IT'S ANOTHER HOLOCAUST user here, get fucked

>its real

Guess what?


Just use Soulseek my dudes

>isn't or slsk
who cares

Jeez Whiz you guys what a bummer! What cool illegal pirating websites are we going to use now? Please state name and URL of these certain sites in this current thread space.


>hi I'm retarded and like low quality files

I've been downloading FLAC from slsk for awhile

Yeah it tells you the quality on the app not sure why youre intentionally downloading bad quality. I find most things in 320 or better my dude

Thing is, all those rare albums come from private trackers. If there's no PT you won't find them on slsk either and if everyone comes on slsk then slsk will go down as well.

>greetings, we are both retarded and likely own transcodes

literally what


What incentive would someone have to upload a transcode on slsk idiot

Mostly being too dumb to know any better and the fact that there's no quality control. Enjoy your tasty, tasty loss of data my friend.

seems like this was a total coincidence and RED was only down for 20 or so minutes cuz it's back up now

You should check your files. Soulseek is filled with transcodes. Most people download and don't check, which causes a lot of people to end up with them. Why someone would have them in the first place, no idea, but it's a real problem.

Just get spek and drop an audio file into it to test files you don't fully trust.
True 320kbps = cut off at 20kHz
True lossless = No cutoff

There's also no cutoff with 320 and v0 if they were encoded with a version of LAME after 3.99.

So you could check every single slsk file you download and have to grab the same album multiple times if it's a transcode, or you could just log into a private tracker and be done with it. Also I don't know why no one ever mentions collages. They're honestly the #1 reason I used WCD and the best way to find new music, better than rym/

>Just get spek and drop an audio file into it to test files you don't fully trust.

If you need to do that you're acknolwedging that you can't tell the difference, you're getting picky about something you cannot genuinely notice by yourself.

Audiophiles are an absolute failure on their very own "hobby"

RYM lists are way more useful than collages

How would you know to tell the difference in an album you've never heard before?

alright im a fucking idiot what the fuck is a transcode and why should i care if i have them

how would you be suspicious of files you havent heard yet you walnut


You do realize that 320 to lossless transcodes, while hard to actually hear, completely ruin the point of getting something that's lossless?

you'd have a right to be suspicious if you downloaded things from slsk whcih has a lot of trsanscodes. did you even read the thread or are you here to prove some half-baked point you never researched

tell me you fuck

wanna fuck

There seems to be a lot of misconceptions in the music community regarding the differences between 320kbps mp3 and FLAC format. It is true that 320kbps is technically as good as FLAC, but there are other reasons to get music in a lossless format.

Hearing the difference now isn’t the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is ‘lossy’. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA – it’s about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don’t want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.

I miss this pasta

best part about this pasta is it's so old the retards who browse Sup Forums now probably won't recognize it

just use spotify you cheap fucks

>just use this service that ensures you don't actually own anything that pays artists a pittance and has a playlist cap

I know you probably don't understand this since you only listen to Sup Forumscore, but Spotify's library size is pathetic. It's also objectively worse than pirating since most of your subscription isn't being directed towards the artists but instead the owners of Spotify. Please buy actual physical music or fuck off.

>I know you probably don't understand this since you only listen to Sup Forumscore, but Spotify's library size is pathetic

a spotify user just dared to call other people cheap hahahaha oh my lord. enjoy "having" your music before it disappears

he's right, stuff also often isn't tagged correctly. try finding something that isn't Sup Forums'a flavor of the month there

Alright big boy. Let's see what you listen to.

>before it disappears
you do know that subscription based music is the future for music right? It completely invalidates both digital purchasing AND torrenting. Way cheaper than the former, and way more practical than the latter (and its price is just perfect enough that the practicality of streaming edges out piracy being free)

You know what is actually disappearing though? fucking torrent sites, like look at what this thread is about.

Music piracy is dead

...that user's right though? If you look for anything even remotely obscure there's a good chance it won't be there. You probably only listen to Death Grips and Kendrick Lamar

can someone tell me what spotify accomplishes that a private tracker doesn't but better and for free

>a poo loo down
Oh noes. Where will pajeet shit now?


give me 5 artists you consider obscure and i'll look for them on spotify

It's "the future of music" for people who don't care about archival, quality, owning a collection, or anything terribly obscure. Torrenting is maybe an inconvenience for laymen, but not really anyone else, and you're an absolute ponce if you think it's going to go away. Subscription services are only going to make tottering irrelevant for people who wouldn't torrent in the first place.

this was not me

I actually feel bad for you now

Baring Teeth
A Gruesome Find

Off the top of my head:
Sewer Election
Hair Police

Let me know what you find

why did I laugh so hard

not him but
>Devon Circle Anacrhists' Organization
>Little Teeth
>Daddy's Hands

chosen at random

well, TIDAL exists, and i guarantee streaming services that focus on quality AND price are coming. Just give it time. Owning a collection is absolutely pointless and frankly I just see it as people trying to show off through their musical taste, and for those people vinyl exists (streaming service + vinyl collecting is a very popular combo, why do you think vinyl's on the rise?), and vinyls way more tangible and appealing than digital files, and the artist/label actually gets some money this way too.
>Subscription services are only going to make tottering irrelevant for people who wouldn't torrent in the first place.
Absolutely false, I used to torrent everything I listened to and since I started using Spotify I don't remember the last time a downloaded an album. And trust me, that's no just me either. Many people are giving up piracy for streaming because it's just that good of an offer. Before the age of streaming almost everyone i knew used some form of piracy (even "normies" used youtube downloaders) for 100% of their music, now everyone I know either uses Spotify or Apple Music. Im not saying music piracy is already dead or anything, but just look at its current state, it's definitely decreasing.

Häx Cel
Flowers From The Man Who Shot Your Cousin
Patty: The Revival,
Thee Kvlt Ov (((Ouroboros

we get it, you and your friends only listen to mucore. thats fine and all but others have a lot of different things to listen to

>Baring Teeth
both of their LPs are on Spotify, their EPs aren't
>A Gruesome Find
All three of their LPs are on there, their 2002 demo is not

not on there
>Sewer Election
Vidöppna Sår is on there
not on there
>Hair Police
has three albums on there

>Devon Circle Anacrhists' Organization
2 albums on Spotify
>Little Teeth
1 album
>Daddy's Hands
1 album

again, that's not actually me

>even "normies" used YouTube downloaders

That's irrelevant. I understand that the current mainstream is gravitating towards a subscription-based streaming model, but again, that has absolutely nothing to do with the torrenting community. I'm glad that you can somehow find all your music via steaming, but many serious listeners cannot. The reasons why torrenting appeal to them will not be covered by streaming now or ever. Torrenting has always been niche, it will never go away, and you are yet again a ponce for thinking that's going to change.

call me when a private tracker has anything from pacific 231 that isn't tropical songs gold or that french noise faggot who stole their name

it's obviously a meme pic you absolute reddit

>The reasons why torrenting appeal to them will not be covered by streaming now or ever.
I think it will be in the future, we're really in the early years of streaming. Just like Tidal came out as a streaming services that focuses more on music quality and on giving money to artists (previously this was also "not covered" before), Im sure streaming services for niche music fans are bound to come out, streaming services with really obscure music.

really kekked @ ur pic thanks

Special Others
Sold Out Cyclone
sleepstalker (no, not Sleepstalkers)
Shadow of the Beats (no, not Shadow of the Beat)

all starting with the letter s to drive the point home further

Not if you get them from me.

uh just having obscure artists isn't going to cover the reasons why people torrent

I looked these up myself and not a single one is on Spotify. Funny how that user stopped replying after these posts hmmmm?!

Apollo was failed from the start. They let people in left and right, acting like they had to because there were what cd refugees. PTH/redacted actually treated membership like WCD did. Only place to trust really.

>tfw the ease of digital piracy i had when i was in high school 8 years ago is slowly disappearing

Are you a member? Can you tell me how many torrents APL has currently? RED is about to break 1 mil

let's break this down

>RED almost has a million torrents
>let's assume half of those are all different albums since some are the same album with a different bitrate and others are applications/comics
>let's also assume that an album has 12 tracks on average
>that's 6 million songs
>Spotify has 30 million
>at the current rate it's going, RED will have more songs than Spotify after a year
>although it's more likely that the rate will only increase from here

rly makes u think

>well don't get me started

every time

Love that Anime desu.

heh heh sounds like your transphobic


every time

I told you faggots the internet was on its way to being totally policed. Don't delete anything !!!

Spotify's metal selection is pretty fucking solid

(You) are going to get a lot of hate but you are speaking the truth on three important things
>you don't own anything off spotify
>library size and library selections are biased
>you are not paying the artists, you pay the middle-man

I wish this would happen to

How do you guys feel about downloading flac and converting it to 320's?

There's literally nothing wrong with that and the point of keeping FLAC should be for archival and conversion anyway

And nothing of value was lost...
Why don't you join Redacted instead?

>using to download files
I bet your taste is entry-level as fuck.


APL has around 600'000 torrents and decreasing.

Yes. This is what I do because I don't need that shit taking all my disk space.

Classical too, but is tagged like dog shit.


audio quality is roughly the same yet size is drastically smaller.

>get spek
Or just use accuraterip verification in foobar.