevin has accomplished

>when you realise you can wear hockey shirts without actually playing hockey

Maybe he's a little insecure and doesn't like his photo taken. Stop being such a faggot, OP

Fuck off, Kevin.

I think that's just the fat beta fuck look de rigueur.

>hhuuuurrr duuur if you support an obviously successful individual anonymously you must be him!!!11
you fuck off, preteen

this is why friends don't let friends overdose on the bluepill

>not even once



Lloyd Kaufman does it well.

to be fair kevin smith is not smart enough to figure out how Sup Forums works

Smodcast is pretty funny, but his movies suck shit.

Clerks was alright. Bit on the edgy side and the b&w seems kind of pretentious, but quite funny, not bad at all for a first film.

Dogma was pretty good as well.