Just watched this and holy shit it was one of the most intense thing's I've ever seen

Just watched this and holy shit it was one of the most intense thing's I've ever seen
Any other similar movies to this?

The Faculty actually, which is pretty much The Thing: High School Edition.

don't fucking watch Dreamcatcher

Also try to avoid the 2012 remake

you'll never watch anything as good as The Thing again senpai

prequel, not a remake.

The Thing was a huge inspiration for The Hateful Eight. H8 is quite good, but nowhere close to The Thing.

The only thing I don't like about the movie is the climax/final encounter with the Thing felt very rushed. But I heard it's because they were overbudget/pressed for time.

I agree, Hateful Eight is a good recommendation.

>Any other similar movies to this?
but some come close.
H8 is not even close to being half as good as The Thing lol

Definitely. There were a lot of practical effects malfunctions and reshots that pushed the schedule a lot. I think it as all pretty worth it

>H8 is not even close to being half as good as The Thing lol
oh well, it's still a one location snow movie with Kurt Russell as one of the leads

Not as good, no. But it is pretty good, and it has a lot of the mistrust and tense elements.

true but still the best tarantino flick

One of the guys who worked on The Thing did some decent effects work on the Arnie Total Recall if that interests you.

Well you should try other Carpenter's movies, you won"t necessarily get the same thrill but you'll be pleased I assure you.

They Live, Assault and Escape from New York are good starters, and of course Halloween on a more serious film making vibe.

>all male cast

>dead of winter

>something terrible is picking them off one by one

>flops at the box office, gains a cult following years later.

If you haven't seen Akira yet, I'd say give that a watch.

Also, if you like that kind of horror you must try early Cronenberg, starting with The Fly and Scanners

it seriously stands and falls with the willingness of accepting that cannibalism gives you superpowers because reasons.

To me that was one of the strengths of the film. You get a brief explanation of the Wendigo myth by an unreliable character whose an inversion the magical indian trope, and for the rest of the film its left unclear as to exactly how or to what extent cannibalism really makes you superhuman. Nothing is scarier than the unknown.

So who was The Thing at the end? Mac or Childs?

Makes sense

I decided to give this a watch. I'm about 40 minutes in, and I'm enjoying it more than I thought. Thanks for the recommendation user!


Neither. If Childs was a Thing, he could've easily killed Mac 'cause he had a flamethrower.

We've been following Mac the whole time, and the way he was acting before he saw Childs made him seem beaten down and exhausted like a human would be.

I think the point was that they were both human, but neither one trusted each other and agreed it was probably for the best that they die in the snow

the faculty is closer to invasion of the body snatchers and it's a comedy but yes it's great.