Me and my girl wanna watch a movie

me and my girl wanna watch a movie
dubs decides which movie

that has to be the weirdest thing I've ever seen, and I've been here all summer.

go the fuck to bed idiot fuck off.

fuck you

there you fucking go piece of shit

Mortal Kombat

give movie name pls

Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

>Only dubs are OP
Get shrekt
(Rolling for Shrek)

Finding Dory

>Father's day (2011)
>A serbian film

Choose one

proof this is what I want you to watch

Boku no Pico

Home Alone

I already watched that, give something else pls.

Boyhood with spanish dubs

A Serbian Film


The people have spoken

>A Serbian Film
Perfect movies for a couple.

the lobster

Amadeus or Lensman

fucking kek
this means literaly "the talking pussy" in french.
Like, really literally.