How does everyone feel about this show? Are you going to watch it?
good goy
>"A true story on the verge of happening."
>sports drama
you might as well take your pilot money and toss it from a helicopter
>network drama
no thank you
Why do neckbeards always blame Jews for everything? Is it a jealousy thing?
>Television show
No thanks
They seem to be pushing the politically correct agenda quite hard but does that negate the show's credibility entirely?
>female pitchers
Do the people who write this stuff know nothing of anatomy?
>women caring about baseball
Good one.
Who is the audience for this?
women can basedball too you silly boys
Futurama did it better desu
>someone get footage of that okay episode
>Nobody ever wants to make a movie about the first black football player
Racist capitalizes on Robinson's popularity, hires negro, admits that it's just about the money.
Only one good show about Baseball
It's based on mone davis who was a girl pitcher who competed in the little league world series, the funny part is she already ga e up on baseball because she knows she was never going to be able to keep up with the boys soe she plays girls basketball now
no and the rest of the world wont either
>villain is a white dude
come on man at least make him cuban they are sexist as fuck
looks like the chick from the blurnsball ep of futurama
I had to see the clip to see it that quote was real.. it was
>literally fuck every girl who ever played a sport well before this black girl did.
lowest of fucking pandering
>literally about a woman in baseball who isn't good enough so she has one trick and leans on it
can't make this shit up
is that Pike from the 100?
he did nutthing wrong ;__;
Should've made her a scrappy second baseman like Altuve or Pedroia.
That was nice they condensed the entire series into that 3 minute trailer for me. What a lot of time I just saved.
The answer is no one gives a shit. There are plenty of other shows and movies they can watch instead without the forced SJW crap
Is she going to be a knuckleballer?