Someone please tell me why the mods do nothing about loli? It is is illegal right?

Someone please tell me why the mods do nothing about loli? It is is illegal right?

Other urls found in this thread:

No you retard

It's just some drawings of stuff you cuck.

not in muricuck with that gay ass first amendment,a 4 year old getting raped is speech after all and therefore free but if you uk or worse ausfagg you will go to prison for being in those threads and expanding the images

But is it in the UK?

Well I think if its illegal in one country it should all be removed.


its illegal?

thats not how laws work bud the servers are subject to local jurisdiction,mudskimes would take all porn off the net

nothing wrong with it

Whats this suppose to mean?

let it into ur heart. :)

just dont keep it laying around on your compuuutoor for too long

not if in uk,looking will mean jail


its a fucking drawing. we can post that sand nigger mohammad on here & no one would give a shit. not real so not illegal


loli depicts 18+ year old midgets and aliens having sex in a fictional world

its pedos like you who seek to malign this artform by immediately seeing child rape and sex with minors


but the law does state that it is.

GTFO of my Sup Forums nothing should be illegal here..except FB/IG, "celebs", rate and get threads.

How does that make me a sick cunt i just think it shouldnt be on here

lol what a loser you can't make the same troll thread two days in a row OP

Newfag isnt even a pedo yet. kek. fuck off normie

I didnt post a thread of this yesterday "loser"

not in america. and we are the only country that matters anyway

Oh look, it's this thread again. Sage.

nice try ""loser""