Why isnt this show on the top tier list ever?

Why isnt this show on the top tier list ever?

40% of the episodes are unwatchable

>being this pleb

go watch Henry Danger, underage faggot

It's the greatest show of all time. What are you talking about?

Because it's overrated "lol so quirky xDD" crap that is 90% filler.

insanely inconsistent in quality and turns into a shitfest once the killer is revealed.

it becomes shit after 2x09

It's stature is basically a given.

And there's idiots who conflate the entirety of James tremendously shitty sideplot in season 2 with the rest of the show.

it is on the top list of the patricians.

because it hasn't aged well. it was an innovative show but modern audiences find it dated and, well, rather boring most of the time. it's a charming show and the spooky bits are done well, but in no way is it one of the greats. the narrative is just too weak after Laura's killer is revealed and even that is sometimes a slog with too many obvious red herrings.

>James tremendously shitty sideplot in season 2 with the rest of the show.

The bulk of the show is retarded subplots.

It peaked in the first episode.

not just james, almost every characters sideplot in season 2 was godawful

nadine didn't need to exist

The only ones that were shitty are "James meets a cougar" and "Nadine has amnesia". The other stuff: including but not limited to: the flower faggot, food critic, and evil orphan, and that endangered raccoon, was comfy tier.

lol kys

corny ass nigga

Bu then it peaked again in the last episode

Don't you have some Kstew feet pics to post, Krager?

because season 2 is the worst thing ever put on television

Two peaks in one show? Truly keeping to it's name

Post your top 5 episodes.

>1. Pilot
>2. Lonely Souls (S02E07)
>3. Beyond Life and Death (S02E22)
>4. The Last Evening (S01E08)
>5. Cooper's Dreams (S01E06)


Shelly is literal perfection

The 2nd season turned it into what it was trying to parody on the first one (the finale was great tho)


Madchen looks so different.
Sherilynn retained some of her original charm.
Laura got the face she deserved.

would still fug Audrey

Shelley still looks great
Audrey still looks decent
Donna melted

and what about the prom queen aka actual best girl

Her skin though. Fish person skin.

>1. Beyond Life and Death
In my mind, it's the most engaging episode of television ever.
>2. Miss Twin Peaks
I find it strange how some people consider everything previous to the finale trash. Miss Twin Peaks is like a darkly comic and perverse sitcom. I think it's the funniest episode. The log lady gag gets me every time. And the strange way some extra walks on screen holding a deer in a suggestive manner always makes me grin.
3. Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer
Classic Twin Peaks. The dancing in the diner, the dreams, rock throwing, all great moments . This episode is probably the most definitive document of what Twin Peaks was.
4. Lonely Souls (higher on first viewing)
The second half of this episode is near perfection. Never have I seen something so frightening.
5. The Last Evening
Great episode of television. All the plot threads come together and are left hanging in the best way. The greatest example of how to execute a season finale.

>"How's Annie?"

What did he mean by this?

He was a Michael Jackson fan

he meant that she was struck down
it was her doom

>I find it strange how some people consider everything previous to the finale trash.

I thought this too up until my 3rd rewatch. It really picks up with the "Josie turns into a drawer knob" episode.

I would say maybe an episode or two after that. Truman trying to act angry is never convincing no matter what rewatch.

I abandoned this show at the mid season 2 drop in quality a year back, I thought it was incredible up until then. This weekend I finally convinced myself to watch through to the end and holy shit those last few episodes were amazing

Favourite side plot?

Mine is the who gets to be lucy's babies dady sideplot

does everything with the Packards count as a subplot? I was quite invested in that. As was I with Nadine's draperunners and amnesia

I like it because of the slow pacing. Whole show was pretty comfy. Dialogue and jokes were pretty good too.

Also the abundance of waifus helps

Shelly is best girl.

It's defiantly in my top 3. I just love Twin Peaks the town Lynch really made it a character of it's own.

Shelly is a whore

It's like the worst parts of 90's style TV mixed with worst parts of pretentious andy whorhal style modern art. With fucking david lynch directing. How could it go right is the better question?

take that back.

I will fucking fight you. Audrey is best waifu and we all know it

Maddy/Donna/James love triangle

>implying "HAWK" hasn't banged the shit out of all of them


She got some blood/neurological disease like 15 years ago and it kind of fucked her up. Not as bad Boyle, though, thank god. She was literal perfection in 1991

Ideal RPG party?

nice timing on the thread. I just finished season 1 yesterday.

Overall it's kind of cheesy but what would you expect from a '90s core show

it does not have mass appeal like something like the sopranos or breaking bad and it is inconsistent.

it is in a lot of top tens though fyi lurk more

>not Confederate Ben Horne
you fucking pleb

Pure verse.

It would be the best show ever if Dekalog didn't exist

I'm not gunna say its all shit, but theres a reason that Lynch walked out after the first couple of episodes in season 2 and only returned for the finale. Laura's killing was meant to be a macguffin used to explore the different characters and relationships in the town. It would've been much better if you never found out the killer.

David only ended up directing and writing a fraction of the episodes. Hopefully he has more freedom with S3.

i would have been pissed if the killer was never revealed no matter how interesting the town became.

it would feel extremely lazy and boring really quick.

Truman - Paladin
Cooper - Red Mage
Hawk - Scout
Albert - Monk

>He watches shows to see the plot unravel

>he watches murder mysteries for the quirky characters and not for the world building AND ultimate resolution

>murder mysteries
Twin Peaks isn't a Murder Mystery
>world building AND ultimate resolution
Ahh, I see you read genre fiction. Please do not reply to me again.

you are dumb,pls never write anything.

actually no one would ever produce your work anyway so go ahead and try :^)

>Why isnt this show on the top tier list ever?

Uh cause it's terrible? I heard from 30 ppl that I had to watch it and stopped in the middle of ep3.

Plebs are overly focused on the superficial details like cherry pie and season one pretty much. The general viewing audience was at the time (and to some extent still is) unappreciative of the second season and the movie.

Finish the show already faggot, I know you're in this thread
Ben Horne is the killer

Didn't mean to reply

One eyed jack is where I jacks off