I just lost my virginity at the age of 27 like an autist. Ask me anything fellow desperate nerds :)

I just lost my virginity at the age of 27 like an autist. Ask me anything fellow desperate nerds :)

did you creampie him



Why wait so long user

No, pretty sure he got creampied

Did you cry?

how much did you pay?

Sorry got distracted. I actually did cream pie her cuz I fucked up pulling out because she was on top. She's allergic to latex so she brought her own condoms and they didn't fit... She's on birth control so wasn't too mad but yeah rofl.

I met her on tinder, chubby but cute and has a lot of the same anxiety issues I have. We hit it off right away, wish I had tried the internet dating thing sooner

No but tbh I was shaking a bit like a little bitch haha. I have super bad anxiety issues. She kinda took charge once she realized I was pussyfooting around and not making the move.

Just anxiety issues, I'm pretty social otherwise, in a nerdy way at least have a lot of friends, I go out to the bars and concerts on occasion. I'm just really bad at talking to strangers. No idea why I waited this long to try tinder/internet dating in general, definitely kicking myself.

Hope you get more comfortable to make the first move, woman like that.

She's bi and I'm definitely kind of effeminite, so maybe that kind of helped rofl. Don't think she minded all the snuggling and shit first but she was definitely chomping at the bit when she realized I wasn't progressing shit. Yeah will definitely try to in the future though, think I'm gonna keep seeing this girl for awhile though she's pretty cool and understanding of my issues.

I lost my virginity when I was 15, but I'm 26 now and haven't had sex in seven years. Who is a bigger loser, you or me?
(its me)

Just put yourself out there user, I actually realized what a dumb cage of anxiety I built for myself while tripping on LSD hahaha. Realized I had most of the shit in my life in order, I'm not ugly, have a good job, my own place, etc etc. Just put myself out there and got results within like 2 weeks.

I know how you feel :(

Deffffinitely tinder or other internet dating if you're a social retard like me with new people. I liked tinder because it was super easy to filter for girls with similar interests who would be in my league. Only hard part is growing the balls to msg them after you match, this girl actually messaged me first so I got pretty lucky lol. I chatted with a bunch of others too but I really hit it off with this girl so I'm done with that grind for awhile.

so wat ur saying is ur still a faggot

The problem with your advice is this:

My life is a proper fucking train wreck, I am ugly, I basically don't have a job most of the time, I have my own place but at this point it's too fucking filthy for me to ever clean enough to have people over, I've had such severe depression and social anxiety my entire life, that I've only ever had one friend, and he's a gigantic douche, my self-esteem has been so low my entire life that I don't even feel like I'm the same species as the people around me even though most people are retarded these days, etc...

I appreciate the advice kind user, but I'm just too far gone. I honestly don't want to make it to my 27th birthday, and I probably won't. I'm glad things are going well for you though!

yeah pretty much. But at least I got my dick wet and staved off some loneliness. Have fun being an internet badass :)

at least clean up your place man.
ofc you feel like shit if your flat looks like shit.

Hate to hear that shit man, I've gone through periods where I let everything in my life go I totally get it. Just remember that the oceans huge and there's other desperate fuckups like you haha. Just take a couple months to get your shit together, I know its super hard when you're depressed I have the same issues. Can't tell yourself all that negative shit or the mountain (which is probably just a molehill) will seem even harder to climb. Also don't off yourself, you only get one hand to play, maybe you'll hit a sick river or at least find someone to be miserable with together.

Op here, also this. Your environment definitely affects your mood. Throw some money at a cleaning service initially if you have to then try to maintain it after.

Opee how did pussy feel like after 27 years?

Pretty fucking good haha. She's almost 7 years younger than me which made me feel a lil like a dirty old man but I look super young and was inexperienced so I decided to just go for it.

There's just nothing good in my life, at all. I never enjoy anything anymore, even things I've loved my whole life. I'm always exhausted but I can never get any sleep, and even when I do, I don't feel rested. My mind is in so much of a fog that every time a drive anywhere I feel like I'm driving drunk, and it gives me a panic attack. My stomach is ALWAYS either nauseous or deeply in pain 24 hours a day. I get migraines two to three times a week, some that last for days even. My memory is completely shot these days, I can't even remember the things that I need to do for more that two minutes, and once theyre forgotten, theyre gone for good. I feel so weak that even walking is physically and mentally exhausting sometimes. I want more than anything else in the world to make friends and find someone to be with, but I've never met anyone who didn't give me extreme anxiety. to the point where i can't even form coherent sentences so i come off sounding retarded. I have no prospects, no education past highschool, no trade skills, no idea where my first step would even be in trying to fix this trainwreck of a life. I'm just so tired that the thought of nonexistence is better than any sort of afterlife. I just want to disappear. I wish I was never born.

I really wish there was some advice I could receive that would set me on the right path, but like I said, I'm just too far gone...

Also, sorry for trying to hijack your thread OP. It wasn't intentional, I swear!

I have sever anxiety, depression, asthma, potentially COPD due to chronic bronchitis, etc. Health issues suck man but you just make em worse by holing yourself up rather than dealing with em. Anyways its your life and I can't live it for you. Try to fix one thing at a time though, shits overwhelming if you take it all on at once. I guarantee as you fix things your mindfog (which is probably largely due to your anxiety, Ive suffered similar) will ease a bit. Meds suck but it might be worth trying them too if its that bad. I mostly self medicate with weed and alcohol but I'm trying to fix that shit.

So she is 19 - 20? It is legal in USA to have sex in that age?

Eurofag here.

How fat?

I lost my vrginity at 22 like an autist and I think it would have been nice to have had sex earlier but I don't think it would have changed me fundamentally in any way.

Start by leaving the house more, go for walks, work up the courage to call a doctor and start addressing health issues. You can seriously do it, I know its cliche but positive thinking is really the first step, take things incrementally. Anyways its 5am and I have work in the morning, my bad insomnia (another one of my health issues) is fucking me and I should really walk away from the screen. This is op abandoning thread, gl brahs

go see a shrink

I've self medicated with weed and booze too, but they stopped working. Just makes me feel worse now. I've been to a psych, and have a prescription for prozac, but I already experience all of the side effects of it without even taking it, so i haven't... I guess I'm just scared. Well that, and I just don't see how a pill will magically make me able to make friends, or have the will to live, or fix any of my other health problems. I know I should just man up and take the shit, but I already know for a fact that if they don't work, that's it for me. I'm scared of trying the last resort because if the last resort fails, every last shred of whatever it is thats keeping me going will disappear...

I feel like I need someone to take over my life and fix it for me, but I'd never let someone do that, and even if someone did, I'd just crash and burn the moment I took control again.

I just don't have what it take to be successful these days, and after these past five years, I don't see how I'll ever crawl out from this shit...

I'm going to stop now. I appreciate everyone who gave me the time to rant like a pussy, but talking about how fucked I am is just making me feel so much worse

Fuck I'm still here on my phone now lol. I'd seriously consider trying a low dose of mushrooms (probably not acid with your anxiety cuz it lasts so long, shit fucks with me if I'm not in the perfect mindset.). They'll help you think thru things from a different perspective, sounds to me like you're really locked into your negative ways of thinking. Also take your damn Prozac, it's not the last resort people commonly have to switch meds a bunch until they find what works for em.

I went to the shrink, but all he did was throw pills at me after talking to me for all of ten minutes. before that i went to a therapist, and she was so full of shit and basically all she did was spout out all that cliche bullshit that you always see quack doctors say on tv...

I've lost all faith in humanity. Maybe I just live in a shit hole, but I honestly can't remember a single person in my entire life who wasn't a scumbag, sleezeball, or just so fucking stupid that I actually get angry listening to them. And the problem is everyone else. It's me. I just wasn't meant to be here. There's nothing in this world for me, or if there is, I can't will myself to give enough of a fuck to do anything about it

thanks for sticking with me OP, but seriously get some sleep if you can. I actually did a small amount of shrooms about 8 years ago, and didn't get any of the effects I shouldve, even when my friend took the same amount and tripped balls. Not that it matters now because i have no idea how to find drugs these days...

Sounds like you want to be given up on because its easier and validates your own negative thinking. No one can help you if you don't want it, strangers on the internet or shrinks. I haven't had good luck with therapists either and I'm lucky to have good friends and family as a support group. Try opening up more to your friend or family if you have em. Odds are someone out there cares about you more than you realize. i agree most people suck, keep looking for a good shrink theyre out there somewhere.

No u

No friends, family is abusive so i cut them out years ago. And you're right, i do want to be given up on. I gave up on myself years ago. Honestly, and this isn't me trying to be edgy, but the thing i want most is to be able to give someone my life savings, and have them kill me quickly. If I knew of someone who offered such a service, well we wouldn't be talking.

Thanks again for listening OP, and for trying to help. At this point I sound like an attention whore, so I'm just gonna fuck off now. Your support really does mean a lot to me, it's the first i've gotten in years. Hope you continue to have fun as a non virgin, and have a good life. peace

Do you have a sore asshole?