There is so much porn.This is not even random any more.Same threads every day

There is so much porn.This is not even random any more.Same threads every day.


fuck off


Bumping to get rid of this cancer that is porn. For fucks sake there are other boards to spam porn in

Especially the fucking FB/insta threads where virgins fap to clothed pics of girls wtf have we devolved to???

it's been like this for a while

nonetheless, most threads are porn, and it kinda gets annoying after a while

Porn, YLYL, WWYD, REKT etc
Let's all leave this shithole once and for all.
The chink isn't going anywhere but I am.
Let's all lurk from now and watch the cancer spread.


Nope they're 11 to 22 yo who have fuck all do on here AND in real life!
Billies no mates pretty much
Also, nice filename.
Wannabe fagget!

But I like the porn

Yu dunn goofed fagget

True autistic qualities in this one.

Phewww easy on my feelz boy!

yeah but there are other boards dedicated to porn.

Sup Forums is for everything, but nowdays all I see is porn,rekt etc.Not so random after all.

you must be new to Sup Forums

i've been on and off this board for about 9 years now and it's always been flooded with porn, old memes and copypasta

Soylen Green, you're all good?

I'm pretty sure the FB fap threads, 'girls in your area', and 'pics you're not supposed to share' threads are dudes/bots collecting OC for their porn webrings/clickbait. literally idiots funding someone's retirement.

Sup Forums is/always was dead.

Your movie tastes are SHITE btw

been here since 2008
it was never this bad
im probably 100% desensitized to every porn imaginable but at this rate I'm actually complaining out loud 'oh another fucking porn thread, how original'

I think I've seen a single raid thread in the last month or so, casually browsing.

This ! You fucking idiots. They are harvesting data.

Just raid other threads on Sup Forums that your tired of seeing

It's about the diamonds in the rough.

Thanks for giving an unqualified, unasked personel opinion on the complete wrong subject.

It has fuck all to do with being "desensitized, old fag" (as if you were one anyway), it's just cancer at its finest Sup Forums is, was supposed to be random.
How the fuck is posting the same SHITE day in day out random?
You're obviously as much of and od cunt as my 2yo is.

oLd even

You sure got me there!

Did you have a concussion?
What are you even on about?

>How the fuck is posting the same SHITE day in day out random?

um, what. I'm complaining about the same thing you are.

The next time you have a concussion, do us a favor and go to sleep.


Noice sentence but quick lesson: "personal"
You're welcome.
Stop samefagging now, you're getting boring arsewipe!


Lurk on a SFW board then.

you missed the point idiot

Soylen Green faggot!
Where are you? :D

I love porn, but holy shit. There are other boards for a reason.

Heh. Nothing personnel kid

personel Sup Forumsro,

You are a God among fags, my good user


I am working on my conspiracy theories.

Check'd and.... "thank you"?

Still me and it was a compliment, meaning I'm basically gonna do that, even if it's what I mostly did before

Ty Sup Forumsro