I have tylenol PM, 15mg of oxy contin and some panafcort

i have tylenol PM, 15mg of oxy contin and some panafcort.

what do

no ones gonna fucking help me okay this is fine

okay i just crushed 1 of each and snorted it

i think i fucking swallowed a magnet

Wtf is this

idfk man

i love you op

i love me too

yeah i think i definitely swallowed a magnet

i really want a grilled cheese sandwich

i wonder what would happen if i snorted ibuprofen

i should try that one day

ears are fuckking weird

it's just ibuprofen lol do that with alcohol and u might die or not i dont know

like they are just the cartilage fucking things on the side of your head and like they feel really fucking weird like the bottom part is squishy and shit but like the top is haard

will do

my fucking toe hurts

hey op am i real

fix my toe user

are any of us real

i dont think so

i mean like what if were like fucking living in a simulation or some shit

am i in the simulation or are you in the simulation

fuck man i dont know

i think you're the simulated one


bkjdi noeko?

the fuck is that