Why do russians cover their license plate?

Why do russians cover their license plate?
Is this legal?

We're doing like that too. It's illegal but I don't know why they're hiding their plate.

redpill me on stopxam

Absolutely illegal. Mostly Churkas do something like this or people who used to breaking speed limits on the road. Well, definitely shady personas.

There are ЦOДД patroling cars who cap all license plates of those who park illegally
Only churkas and criminals do this and its pretty much illegal. You can get huge ticket for covering plate but ticket for retarded parking is bigger.

wow hivemind

thank you tovarishchi

I do it
what can you do for me losers?))))))

I can beat you up
t. FSB

Reported to the BЧК

you are just sad neet loser))))

I do it too ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))//)))))))))))))


because i can )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

they can't send fines to you

They could simply remove the paper?

Also why do these particular russian posters use this ))))))
I'm new here

it's russian version of :)

it's for automatic systems

well this only makes me twice as confused
but I guess different people do things differently

>Why do russians cover their license plate?
To avoid automatic fines for illegal parking and/or speeding.
>Is this legal?

because they have russian keyboards so the : is covered with ж, they would have to change the language otherwise ж)

>they would have to change the language

>covered with ж

Is it because Asians don't believe in plate because they use bowls?

because : is too far away

where did you learn it

russians told me
