What were her last words Sup Forums?

What were her last words Sup Forums?

muh g-genetics

"diet coke please."

Tell... the waitress... I loved the food...

You gonna finish that?

But I'm healthy

"Just one more, I've earned it...


Oooooo the irony.

Ill Take everything on the menu Supersize the fries and a Diet Coke Plz.

Well good. Now that she's dead, her death can be an example to anyone who doesn't have shit for brains.



"Hey check it out, I learned how to unhinge my jaw like a cobra. Hand me that rotisserie chicken and watch this shit."

Death is being a bigot and fat shaming me, help!

One more won't kill me.

I'm soooooo hungry

Lol they'll just blame it on her bad genetics. I don't think they'll ever learn

Her last words were..

"I'm so fucking faaaaaaaaaaat"

"I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda."

Fat fucking bitch got what she deserved


this is fake news , no matter how much I want it to be true , it isnt
>also checked

peecha chakka no wookie boonowa tweepi solo? ho ho ho ho ho hooooooo

Wow. Good thing we have the Constitution to protect our rights to always be victims.

This is fake news. The story originated at a satire website.

I..I..can't believe it's not butter.........

Give me food or give me death!

underrated post

"D-down with the patriarch"

I'm hungry.

Jee panwa waffmula chone patogga che lickmoomoo.

Underrated post