How could this have been directed by the same guy who did Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, Cast Away, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
How could this have been directed by the same guy who did Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, Cast Away...
You're right, all those movies are awesome, but this is like Die Hard awesome. Kinda like George Miller giving us Mad Max and then stuff like Babe and Happy Feet.
I liked it up until he has sex with Grendel's mom. Would have preferred Beowulf to fight and kill her tbqh.
Too close to home, eh?
It was an experiment to push the medium forward.
Like Polar Express it didn't work, you can't win em all.
If this film had come out just 5 years later it could have been godly, instead it was an uncanny valley nightmare.
>Mfw Crispin Glover voiced Grendel.
So odd
Are you implying Beawulf is bad? I fucking love this movie. The fight with Grendel in the hall is legit amazing.
This movie is an underrated masterpiece.
The animation is killing what couldve been a fantasy classic. The third act is one of the ebst things in fantasy kino, the ending utterly depressing and dark.
How could this have been directed by the same guy who did Mad Max, Mad max 2 the road warrior , and The Witches of Eastwick?
There are moments in this movie that are not only clever but pretty unique.
For example when Beowulf is telling the story how he swam the race in the ocean and was distracted by the monsters. He was actually distracted by a beautiful mermaid, yet hes to proud to tell the true story.
There are tons of these moments of subtle characterization that get lost in the shitty animation.
It was a legitimately good interpretation of the Beowulf story, the CG killed it.
My only gripe was the human sized heart.
Someone needs to dub Grendel saying "I am your density!"
what the fuck are you talking about
babe is easily MIller's best work
Especially after the whole lawsuit thing
Mate, both Babe films and particularly that are phenomenal child-kino. Kill yourself.
Forrest Gump is garbage
>Babe and Happy Feet aren't kino
pleb get out
>be kissless virgin living in came
>normies have party nearby
>some chad beats you up when you go complain about the noise
>tears your masturbating arm clean off
>you hear him fucking your mom in the other room as you lay there dying
why was it animated again? live action would've been great. I thought it was good, especially the soundtrack, although I think it would've been better if it followed the original poem. I wasn't a fan of him fucking Grendel's mother and fathering the dragon.
Beowulf paved the way for the greatest film to grace the silver screen: Avatar.
how is forrest gump bad tho
You forgot:
>you have very sensitive eardrums and hear EVERYTHING AMPLIFIED TO THE NTH DEGREE
The CG was shit but everything else was great.
Too bad because the CG was a big part of it.
WFRR was an incredibly dark film.
Don't forget about this.