I just don't fucking get it. I don't really give a shit about politics, or SJWs, or any of this shit to be honest

I just don't fucking get it. I don't really give a shit about politics, or SJWs, or any of this shit to be honest.

But how are people actually slamming Jon for this? Is logic actually dead? Is emotional over reaction the new norm?

I'm not racist, and I'm certainly not edgy, but everything he said was valid. Could he have prepared or delivered it better? Yeh maybe, but his points were sound.

I'm even hearing other people I respect greatly side against what he said. They're afraid to be honest in the face of offence. He's obviously not a racist or even hateful guy, anyone who knows his content knows this. He just made some valid points that didn't fit into everyone's fairytale view of the world.

Tl;Dr Does JonTron deserve the hate?

seriously kill yourself

Jon Tron is pretty fucking dumb tbh.

Realized he barely has a highschool understanding of history.

He said Irish people weren't persecuted, because they're obviously white.

"That's a myth, there's no way Irish people were persecuted as if they weren't white."

Fucking retard. Doesn't even bother to have a basic understanding of the topic he's trying to talk about.

All memes aside, your post is actual autism.

Also forgive me for not bringing my desktop and monitor to bed, fucking phones are so casual.

I was referring more to his arguments about immigrants integrating which seems to be what upset most people.

Are you fucking retarded, those arguments are one and the same. He essentially said that cultures cannot intermingle

I think that you could at least partially be right. I live in a fairly sheltered area, but I'm not sure that people are thinking about things as much as they should.

I don't think everyone is stupid, but I do think that they aren't being given room or encouragement to think for themselves. If more people were less reactionary and had an increased awareness of their reactions as well as their thought process, they may have realized that Jon isn't such a bad guy after all.

Not really. The thing that people didn't like the most was his weird Madison Grant stance on race and society.

Also the fact that he didn't even understand why he wanted what he wanted.

"Why is it so important that white people should be the majority."

"Hahaha, come on dude. Why wouldn't you want to be the majority."

He's a fucking idiot who rides whatever political wave is most convenient for him. He has zero political or historical insight.

I still love his content and him, I'm more made that he can't explain his views. He sounded like an autistic 4th grader who can't spit out their thoughts.

how is he not racist? he literally said racist things. you're probably racist yourself.

Actually I just remembered that he said something about race mixing being a bad thing so I'm not sure about him being not such a bad guy.

However, I think that he can learn, just like anyone else. And I also think that he needs to be properly motivated to learn instead of being shunned for not knowing in the first place.

>.t nigger

I don't think he's racist, I just think he's super dumb.

He legit couldn't explain any of his points.

He used to be a fan of Ron Paul, then Obama, then Sanders, now Trump. His next political hero will be Elizabeth Warren.

He has no political ideals to guide him. He's constantly in a school of mongs.

Yes, exactly, this is what I'm talking about. Instead of fans leaving him they could reach out to him and offer an alternative perspective on the issue of debate. However, few people are able to explain different veiwpoints to people who might be stuck up about them.

That's interesting too. I guess maybe he isn't so innocent after all.

you fucking wannabe Sup Forumstards who talk about youtube and other social media shit like some fucking girly fanboys are disgusting.
five years ago the only right thing to do as a Sup Forumsrother was to stay away from this shit. now you fuckers are are part of this shit and you bring it here
we snorted all kinds of shit but you faggots are addicted to your smartphones. fuck you.

JonTron is pretty autistic. He refused to do a Q&A on that sub because he didn't want to converse with them, he's also very stubborn.

When he was "debating" Destiny he refused to listen to any points and instead retort with retardation.

I don't think he's a terrible person, he's just terribly uneducated.

I can't stand people who try to talk politics with zero insight into what the topic is.

He said multiple times that he doesn't know about history or the politics but... He sounds like a chick talking about sports just so she can sound like "one of the guys."

He should buy a general history book ASAP and learn more about the world other than shitty video games or movies.

I don't know how involved in politics you are but shit has been getting very volatile especially after Trump has won. Everyone who dares even show a slight bit of agreeing with anything that can be construed as right wing is considered racist, bigoted, homophobic, islamophobic, or literally Hitler. Pewdiepie got labeled a nazi by the media and now JonTron is being labeled a nazi for saying things are getting out of hand. Even people like Ethan of H3H3 are saying people need to chill. I hope JonTron ends up feeling he no longer needs to talk about politics soon. Political discourse is a skill that he lacks. He's not good at articulating his points and defending them (especially in a debate format). The hysteria of the modern left may have temporarily pushed him a bit to the right but JonTron is a Bernie Sanders leftists at heart.

Yo this isn't Sup Forums anymore it's reddit

That's the kind of userbase that this site is made up of. The only reason I can guess as to why everything is still so edgy here is because all of us reddtards are trying to assimilate.

>you faggots are addicted to your smartphones.
Fuck off grandpa

I just don't feel like he's inciting hate to any degree. Maybe he has some warped virtues and outlooks but he isn't hateful. I just don't see the need to hate a guy with his demeanor for a controversial viewpoint. I don't think he wishes bad things onto anybody, he's just a bit misguided. People can mean well and be caring while being manipulated and misguided. I just like everyone jumped on a bandwagon of hate towards him, just seemed silly to me. Maybe I am a fool as others in this thread have suggested, fuck if I know. OP btw.

Pretty much. The best board for random stuff is /gif/ actually has good YLYL threads.

This is the same guy would couldn't fucking articulate why Ocarina was a better game than Link to the past. This guy has no opinion of his own and rely on others to spoon feed him ideas. but because he parroted some redpill shit, a bunch of retards think he's some champion of free speech.

He's simply too fat to be likeable.

Why is Ocarina better than Link to the Past?

Where the fuck you faggots like you come from? I have a single social media account and use YouTube primarily for learning purposes for my business. Yeh occasionally I enjoy watching a funny dude play some games I grew up playing and cracking some jokes. I did all that stupid shit as a kid growing up as well you fucking sperg. Drop the wannabe macho man "back in my day" bullshit and grow up. You're the insufferable kind of faggot nobody wants around, and you blame the world for be soft when it's you who's fucked.


Holy fuck. Quit being an old angry nigger. You literally sound like a grandpa sitting on his porch yelling about "those dern kids". But instead you're probably a fat Autismo Grand Dragon who jakcs it to loli and shota whike gripping your waifu pillow with a kung fu grip laugjing avout what a fucking nerd everyone besides you is for not knowing the latest meme.

And what the fuck do you mean Sup Forumsrother? That just shows your level of social retardation that you've taken a cult mindset to fucking Sup Forums. Let me reiterate, /FUCKING Sup Forums/.

People are moving on Grandpa. Get over it or let your heart palpatations take you. Cuz you obviously aren't gonna be progressing forward in social life like the rest of us.

>addicted to your smart phones
>addicted to your combination music/video player, web browser, map, camera, phone, calculator, shitty gaming system.

Jesus Christ, man. I'm 32 and even I can see why these kids are loving their Cinnamon Toast Galaxy S7.

No, not really. But Jon himself did admit that he wasn't as prepared as he should have been, and he kind of fucked up

I can't be the only one who thinks this game is absolute garbage


Yes I agree that he's misguided. But I also would like to point out the reason for 'the left' lashing out at him. It's because they're afraid. They envision him acting as a conduit for validation of the ideas held by other people with ideals/morals that do not align with their own (aka the alt right).

Now I'm not saying that he's purposely acting as a supporter of alt right veiwpoints (because I think he's just doing it to go with current trends), but I am saying that people who hear of him saying all of these things feel support from him.

Not that user but it's obviously because it has one additional dimension to it's graphics and we all know how much youtubers and OP love that. Why have two Ds all up in your face when you can have 3 Ds?

A loud annoying video game playing youtuber talking politics and he doesn't deserve hate?

>Political discourse is a skill that he lacks. He's not good at articulating his points and defending them (especially in a debate format).
Truer words have never been spoken.

Hey dickweed. This is the random board. Meaning people can talk about whatever the fuck they want. Slamming your caps lock key and screaming like a baby back bitch is like walking out in public, finding groups of people talking, listening in on their conversations, and screaming "WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT (INSERT CONVO TOPIC HERE)" Obviously the people talking about it do. Stop being a fucking nigger.


that timestamp tho

If people you respect take offense at his remarks, perhaps you should consider his remarks as being offensive.

ps: They are. And you'd apparently rather side with a racist YT personality than people you respect. You should look at your own feelings on this topic. You, and he, are on the wrong side of history.

>Irianian man who thinks he's white has hot take on the internet.


Sorry Delores, we'll talk about your SOAPS

Does a random fuck who doesn't have any influence on the lives of more people then can be reasonably counted deserve all kinds of hate at him because he has an opinion? Doubt it but who cares, gonna happen anyway since he shoved his face on "social media". Only has himself to blame.

Didn't side with him, see . Just feel like usual as of recently people are bandwagoning hate just because others may have differences of opinion, instead of opening dialogue and continuing the discussion to perhaps bring people like him to a more neutral ground.

OP Jon is literally a retard when it comes to politics and he only has ANY support with people who want to be edgy and spend too much time on Sup Forums or /the_donald. He's retarded. He's always been retarded.

At least he's sometimes funny, but he should stick to that.

Good thing you are reading that shit in incognito user

I just wish he would actually make videos more than once a year.

>Seriously he never uploads anymore.